The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

tltfo glbbtrtisnneiits. DIED of'kederick d. afed 24 jwt at Louis ud Freder ick pane rs please copy. A.

M. vellvveBWRY AMTTIL SMjrB rormy of BnfUle. H. T. aged 2 years and 4 month.

HlnitruBy tnTtfdto Attend hla foneral ftom No CKOW Oa Sunday, tto 1Kb InU. 7 P. M. native of ALBIOH CBOVV' 49 LtuUvUle and 8t. paper, copy.

ItTOUfiW On Sunday, too, 15th fast, at clock P. MXTUJKIS, aged 38 yean, a native of Leukine, Ky. Atlanta, At.Ru.ta, and Louhryille, paper, pleaae copy. WSIWHTJ8BN On Bnndey, 1 I WKISHU8KN, a native rVusete, 1 ed 4 year Hla fiiend. and tho DeBuys and Ogden an respectfully invited 1 past 4 o'clock This Evening.

McKBNZIB On Sunday Lend on a native of Scotland, aged Mr. McKensie, though fated to stay with us but few short months, had. by hi. ion, aitorm urbanity, and undoubted honeaty of pur ondon, he had, with energy and judgment char xingo R8T AL until the Jackson Schools sba 1 opened. SgSfcaSSt MrtSpMfc.

Claudoatnet Detwen Bm 1 1 TpVu, "baYLy' THO BOH, aon of H. M. and Maria B. Thompson. ngd Richmond and Fredericksburg, and Col um gAXX On Monday.

September 16, 1887, at a and friends of the family, and also those of her grandfather. D. B. Godwin, are re apectiuily invited to attend her funeral, which irill take place from the family residence, No. 173 Annuutionstreet, on Tuesday Morning.

17th JOMtS On at quarter past 2 Her friends and acquaintances are respectfully ftom the resiecce of her brother, 155 Delord street, between Camp and Magaslna, on Tuesday, 17 th Norfol. and SuSolk. and Wilmfngton, N. papers pleas eopy. PIBABDBLLO Ou Sunday, the 15th of September, at thirty three minutes past 2 A.

M. Q. His funeral "will tike ptece Thi. Beninf, at 4 gclagkjrecly' theDeadChapel, MCNDKB On Monday, September 16, at half BfttandTabMe of IbM fc Co; K52 ai will pktaae leave the same at the Picayune JfOR BBKT FBOM 1ST OCTOBBR BBXT THK Lfugarfaal. SJEjggS ttal 3tTT Office 10 Bt.

Louis rtreet. ory ale ffgrip Tlrmc Ca.h'inC. 8. 'phis, Vieksburs, and all stesreV KILGOC MOCMA Monday, Sept 16 14 A. M.

COTTOH The market is without any apparent animation thie morning. There are several orders on hand which parties are anxious to fill, bnt as they are based on figures at least le. IK below the asking pnoefl, their execution is extemely doubtful, as holders show a decided tm willing ess to recede to the extent required. The offering, too, continue restricted, the greater portion of the stock being held subject to owners' instruc tions. It is hardly necessary to add that no sales have been reported.

Quotations are entirely nominal. Telegrams from New York, already at hand, report that market dull and steady at 234 24o, for Low Middling Uplands, 25c. for Middling Uplands, and 26c. for Middling Orleans. At present writing the Liverpool advices have not been received.

Sugar. A lot of 24 hhds. has been re This'l JottoMthewtth anotoer'of hdare ceived on Friday, and classing stristly fully fair, sold at 15 c. lb. There is very little Louisiana sutrar in market, and only a retail business is doing in consequence, at l.V! ky ft.

for fully fair. 18 for prime, 17 for yellow clarified, and 17 for white. The market for Cuba sugar is very firm, with a good demand lor the city trade at 12', 1 1 for Nos. 12 and 13 in boxes 13Mj 914 for Nos 14 and 15; 153154 for Nos. 16 and 18; and 15 16V4 for Nos.

19 and 20. ket, and very little, if any, is expected 1 November. The last sales reported 1 buyers are unwilling to pay the prices asked. The market is very firm 52c. gallon was the last price paid for large lots 55c.

is now 5 West The arrivals with five barges all from day, bnt there holding back, awaiting the liberal receipts sold a $12 and 500 do. at $12 50 bbl. principal sales are confined following order $13 25, and 50 at $13 grades of Louisiana on hand, while the stock descriptions is light. The demand is good, and we quote for inferior, lOc. for medium, and 12c.

light, but bbiDg demand. We quote Mackerel No. No. 2 $19, and No. 3 $13 5)1 10c.

