Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Thin 1 1 -ll 1. 1 SUSPEND SENTENCE OF CONVICTED MAN Judge Arthur A. Osburn of Grant superior court yesterday bad issued a suspended sentence of from two to five years prisonment to James 'George on a second degree burglary charge and placed the de on probation for five years. George confessed entering the Byrd Lumber Co, where valuable tools were taken. The sentence was suspended on recommendation of probation officer, Herman Knetzer, to whom the case was referred after George pleaded guilty at his arraignment.

Two alleged accomplices, both of have criminal records, pleaded innocent at their arraignment and are being held in the county jail in default of $5,000 ball. Judge, failure Osburn to report 'advised, George to regularly the probation office would result in his immediate commitment to the state reformatory to serve the penal Knetzer said employment had been found for the young defendant who had no previous criminal convictions on his record. TWO-WAY RIVER WILL STAY IN BUSINESS BUS LINE WOULD GET CHANGE-MAKING FEE WETUMPKA, Ala. (UP)' -Congress is considering a proposal from the Alabama Power: Co. to build five hydroelectric dams on the Coosa River, a project that promises to change radically the face and habits of one of the more Important streems In the southeast.

But luckily for tourists, the new won't do away with the state's Dead River, one of the most curious features of Alabama, geography. Dead River lies somewhat below the site of the proposed dams. It 1s a two-mile-long stream' connecting the Coosa and the Tallapoosa Rivers that most often, has no current at all, and then again has been known to flow both north and south at different times. river. is located near the site of historic Fort Toulouse, a' few miles above the point where the Consa and Tallapoosa merge to form the Alabama River.

Fort Toulouse was the site of one of the great Indian battles for the Dead River was formed in the great flood of 1886 when the Coosa and Tallapoosa overflowed and joined, cutting a deep permanent channel across the narrow neck of land. The water of the river stands motionless most of time, but when there is increased activity along either, the Coosa' or the Tallapoosa, as a dam working on one river and not on another, then the "dead river" comes to life and flows strongly in the 'direction of the more active river. OTTAWA An Ontario bus line has requested an unusual fare Under the plan, the "adult fare is 12 cents, but if the bus driver must make change, the fare rises to 15 cents. Adults also may ride two for quarter. Students can ride for 7 cents with the right change, 10 cents without it.

SOUTH AFRICAN TACKLES BIG NUTRITION PROJECT CAPE TOWN To improve the health. of all South Africans, the nucleus of 8 a a a a a a 'national nutrition-research institute has' been formed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in associntion with the Department of Nutrition. Hour. scientists and A. of some $60,000 have been made available.

The first Job will be to Improve the quality and supply of protein foods. REPORT 2 FIRES Only two minor fires. were reported yesterday by Marion firemen. The first was reported at 3:07 p.m. at 1426 W.

Fourth St. where a fire in wastebasket was extinguished by the department. The second run was to 2316 S. Florence St. at 6:36 p.m.

where a grass fire had gotten out of control. No loss HELD IN JAIL A failure to provide charge filed against Joseph Sinclair in Grant Superior court resulted in his' being remanded to the county jail yesterlieu of: $2,000 bail fixed by Judge Arthur A. Osburn. GRIFFIN CHAPEL-ANTIOCH The Rev. Wayne Bantz, pastor, will be in charge of services Sunday at the Griffin Chapel and Antioch Methodist Churches.

Worship service will be held at the Griffin Chapel Church at 10:40 a.m. Sunday, and Methodist Youth Fellowship members will meet at p.m. Sunday. At the Antioch Church, evangelistic service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.

Methodist Youth Fellowship will mect at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, and prayer mecting will be conducted at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Surrender" will be the sermon toRev. J.

O. Hochstedler, 'pastor of the Richland Chapel Methodist Church, at the 10:30 a. m. worship service Sunday. During the service Miss Rhea Dawn Barker will present a trumpet solo.

Sunday School will convene at 9:30 a.m. with Earl Rennaker, superintendent, in charge. Youth service will not be held Sunday. Members of the group will attend the Epworth Forest Institute. on Lake Webster during the week.

"I' RICHLAND CHAPEL. Courage or. Cowardice of CARYLAND CHRISTIAN Worship service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Caryland Christian Pilgrim Chruch, 31st and Streets. Sunday School will convene at 9:30 a.m.

and evangelistic services will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. each day of the week. 0 CLOSING MARKETS! if Marion Markets JULY 16 Yellow corn, No. 2 bu. Wheat, No.

2 90 Oats, No. 2 11.63 MAC'S HATCHERY Eggs Large 'A, 46c; large' 39c medium 38c, small 28c. BOND MARKET REMAINS FIRM 22.25 down; sows, 19 down. NEW YORK (P -Industrials and selected railroads kept the corporate bond market on firm footIng Friday. U.

S. government securities were steady as' the treasury announced terms' for raising billion dollars cash. Utilities started with a strong upward movement but prices soon settled back as investor attention turned to Industrials. There was profit taking among it railroads. Board" volume declined to $4,120,000 par value from $5,150,000 Thursday.

