The Observer from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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THE OBSERVER ADELAIDE SATURDAY NOV 511 3ER 10 1917 i Cbiidren's eolutnn League of the Empire SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH OVXXBBB lo heart the ftrat tn lae aew Tbm etees mat alory the brew Tbs tin ef MSvan tet the Uf ia When fall the eu it flUed with Mtxt AM while the tat Ifrte floott the take end ate The rtroas leave tar: and in the deep inn Mme Of vock bomrf cleat the ntm hew nany tame And wtere the eralureotanvd waten peat Now aiita govewtm down Mr Alto at stm Hh to ta wonder with the aolden grass Who tare band hi Amatre ana to flnrtnr Kendall oDowfni on the snceeaaful cattle shows held in the one in Nsariunga on March be the Booth Australian Com panr and the aecond in Hindley street Adelaide on October the Booth Aw tralinn Agricultural Society fired by en thtaaem for their new luid decided to hold a more eomprehenrivs exhibition of what their provmes could do early in 1844 Accordingly we hnd in the bi weekly Adelaide The Register and the short lived South an advertisem*nt in the iaeoee of January 24 calling a meeting to decide all pointe in connection with a contemplated enow A preliminary meeting of leading men bad already met on January 17 in the only available public meeting the auction with John Mbrphett in the chair Thia meetingjiad decided three (I) That the show be held (2) that it should not be held in the city but in the coun try in the vicinity of the city and (3) that a deputation ahould wait upon the Qoveroor (Capt George Grey) and solicit hip patronage There was tome diecue cion at thio preliminary meeting particu larly over the aecond point Edward Ste phana waa very emphatic at to the wisdom of moving the locale ot the show He pointed out that in the city the ladies who were anxious to attend suffered greatly from the duet and tbo diaeocrfort of a crowded place they seemed to him to be like fish out of He thought pro vided the site chosen were not too far to walk the show would combine the beet features of a "fete end if re freshments and a place for a promenade were provided the could be spent in a varied healthful pteasant as well aa profitable manner and being in the coun try would add to the pleasure and anima tion of the Eventually this was carried unanimously and by th time the advertisem*nt appeared one week later the spot decided on waa "within the park land oppoate North terrace en tering by a gate at the corner of the rame and the date ebruary 14 waa fixed The show was to be thrown been to the public at 1 precisely (now particular our pioneer parents were!) the aomimion waa to be 1 to the pavilion and children under 1 yeaiw ef age were to be admitted free iPadvertiaing made for suceem in those old time days the ne oees was assured for each issue until and ineMing the morning of the show had a column edverttoement which besides giv ing particulars gave also the names of all the city committee (Merer Mundy BniDie Capta Sturt CHHalloran and rome Major CHallorsn John Morphett and Dre Kent and Everard) the advertisem*nt gave the names of committees appointed in 12 districts and ended by soliciting donations and nubecriptiono Evidently our fore fathen did not plaoe too much faith in themselves for they appointed John Mor pbett to be referee in case of disagree snent among the judges! On the morning of the show The Register was most glowing in its antici pations The pavuion which had been erected by the sappers end miners from materia tent by Hie Excellency the Go vernor come in for fpeeial praise being "no lane than 100 ft long ana 40 ft wide it will bo appreciated by all who attend especially by the fair portion of the popu The roof wae of ticking and the sides of sheet canvas looped up at in tervals "giving a light and graceful ap pearance and providing Round this waa netting enclosing a promenade (here in at intervals were tables of refresh ments and fruit offered for sale Law and order were provided for we ere promised the attendance of the Commie ioner of Police sad his posae Unfortunately the important issue of The Register which should have given us an account after the event le missing from the files but the rival newspaper The SouthAustralian