Coin market is 'quiet. Gold opened offered! There very'bttiecash Gold Silver is in moderate request for American halves and 147 Uf47 1474 1 Foreign' Exchange is inactive. The offerings ef commercial sterling are light, while the No sales reported yet. Al bills are held 156S157VS and bank a 159 while Al ancs rule at 3.653 and bank at 3.609 554. Domestic is unchanged.

The banks jntinue to check at premium, commercial rules feeble at a the itter for unexceptionable bills. Stocks and Uncurreut Money are dull and lonT. given no pay Proprustor Orlaans Dalrv c. haISSS uineefcu.chgihg0et 23 Oarondelet street! SZsirtlancewTt it received and for sale by lBg and two in the kitchens. A so, two MONDAY'S AFTERNOON EDITION.

l)e ff netting Puagune NEW ORLEANS. MONDAY BTENING. SEPT. 16, 1H9T. ThU gentleman giat could scarcely touch land.

Though it hadn' quite dr owned him, the eleme at 1 WhlnaTffWdaridVhkm him. Banged up alongside and made him 1 1 step In. Stilt the weather', appalling, my glass is Mill fall I've got the grub all ia come cruising with me. There were 80 deaths reported to the Board of Health for the twelve hours ending yesterday evening, at 6 o'clock; of these 50 were from yellow fever. MORTCRY.

The total number of interment reported to the Board of Health by the Sextons of the cemeteries during the week ending yesterday, was 580, of which number 358 died of yellow fever. These figures show an increase in total number of deaths from all causes over that of the preceding week of 115, and au increase from yellow fever of 109. The statistics still show that the mortality is much greater among the foreigners, or je0f though it has not failed to fatally attack some of our oldest citizens, and who have passed through numbers of epidemics. The figures also show that the mortality is still by far greater among the males than the females. Of the 520 that died from all causes last week, 357 were males.

It is also greater among the whites than the blacks, 457 of the deaths being whites. We will not attempt to conceal the fact that the epidemic is quite bad. Of course, it is nothing like the pestilence which swept this city in 1853, but it is bad enough. We know of no data from which to estimate the number of cases from the number of deaths, but are of opinion, from tfifl. At: be some regulation provided by law, if there is none, requiring all physicians to report the number of cases, as well as the number of deaths.

Such reports would be useful, giving a much better estimate of the extent and fatality of the disease, than the single report of deaths. In regard to the epidemic, we have the consolation that the disease has now not much longer to run. The Epidemic Asylum Death yellow fever made 1 St. Elizabeth's Destitution. a appearance in St.

Elizabeth's Asylum a few days ago, and al ready three of the sainted Sisterhood are numbered among the dead. All but two have been attacked, and some dozen or more from the orphans also. The two Sisters yet up and the few orphans old enouirh to be of any assistance are com pletely worn out from serving the sick, and unless there be speedy help from with out those sick must be in a great measure left unattended. Yesterday the priesta of the Fourth District, as we were informed, appealed earnestly to their congregrations in behalf of the asylum. Those ladies com petent to nurse are urged to come to the as in their power to alleviate the deplora ble condition of affairs.

It will be no news readers to be told that the afflicted Sisters and orphans are greatly in need of all such necessaries demanded by convalescents. Those who devote their lives to the temporal and eternal welfare of others, regardless of all distinctions, have irresistible claims upon the active benevolence of the community. And that benevolence should in this case, be it remembered, be prompt as well as active and unstinted. If any of our readers desire to leave contributions at our counting room, they will be taken charge of by one of the editors. s.

Asst. Sur and Col. infantry and a bat tery of artillery stationed at the VeBterdav there were 180 on the sick list of whom 35 were yellow fever patients 4 commanding the post, Capt. Spanglei Assistant Surgeon Koerpler, are all sick fever. The hospital together with a large number belonging he different yellow fever of "the Louisiana Belief Lodge No.

1. 17" The steamship Tioga, J. F. Morse, master, from Philadelphia the 7th arrived Sunday night with passengers and freight con signed to Messrs. Creevy, Nickersou dt Co.

Capt. Morse reports at 7 A. M. on the 17th inaL, 30 miles 8.E. of the bar, exchanged sig nala with British Fira Queen hence for Liverpool.