Meanwhile, the government bond market braced for an expected Treasury announcement of new financing and refunding which came after over the counter trading had ceased. Most treasury securities were unchanged. The Treasury said it would sell billion dollars of new 1 per cent. certificates dated Aug. 2 and maturing March 22.

1955." The Treasury also announced that at end of July it will, offer of $2,800,000.000 of per one-year certificates maturing Aug. 15 and $4,700,000,000 of per cent certificates 15 their choice of ai new one year certificate 'or a short term bond. Exact terms the refunding; however, were inot disclosed. GRAIN MARKET SHOWS STRONG lligh Low Close Prev.close Wheat Jly 2.11 2.08¼ 2.09-09¼ Sep 1 2.13⅛ 2.09⅞ 2.10⅞ 2.11⅛-11 Dec 2.16 2.12¾ 2.14¼ 2.14⅜-14 Mari 2.17 2.13⅝ 2.14¼ 2.15⅞-16 May 2.14¾ 2.10⅞ 2.12¼ 2.13½-⅜ Corn do, Jly 1.60 1.58½ 1.58¾ 1.59¼ Sep 1.56¾ 1.55¼ 1.56⅛ 1.56⅛-¼ Dec 1.49 1.47% 1.48⅛ 1.4838-½ Mar 1.52⅝ 1.51¾ 1.52½ 1.52½ 1.52¾ 1.52 1.52¾ EN May Oats Jly me 17333 Sep 1.71¾ $72 472 Dec .737 Mar. .75 Rye Jly 1.073 1.06% 1.07¾ 1.06½ Sep 1.10¾ 1.09 1.10% 1.09¼ Dec 1.15½ 1.13¼ 1.15 1.13½-¾ Mar 1.20 1.18 1.20 1.28 Soybeans 3.00 3.97 2.94 3.89½ 2.99¼ 3.96½ 2.94¼-94 3.89¼-90 Nov 2.74½ 2.68¾ 2.73½ 2.69-69¼ Jan 2.77½ 2.77½ 2.12¾-½ Mar 2.80¾ 2.75½ 2.80¼ 2.75¾ Lard Ily :1 16.65 16.35 16.40 16.40 Sep 14.85 14.65 14.75 14.72 Oct 14.00 13.95 13.95 14.00 Nov 13.20 13.07 13.15 13.12 Dec 13.57 13.45 13.50 13.45 CHICAGO UP Strength in soybeans and a late run-up in wheat featured dealings in grain on the Board of Trade today.

Trading volume was heavy in those two cereals but not in other grains. July soybeans responded to short covering while the new crop months reflected continued lack of important moisture in the Midwest. Beans had sinking spells during the day but they came back to register new, Wheat highs eased late in at the the session start and was down for losses extending to more than two: cents around midday. Then a strong' rally sunderway, aided by short covering, and 'all the losses were wiped out and gains substituted. Feed grains held close to the previous close! Carlot grain receipts in Chicago were estimated at: wheat 235, corn 71, oats 96, barley 25, soybeans 15.

CASH GRAIN CLOSE CHICAGO (P Cash wheat: 2 red 2.09¼; No 3 2.08¼-09¼; No yellow hard 2.15-1. Corn; No yellow 1.1; No 2 1.0½-1; No 1.56½-58; No 5 1.57; sample grade 1.54½-55½. Oats: No I heavy white No 1 white No 2 Soybrans: none. Barley nominal; Malting 1.10-60; feed WARREN-LAGRO LIVESTOCK Hogs-50 to 75 cents lower: 220 23; 220-240 22.50; 210-260 260-280 21; 280-300 19.50; 180 lbs. down, RESTORED RUIN Mosaics depicting destruction and reconstruction on column in.

French sector of Berlin were created from rubble taken from bombed buildings. CAPITAL SWINE MARKET UNEVEN INDIANAPOLIS (P) (USDAHogs slow, uneven; lower: choice 170-240 lb 22.75-23.75; few hundred 225 lb 24.00; 240-275 lb 21.00-23.25: 275-325 lb 19.00-21.50; 120-160 lb 18.50-19.50; sows steady to 50 lower; choice under 450 1b 116.50-18.50; 300 lb down 19.00; 450- 600 lb 14.50-17.00. Cattle 500; calves 200; slaughter steers and heifers scarce, nominally steady; moderately active, about steady; load choice 840 Ib slaughter, high steers choice 23.00; 820 lb load heifers aver22.50; both bought to arrive: utility and commercial cows 9.25- 12.00; few good young cows to 13.00; canners and cutters 7.00- 9.50;. vealers opening moderately active, mostly 50 lower; choice and prime 17.50-19.00. fi.

Sheep 250; spring slaughter lambs moderately active, about steady: good to prime springers 21.50-22.00; cull to choice slaughter ewes steady 2.00-4.00. STOCK MARKET ISSUES STRONG NEW YORK -Heavy demand for aircrafts, plus a last-minute general rally, were not enough to save the stock market from a dei cline Friday. The fall was moderate, except in the case of the oils, and it was regarded as a normal decline on profit-taking and weekend selling influences. Aircrafts were strong for the second straight session in response to a promise of heavy government spending for aerial. defense! Oils were depressed in the face of, mounting supplies, reduced re: finery" runs, and price cutting of gasoline.