contains a fairly full account rom this wo learn that Adelaide and the settled districts for many mites round were early astir By 6 on the eventful morning exhibitors and friends began to arrive By 10 we are told the whole show waa in order sod at I (precisely) the publie began to come ul so that toe scene was very animated "Every variety of vehicle wae from the bumble but substantial bullock dray to the gay while crowds came ateng on foot and on horseback We are assured by 'Hje South Australian that the pavilion was crowded by the beauty fashion and respectability of Adelaide fa quaint class ficationl) At 8 o'clock the wewnef Mns Grey and suite arrived and at the end of the afternoon the Gover nor presented the prises This presentation was excellently stage managed? Edvard Stephans erf the banuk stood at one aide of the platform "lowded with gold and silver of the new coinage of Queen Vic the Governor stood io the middle with the Secretary tjon We other band The Secretary road out the name of the prise winner Edward Stephens counted not the amount and the Governor handed to ths lucky exhibitor with appropriate re marks When the name of Robert Ran kins was called Mrs Robert came forward remarking that oho would receive the prise as net "good man was somewhat The Governor fa handing tbe money to the lady congratulated her open tbe accounts be bad bad of her great hospitality to travellers and her prowess as a dairywoman At 5 the crowd we are assured had been one full of heUday hvmour streamed out end the Stet were locked upon first ow The country site gave every retia faction The newspaper waxes quite poe tic in its description It is spoken of as being "amidst the magnificent flooded gums of the park lands near the company's farm and the Botanic Garden where beau tiful vista view of Mount Lofty while views were also obtained of the and Dr flourmills sad Weakness and Anaemia MR ORD Propetetet tta Ltatea Cafe 31 Htodley Street AMnMst writes July 3rd 1910 CLEMENTS TONIC ID I hive much pleasure tn ttriBg my testimony to the wonderful benefit received from Clements Tonic may be in unusual thing for man to have poorness of blood bat It is a fact I was very weak and anemic three years ago Bat 1 waa fortunate in having Clements Tonic commended to me I took a few bottles of It and soon I wu able to take my place amongst the meet energetle of business men consider it a great nerve and blood builder0 (Signed) ORD CLKMSNTS TONIC Is WtaM for ersstiag vital tasagtb sag appetite ia eases at tautttes Asasmta Puwr Appettts Mstewtatiavr WrakMM tor gtvtagseS mrve stvsagth ata grata streagik ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES SELL IT EVERYWHERE A Ctewnii Tank Rmita NS ta wMeeneMeeneAeeneneeenne Day of Rut Very Rev ather Treand of Randwuck Presbytery ia a tetter May 21 bears taetuaoay to tbs wooderfu) results achieved by appboteioa of Enema in tbe case of a Papuan nimionary who wae suffering aeverely from Easema He returned to the miamon field quite cured Wholesale A Bickforei Sotei Ade laide All chemista or from 8 ielder Rand wick Sydney 5 and 26 N2l0v2 dstedt RWsewoo4Meoeeog Complex Story wweveeeeweweeowweow? All Rights Reserved ot PAPER ECONOMY MOTHER bfr Uf PIoom plaet a dafinite ardor tach weak with jour newaaent for Tag Olbbrvir to prevent dieoppoinlment and to avoid uoato THE LISTENING DISCIPLE fitter ipeekl Thy ttmtrt heareth Whidtig lot Thy grariout word Longing for Thy voice that etwercth Harter 1 let It now be heard am lirtmlng bort ta Thee What hut Thou to ray to me! Speak to ma by dmm Muter Let me know ft la to me gpeek that I may follow With a etre more firm and free Where the Shepherd leada the flock In the atadow ef tbe Mock Heater (petk1 though leeet and lowert Let me sot unheard depart Ifaater apcakl for Thou kaoweot AU the yeankng ny heart Soo wee al! Itw tnieot seed: foeokl and make me blest indeed Muter apeak I and maha ne ready When Thy voire in truly heart Wfth obedience gtad art toady Still to toiiow every word 1 am Itoteniac Lord tor Thee Maater apki apeak to me! Scruttbted Egp with Take 4 egam 1 tabkspooofol milk os margarine i gui cooked green peas salt and pepper slice ef hot buttered toest' Have ready thires or four rooDds of hot buttered toast re heat tbs pom Utils bolter boat np egpa add silk and