We subjoin the list ot Mrs Kuth Hand, Miss co*ckley and 17 A celebrated tenor ef our acquaintance is so excessively weak that he is unable to lift Brevet Maj. Gek. Charles Griffin. A telegram from Galveston yesterday announced most unexpectedly the death from yellow fever of Gen. Griffin, who had but recently succeeded to the command of this department.

He had lost but a few dayg before his only child, and seems immediately to have contracted the disease of which he died. From the favorable accounts received of his condition Saturday last, hopes were entertained by his friends that he would recover. The telegram containing the intelligence of his death was entirely unexpected. Gen. Griffin was born in Ohio, and appointed to West Point from that State.

He graduated in 1847, and entered the service as 2d Lieutenant in the 4th Artillery, and was during the war promoted to Captain of the 5th Artillery. He served in the Army of Northern Virginia as Maj. Gen. of Volunteers and commanded a division in Warren's Corps. After the war in 1805 he was made Colonel of the 35th Infantry, a new regiment, and on March 13th, same year, received the brevet rank of Major General in the regular army, being assigned to duty in this department under that rank by the President.

He was placed in command of the District of Texas by Gen. Sheridan. Gen. Griffin as a soldier stood high in the estimation of his brother officers, and was about 43 years of age. A Busy Body.

There are few things more interesting to those who love to investigate the mysteries and the beauties of nature, and to whom an insect is not a thing to be crushed, but an object from which some knowledge may be gleaned, some lesson of patience and endurance learned, than the curious skill and wonderful rapidity with which a spider weaves his web, sets his snare for the unwary and silly insects that he instinctively knows are sure to fall a prey to his superior wisdom. We wore not a little suprised this morning at seeing in the open window of a street car one of these indefatigable little toilers weaving his silken circular net with as much apparent unconcern as though he were at work in some lady's garden of roses," and had nothing to fear from rude or careless hands that in an instant might sweep the results of his matchless skill ut With what a wondrous judgment he silver thread that formed the meshes of his exquisite but deceptive prison house, round and round from the centre in gradually widening circles he flew until his task was finished. Faultlessly faultless in every minute particular, airy and light it swung there in the morning breeze, a work any artist might well be proud of, but which no art could ever hope to equal. Seemingly well pleased with his performance, he at last retired to the centre of his swaying home, coiled himself up and watched, with his tiny but gleaming and piercing eyes. Soon an unwary fly dashed plump into this almost invisible net work, and, struggle as he would, his wings and feet were hopelessly fettered.

Quick as thought his enemy was upon him, and the peculiarly shrill buzzing ot the captive's wings as he struggled furiously to escape told of the deadly strife. Sharp and short was the conflict, and then all was silent the vic bore his booty to his central position, and proceeded to devour him with the gusto of one who had not had his regular BBL We had been watching the manoeuvres of this artful little architect some time, we were aroused by a friend, who remarked that he thought such carrio. inexcusable in a street car we thought the Theatre. This successful place dRaymond. These gentlemen are first class their peculiar roles.

The Beckett sisters, Fnl Marie and beautiful Edith, also deserve special night there will be presented 1 Olympic the best programi Qcipal novelty being the new burlesque holding high insing and entertaining burlesqu it, by all Morse, of the steamship Tioga, Cap? Pennington, for The steamship Geo. Washington, Capt. man, from New York, arrived at her foot of Toulouse street, early Sunday Balize Telegraph. This line of tele Passes, the office nere being at No. 30 Caron 01 the rire Alarm teiegrapn, is superm as its editor, and by his experience and talents will be able to bring a knowledge and power to the discussion of the politics of the country which will essentially aid the elucidation of Dr.

Crosby, of New Haven, who invented he machine for making pins, has per fee te 1 ut touch of human hand, except in tempering Important Military Order. This order was issued by Gee. Mower as commander of the District ef Louisiana, bnt mand of the Fifth Military District, he 1 doubtless direct it to apply accordingly Headquarters, District op Louisiana It having come to the knowledge of the Brevet Major General Commanding that in nen for political or other purposes is citizens are often subjected to annoyance from ed persons posted as sentinels or videttes, hereby ordered that such practices, and tending to disorder and mand will medn posted as sentinels, author3 2d Lieut. 37th lufan try, A. A.

A b. Letter from Washington. 1 Levee Bands Legal Efleet ol the Amnesty Proc Washington, Sept. 11, 1867. theatrical season w.ll open at Wash National Theatre, near Willard Hotel.