Losses went to around one to three points while gains seldom went beyond two. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost 40 cents at $130.60. It was up exactly that amount Thursday. Both the industrial and railroad components of the average gained 60 cents and the utilities held unchanged. 1: Volume hit 2,540,000 shares, unusually large but far short of Thursday's 3,000,000 shares, greatest in the past 15 months.

The American Stock Exchange was well mixed on volume amounting to 580,000 shares as compared with 570,000 shares traded Thursday, NEW YORK. (INS) Closing stocks: Thur A Fri, Close Close Allied Chemical 91 Allegheny Steel 33 3212 Alum Am 861 85 American Can 46 4714 American Locomotive 153 155, American Radiator: 181, American Smelting 371: 3712 American 1711. American Tobacco 571 56 Anaconda Copper 39 Atchison Avco Manufacturing 51 51 Baltimore Ohio 25 251 Bendix Aviation 811 8012 Bethlehem Steel 72 Boeing 471 497 72 72. Chrysler 63 623; Coca-Cola 1161 Consolidated Edison 4578 Douglas Aircraft 843 8612 Dow Chemical 43 43 DuPont de Nemours 13715 137 Eastman Kodak A 1: 611 General Electric 44 General Motors 801 Gillette 6312 64 Goodyear 6934 4 Illinois Central 491 International Harvester 32 321; Nickel International Paper A 7714 192; 203 Kennecott 843 844 Loew's 161 16 Tobacco 223. 223 Montgomery Ward" National Distillers 193 191, Northern Pacifica New York Central 23 223; Pennsylvania 161 Phillips Petroleum 601 591 Pullman 543 541; Radios 321 311 Republic Steel 601.

60. Rexall: Drugs 63 65 Sears Roebuck 663; 663 Southern Pacific 4412 433 Standard Brands 35 Standard Oil of 863 8531 Standard Oil of. Calif. 603, 601; Texas Co. 1: 667.

653 Union Carbide 867 86 Union Pacific 13712 United Airlines 6432 U.S. Rubber 363 U. S. Steel 52. 5235 Westinghouse Electric 6921 693.

1,3 DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK. (INS) -Range of Dow Jones stock averages: nil Open High Low Close 30 Indr. 341.06 342.12 338.03 339.96 20 Rs' 117.86 118.05 116.52 117.16 15 Utils. 59.58 59.79 59.26 59.57 65 Stks. 128.03 128.39 126.90 127.61 Transactions in stocks used in averages: Fri.

Thurs. Wed. Industrials 178,200 200,100 113,900 193,900 Rails 90.800 125,200 Utilities 36.700 48.200 46.600 65 Stocks 305,700 373.500 354,400 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (INS) -Livestock: Hogs: Salable steady-25c lower. Early top 24; bulk 1850- 2375; heavy 1750-2075; medium 21- 2250; light 2250-24; light lights 1750- 23: packing sows 14-20; pigs 10- 1750. Cattle: Salable steady.

Calves salable 100; choice to prime steers 24-2650; common choice 15-2375: yearlings 15-2650; heifers 14-2450; cows 10-14; bulls 11-1650; calves 14-22; feeder steers 16-2175; stocker steers 15-2150; stocker cows and heifers 10-1850. Sheep: Salable 500: steady. Choice and prime lambs 2225-23; common to choice 15-22; yearlings 10-17; 'ewes 4-575. HI CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO UP -Butter steady; receipts 1.561,680; wholesale buying prices unchanged: 93 score AA 56.5: 92 A 56.5; 90 54; 89 48; cars 90 54.5; 89 49. Eggs firm; receipts wholesale buying prices unchanged; U.S.

large 44; U.S. mediums 39; U.S. standards 34; current receipts 30; dirties 25.5; checks 24. CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO UP USDA Live poultry steady; receipts 415 coops; f.o.b. prices unchanged; heavy hens 15.5-17.5: light hens 13.5-14.5; fryers or broilers 24-29; old roosters 13.5-14; caponettes 27- 30.

tin it in Weather INDIANA: Partly cloudy and warmer Saturday. Scattered showers likely afternoon or night. High 86-93. ILLINOIS: Partly cloudy and somewhat warmer Saturday. Scattered showers.

High 88-94. UPPER MICHIGAN: Scattered light showers and little change in temperature Saturday. Iowa: Partly cloudy Saturday with. widely scattered showers south and east. fair at night.

Somewhat warmer." High 85- 90 northwest, 90-95 southcast. WISCONSIN: Saturday partly cloudy with widely scattered showers. Warmer south and east, High 78-85 north, 84-89 south. Coming Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, JULY "p.m, Business Building; 418 S. grocery Winequipment; furniture.

chester Street, Decatur, Indiana. Mr. Mrs. J. Henry Faurote.

Owners. Gerald Stricker, D. S. Blair, Auctioners. C.