seasoning melt coat farms in a email pan poor in gba TRB XAVT I have to acknowlsdgs a bonato big parcel from Mia Mason who baa often Dose nod to tbe sailors Mrs Edward Mrs McEwin and Lady Brown Thanks thanks THE AITHULNESS THE CROSS By Edward Shillito we ere fiithkeei Be iwnaina taithtul 4 Timothy 1 Thia ia a line from an early hymn of the church there are more than one similar quotation 'The fact that almoat as soon as the church heard the gospel it began to aing ite glomea and its mysteries is an evi dence of the reality of the new faith When men believe with al) their heart and soul and mind they have to sing And the truth sung ia always woytl more attention than the truth apoken Truth always goes better to music And the tact that the text is from a hymn does not make it leu worthy of our acceptation God in Christ is faithful He stands over again our faltering and Infidelity There has baa been time to test the claim tbe scene baa bean changed the climate of thowhl changed tbs advance of knowledge has threatened again sod again to de stroy the claim But "tbe world moves the Croat 8tQ) in the heart of the world stands the falth fu) Redeemer If we speak of the aithful Orow we mean the aithful Crucified the Reedemer stfU bearing the marka of the nails still tasting for man kind Che bitterness of death if it la the danger of Cafholieiam to linger too long nt tne Crore it is the danger of Protew tantwm to treat tbe Ow as a prelude to the resurrection But it is more than that: the Oroea ia an sternal fact in tbe heart of the universe We may know ter wards other names for the Lord of all things but we shall never cease to know and to adore Him a the Crucified It in His Crota that Hie fidelity stands out for ever as a letters of fire He is faithful What makes a faithful bridge hut the certainty that It win take the etrain that ia laid upon it Men can trust themselves to it without timidity We in like manner may trust ourselves to the unchanging Lord He win take the etrean What makta a faithful friend Whet makes the lorsYy of the man who loves hie eonntry eo faithful? What makes the of a mother so constant It is in the line of such human relationships we shall find the aurret guide to Che underetanding of Hte fidelity It was to human life moat of all that Christ wont for His illus trations of the Divine love And we can not be wrong if we demand of the Divine aithfulnere those qualities derived from Him which we find in our human bonds The We Need He ia our aithful Lord because He gives oa not the things which we think we need but the things which He knows we need He off ore to us redemption for givenreo merer the new brrtn tbo life everlasting There are not the giftn tbii we need moat Sometimes they are rifts which we would rather not nave Yet the Crore is faithful in thia very it deale with us not firet of al) sorrowful or weak or fearful or ignorant in the midst of a dark universe but as dnnera Man may be conaideredfrom many pointe Of view He baa many needs He seeks after truth he rtiwt know tbe myatery of the univeiue and of his own m1 me Denbigh Pudding Take 14 pinta mDk 3 os breadcrumb 1 as marguraa 2 Agpa icaapoonld grated temonrino 2 os sugar 5 slaee chenM Bail crmnbt margarino and teanonrind then! ACltlELrtl AllIUltMul He beholds thrt oppreaeed boil for 10 nunutee leave to eool a little! vM wnaiwu Un bears the aiglis ot the moumcre thsu stir in tbe two beaten ogre sod a He will not fail Other have left us auger grease mould or harin: halt fill it Tta 2Pfc4tfo aartsfoafiwMaaa mart other imposing and loud sounding then put in a layer ef tbs Wvnd fiber 1 trial riwaaU st for tefiete jtaema have aroken down but stiU that rias: add mt of mixture then remainder faithful neod looks down upon no in love of cherries aa before Cover with greased rorn Croaa They may fail we pap ata eteem for two bom may tail Him Ho wig sever fail as say that the Rat and Rabbit was to ba turned into a caffey where you drank your iop beer on a verandy with the wind blowin' in He reckoned taproom drink iu in private waa the caurc of half the crime in the country "Arter a bit more speech he said he wu going up to the Chateau which lie said the Manor House had gotter to be called in future So he went to the Chateau and we went to the Rat and Rabbit "Now