The Caroline Kichiogs English Opera Troupe are engaged for two weeks, and are to give a seres of the best operas. Besides the re Abbot, aebnUnteTo1 the0 lyric ew to Washington bat said to be a an impartial pfeasure of heariugJher some titne during winter. Messrs. Spalding dt RaDlev. the proprietors of the National Theatre, have their arrangements have been made with excellent taste and judgment.

The house, filled will be by a brilliant a Capitol. A large quantity of furniture, carpets, chairs, sofas and settees of great variety, which have been in ass tar some time, and which she threw around Toodles's greenbacks. She bought leg at a high figure, John Quincy Adams expired. She also bought Representatives, 1 she declared would be exceedingly handy de expecting ivervthina brought good prices, and the Speakers' old chair sold for $36. Mrs.

Toodles Toodles's arose amount realized Every Saturday two oTencipaUhorough people buying furniture auction, and hauling of it away gives employment natty prowamsr, my iaat ieer the Radical organs, which declare Congress put tho pep The responsible, onlr authorized agent of Levee sign bonds. icals anA Conservatives in the interest, of the peo Kr this in the Register, of the 15th The La that we WnhiUT Yacht Ell regatta sports "dry up," The final wind up will take place on Tuesday next, 17th inst the boats starting from the Long Bridge precisely at 2 o'cleei. As the racers free for all entries, and the prizes very handsome, a foil a tendance of those nan ticall inclined is expected. Disappeared. The Mobile Register learns that the yellow fever has disappeared from Morgan.

There had been ao new the mouths of those Democratic members of Congress who would have defended them: convicted them.found them guilty, aad pun Executive power steps in, pardons bonds of Louisiana: TELEGRAPHIC. W. Y. Associated Press Dispatches. WASHINGTON.

What Senator Feseeaden Says. FROM EUROPE. New York Cotton and Gold Market. Paris, Sept 15. The fortifications of Strae burg are to be extended and strengthened.

Florence, Sept 15. The Italian Government threatens to commence legal proceedings af ainft Rome111 P6" 8 PreParatioM Lisbon, Sept. 15. The Rio Janeiro mail Framcisco, Sept. 16.

The Colorado been murdered at Nogosali. The Japan se had arrested sixty three native Christians Washington, Sept. 17 The President has suspended Callieot, Revenue Collector of the Third District of New York. A letter from Greely, dated January '66 has been unearthed, warmly commendatory of Steedman, for Secretary of War. The Maie Democrats have 45 representa Senat opinion will be impeachment.

with regard to my duties as a Senator Flour steady; wheat firm 1 pork dull and drooping, 24 whiskey quiet. Cotton quiet lands 25iJ5. Freights stead The Crops, etc. Clark Coumtt, Sept. 11, '67.

the Editors of the Ploaj une 1 crop prospects presented itself since my last rapidly developed. The weather has been very warm, the mean of the thermometer ranging from 74 to 81 from sunrise until late in the evening, and with the exception of a few cloudy and sultry days has been very dry. AU speculation as regards corn is now over, and the result in this immediate vicinity, though better than early i was concerned: a potato crop will be materially lessened fi What it would have been from the wi For the past six weeks the farmer has been placed in the peculiar predicament of not being able to decide on what kind of weather he wSnld prefer for his cotton a continuance of the dry and heated season, while it retarded the worms, being injurious to the plant, and it was certain that a wet one would insure them tafjSea5 however, continued up to the past ten days, causing cotton to off leaves, forms and even young bolls, and in places to rust badly. At this time a heavy raimHell, succeeded by three or four showers and warm, cloudy and sultry weather, providing the worms, which, up to that time, bad done TitOs or no damage, and were only to be found in small numbers, increased with wonderful rapidity, and commenced their work of destruction. They are now general in this aeSin36 faSK favored.

I discovered them in one of my fields on the 3d of August, to which they were confined until last week have stilt one field in which they have not appeared up to to day, and as yet they are progressing tawgy. no trace of them in their fields until last been almost entirely eaten various points operations have been directly the re the elevated ridges being eaten off, in the low ulaces. where the plant is thrifty and luxuriant, it is vet untouched believe them endow they attacked tormedand tender leafed portio I havefnot as yet attempted to dm be" 'M 'evident t'hatf t1Qmsadr0' ton is lost, that all blooms from the 1st of this month (and we could have calculated upon all that opened up to the 15th,) are in the same category, and that the late cotton can hardly make anything. I do not, however, consider the damage as great as that which I expert enced last season, for though the present crop is undoubtedly more backward that at that time, still the fine weather experienced dur the first days of July (at least to me) brought forward an abundaut bottom and middle crop Thee young and plant has been divested of leaves and its bud destroyed. Cotton is now opening fast, and all are trying to avail of present dry weather to house as much of it as possible.