W. Kent Manager. SATURDAY, JULY 24-1 mi. North and mile Swayzee. Auction sale on farm, Estate of Nora Pence.

Wilbur Clair, auctioneer. j' FRIDAY JUNE 23 p.m. Real Estate Auction, Home and acres. mi. E.

of edge of Upland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graves, owner, Kent Realty Auction auctioneer. MARRIAGE LICENSES Philip E.

Steith 1932, U. S. Air Force. Marion, and Betty Lou Stith, 1932, Marion. Daniel Sommers, 1929, barber.

and Marjorie Borcherding, 1927, Wabash. Jack Carrico, 1930, factory, Marion, and Myra Reagon, 1933, Marion. Alva Lamoine Moon. 1929, factory, Fairmount, and Juanita Mae Haines, 1935, Anderson. Byron Erle Nuss, 1928, factory, Marion, and Barbara Ellen Williams, 1934, Marion; Fraser L.

Webster, 1904, 'customs excise officer, Ontario, and Louise, Rosser, 1903, Marion Charles Miller, 1924, railroad worker, Peru, and Mary 'Louise Carpenter. 1925, Peru. Robert Delon Casey, 1934, Marion," and Sheila Monaei Perkins, 1935, Marion, William P. Jackson, 1932, U. S.

Air Force, Gas City, and Nancy Sue Blessing, 1937, Marion. DEATH RETURNS 1: MOYER, William Luther. a 1303 Jeffras Milford Funeral Home. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors RAVEN FUNERAL HOME HOME for Services' 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL i.li Service, Inc.

504 W. Third St. Ph. NOrth 2-2503 Serving We Would Served OWEN MORTUARY 2722 S. Washington to Phone 1877 SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in Li 1883: 2901 S.

Washington Phone 120 MILFORD FUNERAL Sincere Service Fair Prices 710 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2468 CARBON METHOD DETERMINES AGE NEW YORK A recently perfected technique uses radioactive carbon can determine the age of ancient organid objects. Using this method, a superbison that had been dug up from Alaska's frozen tundra was determined by a Columbia University expert to have been frozen solid for 28,000 years. Despite its age, dogs could eat the bison with no ill effects.

A By the same procedure, it. has been concluded that man has lived on: the North American a continent for at least 10,000 years. NEW YORK AIRPORTS LEAD TRAVEL ABROAD NEW YORK-There were 493 passengers on airliners leav. ing New York in 1953, for foreign countrics! The New York fair facilities handled the majority of the nation's plane' travel abroad, with Miami ranking second in overseas airline travel and handling more than 500,000 MUNCIE LIVESTOCK MUNCIE-Hogs, 50 to 65c lower, choice no. 1 conditioned hogs, 75; 180-220 23.50; 220-260 22.35-23; 260-300 20.10-31.35; 300-400 16.85-18.85; roughs, 19.25 down; stags, 12.25-14.25.

Cattle: Good to choice steers, 19-23; medium to good steers, 15- 19; common to medium steers, 11-15: good to: choice, heifers, 18- 22; medium to good heifers, 15-18: common to medium heifers, 11-15; good to choice; cows, 10.50-12; fair to good cows, "canners and cutters, 7.50-10; bulls, 9-14. Calves, steady; choice to prime veal, 15-18: commercial, to good, 11-14; utility, 10 Lambs, steady; steady; lambs, 20 down; 'yearlings, down; slaughter sheep, 4.50 down. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA ESTATE No. 10153 Notice is hereby given that Marion National Bank of Marion. Marion.

Indiana, was, on the 16th day of July, 1954, appoined Administrator WWA the estate of Kate Hillman, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file sarne in said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims forever barred. Dated at Marion, Indiana, this 16th day of R. July, A. 1954.

BENJAMIN 1 Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court Hays Nesbitt, Attorneys. 17, 24, 31, 1954. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Marion City Board of Zoning Appeals Council Chamber City Hall Marion, Indiana Date: July 30, 1954 Time: 4:15 p.m. DST On application nf Luble Wingo for permission for 'variance to build house on rear of lot on real estate lo cated at 3433 South Landess Street Lot No. 8 in Knight and Overman's addition.

J. K. MITCHELL. Acting Secy. Building Commission.

Mo July 17, 1934. 3 i ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES Marion, Indiana, Leader- Tribune July 17, 1954 13 A 4r 1: Pi. A A Funeral Directors Repairing, Service Stations 16 EMPLOYMENT FARMERS' COLUMN NEEDHAM AND SON Confidence MECHANICAL COMPLETE AND Help Wanted- Female Farrains Implements We 814 S. Adams Appreciate St. Your Phone 1552-W BODY WORK, SERVICES CARS EXPERIENCED Policy writer 1939 CHEVROLET Truck.

WITH EXPERT MECHANICS for insurance office. Full or part 1951 62 International combipe. Monuments and Cemetery Lots FAST SERVICE. time. P.

O. Box 206. 1951 12A J. D. combine.

MARKERS MONUMENTS NOTTINGHAM OLDSMOBILE. WANTED--Young white girl for GOOD Massey Harris, com. We Give Holden Red Stamps 309 E. 3rd St. I Phone 1328 week.