I seen a few excitin' evening at the Rat and Rabbit but I never one to touch that one The place was packed and Albert Tulley the landlord was co busy auppjyn' everybody's wants that he hardly had time to say what he thought about tbe Squire's intentions One thing he made certain 'owever he to have his house turned into a furrin oaffey and a few chaps who were in favour of the new idea had a deal difficulty in gettin served everybody wae agen the Squire and they were in tbe right ef it havin' lived in Melton Dip all their livre And yet nobody could get away from the idea that tbe Squire was landlord and that a good deal o' wot he said had gotter be 'aw The village bad rot into a mortal bad state under the old Spuire and everybody bad had 'opes the place fieinr improved under the new un Air Cornelius had re ferred to that in hia speech There was no leaky roota in rance he eed and there be any in Melton Dip when he'd done with it "Old Matthew Barnet whose thatched roof let rain in in winter and waa full o' rats in summer said everybody ought to think twice afore being oaety Two or three said 'Ear 'ear and the evening ended with tbe village being elf in favour of givin the new scheme trial 'Certainly most of the young men was in favour of it them having that E'rance was a rare place for girls "The new Squire were up and atarat the villare the next dayt talking to one and another I seed nun meeelf talking to Albert Tolley of the Rat and Rabbit but I didn't know wot it ires about till later when I saw Albert busy a funny looking thing on hia signboard that I see rench bean sea Albert 'ouae ia to be eafed the Bean now 1 ren thinking it ever and there asems to be a lot in what the squire says 1 reckon be glad to see "'Come on Albert' I sea to him 'and out with it How much baa he given you to do itr 'Not a penny sm Albert 'but eeein as a good customer mine I don't mind idlin' you the truth pervided you let ft go no further He told tnc to day ravual like that his house gets througha end of rad wine in a week and wondering whether to get it through ma THE BELGIANS Knee I last wrote our taceo bars gone and parcels have come in to fiH more Mm Morrison of Galga Mias Westen ot SaJtebtuT: Mrs Hawkina Miss Rees George Kndina psr Mrs Comelfas Mrs Mrs Hawkinrt tbs Exbeak Work Party Gawler and worn Dwtrict have sent in paresis whus Mr Babins and Mrs Pisuott have done greet deal 4 tewing for us We do thank everybody tot Hmm paresis of clothes and we thank also tbe Manmnerie Red Cross G'rele tor a ebsqua seat to lady fiyskon by Mbs Josfi PAINTING THE LILY By Kannaway Jams (Author of "TUes of Melton I asked the way of him st the four lang ends He wae a genuine antique Dip village?" he repeated "Wisy np Ums lull to the left just up to the Rat and Rabbit sneself i show you the the Rat and be said a little later when the village eame in eight "That there inn with abrokendown verandy in front Tells a tale does t'nvt verandy Do you know Mister I 'ardlv ever took at it without dreadin' wot wiu happen to this village when our lad all come back from farrin parte An' good reason to dread it "too being almost the only chap wot remember Melton Dip very nigh turned inside out by man wot "had been in furrin parte If come in tell yon about it" We went in "It was like he began old squire of Melton Dip had an only eon Cor nelius wot took a strong liking to rance and lived there till be was SO He like England Nobody knew much about him except that he waa reckoned to be rare and cranky His father nve him a good allowance up till the time tafkinw ebout and then the old man suddenly died and left hie ewtaie to Mr Cornelius on condition that he lived there at least nine months of the year Otherwise ha was to have not even "hia allowance I 'eard from a valet that 'Air Cornelius eureed something crue both in Englid'i and rench when ne got to know about it0wever he catne over and we soon found out that the tales about him bein' a croak was true in every reepeck "Very nigh all the village met five new squire when he arrived and unharnessed the and pulled him up to the village green yonder where they Rang blaes the squire and bis and then aked him for a speech "They were sorry they done it after for he ups sod tells that ha care a cuss about Melton Dip as it wen at present