Stripped of its leaves and exposed to the section will all be gathered. ptstoisstavwrasi of sap in the stalk "and the influence of the sun, the bolls will be prematurely opened. 1 returned this week from atrip to the coun ties in Alabama of the Tombigbee, and the remarks upon the crops here 1 marks I all that Xn'iu There the seasons appear to have been favorable at the right period, and the corn crop is abundant and of fine quality. J. F.

w. Elihn Burritt, the learned blacksmith, has gone back to New Britain, his native PlLteto8enta F6 papers announce the safe arnvt. oSnmoV Latf Erroneously reported library of the Young Man' unrtf pit mm THE CITY. Daily Mortuary Report. Tbs number ol interments in the various city cemeteries daring the twenty foar hoars ending at 6 o'clock this morning, as reported by Dr.

Dirroeyer, was 80, of which 50 wera yellow; fsver, 1 bilious fever, 4 peruicieus, 1 intermittent, 1 brain, 2 apoplexy stillborn, and the rest from the various diseases to which the human family liable. The report of Sunday shows a total of 80, with 53 yellow fever, 1 bilious, 1 congestive, 3pernicious, 2 intermittent, 1 typhoid, 2 still We append below a list of the names, as and nativity of the yellow fever interments, both of yesterday's and this morning's report Interments Saturday, 14. SS'iSrS W. H. Hill, 53.

Virginia. Mary Nerley, 24, Indiana. F. Clark, 40, Mkeouri. A.

M. Davinna, 17, M. M. Davinna, 48, Robert Condon, 37 Pennsylvania. Angeline Lux, 26, Charles G.

Wood, 24, Michigan. Fanny Levy, 44, Francs. W. Bochet, 45, Charles Didiare, 45," James Clark, 49, England. Frederick Chinn.32, Charles Hartwell, 35, Canada.

Lewis Goodheert, 25, Honors Harrold. 17. Ireland. miir Edward Fateyf 32? CariPfckert! John Fameg, 32, Prussia. Mac Wollenbnrg.

31 Prussia. Wm. Baker, Germany. Francis Echelaub, 7, Germany. Barbara Germany.

Adam Alsligel, 40, Germany. Frank Miller. 28, Germany. F. Pitle.

22, Italy. Michael Roetaguata. 26, Italy. Caroline M. Eiseman, 5 ysass 6 months, 1 tated.

Wm. Cary, 2, not stated. Robt. Hyson Rohrer, 10, not stated. Thos.

ONeal, 40, not stated. Frank Naw'orlean's. SfSS'irSr' Augusts Gram bard, 27, France. Jean Graff, 28, France. Adolph.

Framontin, 37, France. L. R. D. Estouvilte, 33, France.

Henri Haubreu, 45, France. A. Eschert, 16, Prussia. Carl HeWhs, 1 Prussia. Patrick Walsh, 26, Ireland.

James Nerssan. 35, Ireland. Angus McKeowe, 58, Scotland. Defia Meyer, 2, not stated. John Ron sen, not stated.

42, Virginia. Head Centre Stephens is still in Prls. and in rather poor circ*mstances, it is said. He is McCoole's championship enables hL Gen. Basil is reported doing very wall with hie coal and iron mines in Kentucky.

Gov. Curtis's health is much improved by Count Ksterbaz has married a daughter 0 TattiXmt has resumed the conduct 1 to Naooleon and eleven A son of the American sculptor Ires has I just died of cholera at Albany. I Mr. Latta, of the Charter Oak Base Bail I tween bases in fifteen leape eix feet apleee. I attention in'ltfon'uJl XV with his appearance.

1 YeVverton, I ing English visitants to the Unit She will deliver readings. She has Sumner has sold his Boston house, sets wine before his gueeU, but never bl the aire, who is emulating Mr. Peabody in bene' olent donations, is worth twenty millions of3Wkconsutlhasrecs'B Preaiaericy of the UnWersity ot the State.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.