501 bine. BRANDON MONUMENT CO. Mechanical E. housework, 38th St. 1 day 1950 John Deere tractor, 45th Harmon Phone 3008 EXPERT Body and 1944 John Deere A tractor.

Personal Service on Make, Cars GIRL 16-For baby sitting. Inquire Complete dairy supplies MATTHEWS, Inc. W. 3rd. 612 E.

Blaine. FARMER'S IMPLEMENT RUMMAGE SALE Backyard, Buic Service Parts. Accessories. Wanted--Male 33 325 N. Adam's St.Ph.

NOrth: 2-7324 2302 S. Wash. Saturday. Help READING Classes in Phonics for BUSINESS SERVICE MILK TRUCK DRIVER Farm USED-919 Allis Chamers Comchildren at East Building, Gas pickup. Apply 2409 W.

8th after bine. City. From July 19 to August 20, Business Service Offered 18 6 p.m. USED-1 USED-1 No. New 62 IHC Holland Combine.

BalCall Mrs. Weaner, Gas City CARPENTER work, block lay- ALERT Young man for retall THE 88431 for details. action of invisible ing. Phone NOrth 2-7987. furniture and appliance store IHC FREEZERS er.

Killing CINDERS Top soil-broken training. Training consists of of TORS- j. brush-on months, also Roach kills 'ants. Filmz lasts tile and cinders mixed. Phone fice, display, sales and stock KREIGBAUM FARM EQUIP.

MASON 949W. Call between 6 7 morn- work with instruction given by 229 W. 2nd Phone NOrth 2-7442 BIG RUMMAGE SALE 1217 W. ings. or evenings.

executive management. Salary' DAVID JULY -Annual Rug Special -9x12 with regular increases will be 2 MAN CHAIN SAW-36" cut. 3rd. women's, men's cloth- domestic rug cleaned. $3.95.

paid as experience progresses. Reg. $386.00 Now $249.50 ing; miscellancous items. Thurs. BROWN TRUEBLOOD High school graduate having 30 in.

CUT -Reg. $365. Now $249.50 Friday, Saturday. HAULING Asnes, trash, dirt, served military service neces- Just one of each BAIT SHRIMP truck. sary.


Cement Ph. work, 5352-R. any Experienced Siding applicator. Grain in your home. For free estimate, WE REPAIR Apply in person.

BRING YOUR WHEAT pick-up and delivery, New and MACHINES CURRAN ROOFING CO. TO US FOR SALE Used machines. Charles D. Mar- SEWING 1820 W. 2nd OR STORAGE ine, 2120 S.

Adams. Ph. 1727. Let ALL MAKES WANTED -Married man for Dairy THOMAS MILLING CO. 1 FOR THE BEST sewing machine.

Reasonable farm, house, lights etc. furnisha Singer expert tune up your 1203 S. Branson Phone 2128 GROCERIES AND MEATS charges. Estimates furnisbed in ed. Year round job.

Everett R. 1003 N. Wash. Phone 2007 Bob Wilson Opp. P.

O. advance. Call your 1. Beaty, Huntington, Indiana. RYE For $1.25 bu.


Washington Phone 372 on fork lift trucks, Clark, Yale, CUSTOM COMBINING By the REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES TREE WORK -Make yards, land- etc. See Mr. Hemli, Phone acre. Phone 3541-4. Strayed or Stolen 10 scape, dig basem*nts, sidewaiks, NO2-2511, General Tire Rubber WHEN SELL- YOU -Phone 41, HAVE Upland GRAIN Grain TO Lost, LOST Brown, wallet at Highway patios, insurance.

REUPHOLSTERING Lanter. 1556. Situations Wanted -Female 36 Upland, Ind. Trucking servHi Theatre containing $60 and ice. valuable papers.

Both. needed All type furniture Ph. 3122 GIRL 16-Wants baby sitting in badly. Reward. James Ferrell MARION UPHOLSTERING your home.

Ph. 5476-1. Farm Miscellaneous 480 Phone 1093-J. SLATE AND METAL ROOF ROAD OIL--For laying the dust. LOST-Small brass key.

On 31st Guttering, Cleaning. FINANCIAL. Hartman Bros. Construction Co. between Nebra.

and Wash. Re ACME. SHEET METAL WORKS Phone NOrth 2-8561. ward. Phone 112 W.

6th Phone 2960 FOR SALE- -Income building with Poultry and Supplies Business Opportunities 38 AUTOMOBILES FLOOR SANDING Carpentry. two apartments and barber shop, BROWN'S White Rock broilers; References; Ph. Gas City 8-4811. one apartment for the barber 1-1953 Indiana Chicken of TomorAutomobiles for Sale 11 Clean sewer CITY lines, and the other rented. Well es- row Contest.

Try: some. TWIN SEWER SERVICE 1934 FORD Coupe stock car, Ph. McCormick Gas City septic 5801-82331 tanks. tablished barber business. Powell BROWN'S HATCHERY "Converse in No.