and that he wae to make a change in it only one place in thia world worth livin' in he says rance and as for the other world I doubt very much if any pert of it wot can hold the candle to Paris English village life is a tomb Wot you want ia a bet of rench gaiety about the plaoe and I'm goiB to put you Goto the way of it" "He then went on to say be intended turning Melton Dip into a rench village as near aa possible 'Everything to be from the wanes df tbe lanes to tbe 'abics of tbe people He stopped st He even went ao far as to At i msn rn niir in mm sww mixture stir over fee fire until it beguZ efficiently Then Indigestion and ft to thicken add peas and pinch of sugar penalties become only memory of stir for mrnnta or two Heap on toast and serve I farms the cottages el North Adelaideuttered along tne opposite MU with Go vernment Bourn nsd a portion of South Adelaide Amid men surroundings the raceess of the fete ehampetrs waa ateured! The nocottnt concluded by commiserating with tbe ccunmitteaman who were com pletely worn otft with their exertions end the greet heat ef the day Over 1000 people had paid for admission to the pa vilion wUe from 3000 to 4M6 were cal culsted to have been present At a din ner in the evening with Giles of the A Company in the chair ths br mony of the day was not repeated The newspaper is eoiry to learn that while the dinner was good a goon deal of nose and at times disorder prevailed "As it it a good reporter's duty to extract tbe kernel from a report we shall deal with tbe dinner in our next issue" This was done and we find that tbe ohief disturber was Mr Pinkerton who proposing or rather speaking to a toagt took occasion to belabour tne au thorities for the part they had taken in putting forward "Tha Scab in Sheep Act He grumbled also that none of these pro minent gentlemen ware present eo Chat we wonder bow he thought his remarks cru)d affect them At length chow tis had only good feeling he proposed tbe health of the Magistra tea" meeting' we ars told ''soon after Mr Prescott bad spoken became rather noisy and the Chairman having retired most ot the Company followed hia example" And ao ended greatest day to date and so began our Adelaide ebowe WINNIB AIRWEATHER INDIGESTION lUIMEN KUttlEl MMTtfTEl IATIII WM1T you aseow Of tbs many then sands who daily suffer distress through faulty or imperfect digae tion and nine tenths of aU oar minor ailments spring from ths fsofty action of stomach liver and 4 bowels the organs of accept and act upon tbs advice of thousands who have put similar suffering pertnaneatly behind them by taking a co um of Mother Sef gel's BY TAKING Syrup It is made from tbe medi dual extracts of more than tea varieties of roots barks and leaves 4 which exert a remarkably beneficial effect on the organa of digestion toning and fitrengthenlng theta so that they are able to do their work being But Christ does not come first of all to man aa seeking knowledge Man ia always hungering after beauty It to always near to him and always evading him Ho mut seek rest in the perfect harmony which is somewhere to be found But in the Cross there is at first no beauty It has indeed a beauty Of its own it create a new sense of moral harmony but at is not to man as seeking beauty that the Crucified comes The Greeks for the most part who listened under their blue ekiea with the marblew of the Parthenon at band sneered when they heard of Jesus end the Rewnrrection ana only a few believed The appeal of Ghrut was made and made to man condemned before his conscience: not to man who says ma not to man who cries "Give me but to that fainter voice often stifled with whtopere me forgiveneea tore me peace with God" The gift of a faithful love is never to the merely superficial life love does not humour does not flatter ua ft ia stern and aearrtiing The Good Physt aan will not pretend that our ailment is inning or recommend a treatment cause we suggest it Re deals with faithfully Gifti Ha ia faithful in that Hi ifr is fered freely to us There is almost some thing gracious in a true friendship Jt is never a matter of calculation It is not err: it ia simply received and though the Ixnd becomes surer am die" reipcw io made yet at the outset it is the sift of heart to heart unmerited unsought Ia tbe realm of