98. Call 8063 or 6264-R. DITCH Curtis. Willow Branch, Ind. CUSTOM Dressing chickens.

Ro1947 Roadmaster. Recent- By JEEP and BACKHOE for NEW-Modern 2 bay Standard Ser-1 bert Hodge, 1 mi. E. on 18. Ph.

DIGGING ly' ments. overhauled. Phone NO Take 2-6926. over pay- water, septic systems, cable. Swayzee, Ind.

Call 241M. Marion. EXTRA SPECIAL-10-hole metal vice Station for lease. Located. drive footings, etc.

Much faster, and features. Only $13.95 1951-4 wagon, wheel very good' Willys condition; station cheaper than hand digging. FARMERS' COLUMN in lots of 2 or more. Nests pads2713 plastic baskets. 1935 practically FORD- "new -Coupe.

tires. For sale Phone or 8. Weed Tractor Dors, Cats, Other Pets HATCHES EACH THURSDAY. Marion Equip. Rentals.

Ph. 5925 -Millers dog food. Froz: MAC'S HATCHERY trade. Bob's Texaco, 201 W. Main all kinds, free esti- canned horse meat.

1136-38 S. Branson Phone 1184 Gas City. Ph. 8-3281. mate.

7057-W. WEENER KENNELS Ph. 4558 WANTED Clean cars 50 to 54 SEWER CLOGGED Cleaned with TRAINED Wooly monkey and MERCHANDISE models, YORK'S AUTO SALES modern Roto-Rooter equipment. cage. Very gentle for children, SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, Phone Gas City 8-2907.

Articles For Sale FOLLOW THE LITTLE CARS cleaned with modern BABY PARAKEETS-117 S. 'H WESTINGHOUSE MORRIS AUTO SALES 1525 W. 5th Phone 1203 AKC Gas REGISTERED Phone 8-5471. -Boxer Has light and timer, 3 burners TO BEEKMAN ROTO ROOTER ELECTRIC RANGE A 409 W. 3rd St.

Phone NOrth 2-8380 HOPPES TRENCHING -Ditching, pies, beautiful fawns. Phone pup- and deep well, big oven, '3 store GEO. RAMP USED CARS Foundation, water line. Trench- age drawers. Clean as pin.

Deal a Square Deal" es 6-18" wide. 913 S. Water. PARAKEETS co*ckateels, Canar. $79.: $5 $5 per month.

NO2-6113. 934 S. Washington Phone 553 Jonesboro, Phone Gas City 5551. BROYLES ELECTRIC, INC. MOTOR SALES PAPER HANGING Wayne White les and of fine Finches.

birds One in, of state largest at 506 So. Wash. Phone 347 DODGE PLYMOUTH DEALER Phone Gas City 5291. stocks New Cag-1 in Welcomes you when shopping for QUALITY PLUMBING REA. new stands, summer seed.

prices. and supplies. BARGAINS FOR BRIDES new or used cars. FAIRMOUNT MOTOR SALES SONABLE. Phone 4535-M.

We raise our own birds. budget housekeeping group. WELL DRILLING And repair, 2" THE COLEMANS RANGE, REFRIGERATOR AND 1951 KAISER-Deluxe. Whitewall Phone Bill Murray. 3532 Lincoln Blvd.

Phone 5782-W. WASHER. All three for $3.25 tires, low mileage. $695. 1434 "Fowlerton) 2405.

DOES YOUR DOG ENVY YOU week: One: new appliance and per Factory WE SERVICE -Al makes of tele- YOUR MEALS? GIVE HIM two reconditioned. Substitutions 1947 KAISER SEDAN- Mechani- visions. Marion T.V.. Center. A TASTY DINNER TOO! can be made to meet your parcally.

A-1. Cheap. 1, 1 2006 S. Brown- 614 So. Wash.

Ph. 4636 FEED NEW IMPROVED ticular needs. All merchandise lee. 1 AT PURINA DOG CHOW fully guaranteed. I- WASHER REPAIR-All makes 01 GOOD USED CARS wringer type washer.

Good stock THOMAS MILLING CO. ALL KINDS of parts and rolls. We specialize 1203 S. Branson St. Ph.

2123 BROYLES ELECTRIC, Inc. KILEY SALES SERVICE on Maytags. REGISTERED Beagle pups from 506 S. Wash. Phone 347 Boots St.

at River Phone 5435 BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. good hunting parents. Lawrence 1950. FORD -Cream re color, new 111 S. Wash.

Phone 3444 L. Barnes. R. R. 1.

Fairmount. I SALE tires, radio, heater, plastic seat FREE ESTIMATE Gutter and Phone Black 30J. PHILCO and FRIGIDAIRE covers. will sell Cecil downspout installations, Refrigerators. Floor samples only.

Duggan, Freel Mason. NELSON HEATING Livestock 1. Reduced low as $179.95 A BELL'S TRAILER SALES 13 514 S. Adams St. Phone 1700 SPOTTED Poland Sows pigs.

Only tone of a size New and Used Trailers WELL DRILLING 4" up. Clyde Bred gilts, farrow soon, all vac PEARSON'S FURNITURE Long Terms at Bank Rates Prine. Ph. 113W Fairmount. cinated.

Burwood Kennels, 5 mi; 5th Branson. 30th By Pass SWEEPERS N. 'St. Rd. 9 DIANA-STYLE FOR CAR BARGAINS SEE From $2.

to $139.50 350-Nebraska steer and heifer Youngstown Steel Kitchens USED CAR LOT Phone 1772 38th Wash. St. ing from to 500 lbs. Best 110 W. 1st.

Ph. 5189 HOLLINGSWORTH KARNES SWEEPER CO. calves. Very, good quality weigh- JONES CO. 3rd Nebraska Phone NO 2-6585 COMPLETE Vacuum Cleaners prices of the season.

Harry CHEAPER THAN ICE 1949 OLDSMOBILE Parts and Repair Service Thorne 1 mi. north of Marion on Westinghouse ft. standard refrig. 1949 -Convertible. EMMONS St.

Rd. 9-37. erator. Clean as a pin. Yours MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT 3101 S.

Wash. St. Phone 801 SHROP Buck lamb old enough for $1.50 per week. Cash price, ta By-Pass. Willys at 26th Sales--Service St.

Phone 5671 SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, toilet Landess, Ind. AN BROYLES ELECTRIC, INC. for service this fall. Bramblett, $99. One year guarantee.

2 9, Your car. Get the new vaults, vacuum sewer 5 THOROUGHBRED Hampshire 506 S. Wash. Phone 347 "hardtop look." $15. Bradford gilts, 5 weaned calves, 6, fat TRUSSES Y.

lines. Basem*nt drains cleaned and Bragg, Montpelier Pike. with electric cutting installed. Con- lambs. Dix, mi.

N. And Surgical Appliances Phone 430. crete tanks sold' and BULLS Delivered for service. FREEL' MASON. DRUGS AUTOMOBILE-Paint Jobs.

$39.95 Guy Hodge Ph. 3647-2 'or 3547-2. CHEAPER THAN ICE it' 1039 E. 38th St. Ph.

4415-W DAVID SEWER CLEANERS DELUXE and up. Bradford and Bragg. FOR SALE 425 Calves, yearlings, WESTINGHOUSE 9 FT. Montpelier Pike. Phone 430.

Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 steers' and heifers. New. frost free refrigerator, Fair Will TOP VALUE USED CARS ROM FREE ESTIMATES The best buys at Palmers deliver for $3.50 per weck. 4 HOWARD AUTO SERVICE Roofing, Siding, Tile Flooring W. V.

PALMER trade in on your old refrigera8th and Adams: Phone 1066 STATE ROOFING CO. 115 E. 6th 4 miles North of Peru on U. S. 31 tor.

BROYLES ELECTRIC DON BUY MARSHALL OR TRADE AUTO AT Laundering PL SPECIAL 506 S. Wash.s Ph. 347 phone 7724 INC. 3212 S. Adams St.

Phone SALES 1954 WASHINGS and Ironings. Phone AT GREENTOWN SALE BARN 217. MOTOROLA TV "SET FOR QUALITY USED CARS 5842-R. Mon. July 19th, 3:00 p.m.


Phone NOrth 2-2574 $1.00 minimum bundle. Raised on farm 5 mi. S. of town. USED "NEW 1950 OLDSMOBILE Hydramatic, BROWN TRUEBLOOD, INC.

Farming Implements 8 Pc. Solid Oak dining room suite, good condition. Must sell, sacri- 'IT EXTRA CLEAN 12 It. sell pro- refrectory type table, A-1. $59.95 fice.

721 S. Main, Jonesboro. DO' YOURSELF pelled combine. 4 Pc. Solid oak bedroom suite, 57 1938 Miscellaneous 1919 12A- -John Deere Combine? light finish $93.50 50 1935 ton truck.

WE Are Bedford 25V Tractor mower like new. Marion Electric Range, A-1. Old $65. now stocking USED McCormick-Deering wag. style.

Perfect condition. $19.85 Standard: Service Limestone. Large Mahogany Duncan Phyfe 3rd Branson COMMERCIAL LUMBER CO. GOOD Used elevator with motor. dining table, with table pads and 1051.

MERCURY For sale: or Phone 1881 ARMSTRONG FARM EQUIP. i. 6 matching chairs. $79.95 trade for pickup truck. Phone MAKE YOUR OWN- Chairs, desks, Swayzee.

Ind. Phone 150. Large mahogany dresser; used. 4097W. A storm windows, screens, etc, with Baling Wire $49.95.

1919 HUDSON super 6 Club REYNOLDS. "Do it Yourself' NEW- Holland Baling Wire. 3 Eiectric Refrigerators -several to coupe, excellent condition. "Aluminum." MARION Use HARDWARE ordinary CO. tools, SPECIAL ON SIDE DELIVERY choose from.

if $59.95 up la BARKER MCCLAIN RAKES. A Breakfast sets." $9.95 up 16th Washington St. 1566 Phones 1567 UNION IMPLEMENT Studio. Couches (used) $15.95 up. 1954 MERCURY Hard top, ra- SEWING MACHINE trouble? Jonesboro, Ind.

Ph. Gas City 7411 Utility cabinets $12.95 up dio, heat. Mercomatic. Fix it yourself, you can. Instruc- MYERS SPRAYERS Chrome dinette sets, imperfect 1953 CHEVROLE 2 door, 210 tion books.

25 cents Sat. Sunday Used Massey, Combine. tops. $59.95 up series. radio heat, 2 tone paint.

only 'Arcana Sales 8 mi. E. on Combine. New maple ri bunk beds, 'complete. 1952 OLDS SUPER 88 radio, 18, 1 So.

on 221. Two' 12 E. $124.95 heat, hydramatic. PAINT Discontinued colors of Used Side Delivery Rakes. 1952 PONTIAC door.

radio, flat, semi gloss and high gloss New Chain Saw. $195. EASY TERMS IF DESIRED heat, white wall finish, off. FARMERS IMPLEMENT KELLEY'S BUDGET STORE. tires, W.

D. HAWKINS CO. 122 W. 3rd. 325 Adams St.

Ph. NOrth 2-7324 1st Door North of Main Entrance 1951 PONTIAC Catalina; radio. 1950 USED ALLIS CHALMERS- STOp Moth damage at less cost aheat hydramatic. door, EMPLOYMENT Combine. ALLIS CHALMERS-: Berlou costs only 8c per year for PONTIAC 4 radio, Help Female 1946 USED A suit.

Five year guarantee. hydramatic. LADIES Wanted Marion Hardware. 11949 CHEVROLET-2 door deluxe, immediately -Wanted at cashier. Indiana 1950 USED FCRD DEARBORN 2x4x7 85-8 READICUT radio, heat.

Apply Combine with motor. -Studs 43c Each 1949. OLDS CLUB COUPE, radio, Theater. 1951 CASE w12 While They Last heat, hydramatic. HOUSEKEEPER Experienced, head.

WEST SIDE LUMBER CO Many older models to choose from. with references Phone NO22426. 1949 CASE 6 ft. combine. 1740 W.

Phone NO 2-6627 KENNY AUTO SALES AVON- Customers are asking New Case Elevators. DINING ROOM -Set 9 pc. Walnut. 1015 North Wash. Ph.

5633 for service. The demand is Tractor Umbrellas 1210 S. Boots. Auto Trucks for Sale' 12 and great. get Why in on not our get big started contest? now We for will take machinery.

baled hay or trade HOUSETRAILER-Sleeps 4. Only dition. Jacks Auto Service, Jones-; film. Age no barrier. Opening 816 N.

Baldwin only. Arcana Sales, 1, 1951-Dodge panel truck, A-1 con- We train you by interesting color SCHAUMLEFFEL IMP. CO. $385. Cash.

Not fancy. Sat. Sun. boro. Phone: Gas City 7171.

in Fairmount. Write Mrs. Doro- 1952 FORD Tractor CAPERTART Farnsworth radio Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts Huntington, Ind. USED-Ford mower seas, FM, AM, 2 speakthy Fruechtenicht Box 824, 1949 phonograph, 4 waveband-overAuto Parts-Wrecker Service MAID For general motel work. MODERN FARM ers.

Wonderful tone quality. AuSPENCER SALVAGE Service. Apply in person, no phone calls. Pass and 26th St. Phone 5671 tomatic record changer, stops Phone 4309-W 17th and By.Pass Queen's 10th and By Pass By STORE SPECIALS when through.

Can finance. $10 15 ELDERLY Motel, COUPLE- -Desires la- FARM JR. Farm wagon. on down, $10 month; $95-cost, $420. Motorcycles and Bicycles 47-61" O.H.

V. -Harley Davidson, dy to stay them. Ph. 6280-W 15" or D. C.

wheels: 3-ton G.E. dishwasher, cost: $169 for 625 S. Western Ave. Call 7-10 WANTED lady 18 to 35. capacity.

at only $110:50. $54. Phone NOrth 2-7013, a.m. 3-6 p.m. Must have -Young some bookkeeping and WARD'S Wood fat Tack, 7' MARION-Electric range.

$35, 5. Repairing, Service Stations 16 general office knowledge. Good 14'. with 15" sides, at only cludes wiring. 401 N.

3rd. Gas, EXPERT All Make MECHANICAL Cars and SERVICE Trucks pay tions in and small ideal office. working Very attrac- condi- $137.50.: WARD GARDEN TRACTOR, TWO-9 12 rugs; 5-piece blond City. Phone 83381. On tive for person willing .3 H.P.

engine with reverse drive. dinette suite, Reasonable. Phone We Use QUICK Genuine SERVICE Factory to positions and accept re- on rubber. net only $184.50, NO 2-6432 after 5 p.m. Parts I CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc.

sponsibilities. Reply Chronicle Phone NO 2-2541 No. side square FRUIT JARS- With lids, quarts 221 W. Second St. Ph.

)NOrth 2-6696 Box 899. MONTGOMERY WARD and pints. Phone 3700. it 6 dip i 08.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.