true love we are far from therii'it of bargaining Some thing is out with no money and no price Heart for heart tite gift shall So the faith ful Saviour doe not deal with us in terms of merit We in our human pride should prefer to have it otherrtae we should Ike to establish our chin But in alluch pride we are not reretaing the deeper human life Men have tuned from the Oroas with disdain in Che hour of thtir self eufficiency They have glib worth conCTrning it IVhy should we have a gift at all they have demanded? We only need what we can an we unwt reap only as we sow man must stand se cure in own dignity It is undignified to receive pardon we must earn it first We are like the churlish nan who nM no: put on tbe wedding garment But hie itself comes to correct our pride Such Imastioga we discover are not true to fact So far from being self Pufficierrt we ore indebted at every moment to the toil nnd travail of otffiere Men who resent being wived by a gracious and generous tftviour fire to day saved daily and hourly by their own kindred They live ia peace because others are dying for them and they can not help it They begin discover in the bitter failure of their own proud de signs that mon is dependant upon others he is a member of a family a city a nation he to fed in him thoughts by others he has entered itvto great and goodly oitiee which be hailded not he is redeemed from relfishnere by the love of a woman or a child And a time comre when he does Mt recent this but hates and abhors his own nride He is glad to be a debtor to an Eternal Lover he is prom! that he can never pay has debte Life is the scene of to the loveless but for that where would any hope be found? More than that: he is able to taste in some measure the joy of that generous loving lie owes everything to it but he begins also to toko tlie other Aide and to leem something of the heart of the Re deemer it is he sees a suffering heart but in tbe suffering itself there a new quality of joy Cross for It to a faithful Cross in that it ia true of all men in all ages It must be for aU or it can be for none There can be no pre ference offered to any age first or twentieth century there can be no preference for any race or any group Some thing within us cries out against the vain and selfish hope which orarets the others in the same snip Plainly we cannot take the first place to the boat if there are not places for all But Ghrtot died for all tin the end any reject Him' it will be because quite deliberately knowing all that is involved they reject Him Nor can it be outgrown One sure teat that can be applied to a doctrine or an experience is the response that is made to it in varied ages and an lands with varied wpiritital histories If an experience cannot be transferred from one race to another if it is definitely "Eastern" or if it is or "modern it is lees than the perfect truth But if an expe rience is always repeating itself and al ways being transplanted it tends verified so far The world has confirmed it This to true of the Cross of Christ It has awakened a response from age to age iu every quality of civilisatioii Time which deals remorselessly with error has tested it Time the most mereness of critics baa tried it and tbe eras baa stood the tait The Crcm ia faithful because it sdiines most brightly in our darkest hours air weather friends are many but they are sifted out by the coming of trouble This ia one of the oldest of themes it ia in "the KligaJ son" it ia in Timon of Athens Crucified ia a true friend because He not like the false friends who left the Erodigal wlten he had spent his al) He is ke those true friends who are always on the doorstep when ehame or sorrow comes The affinity of the Croes for the poor and the demised ia ite great commendation to us iu an age when we have to tight for our very life with the doctrine of anti with the creed which hat little value for the individual life and no mercy for the straggler and tbe lost How faithful a th Cross in days when we are stifled by the horrors of a system which looks upon the weak as tools to the hands of tho atronx! It ia the pledge today ot litefor aO broken and desptod men and for mankind humilraied and shorn of iu former pride It ia our hope da the midst Awwwawwa or the horrors which ue apotteay Wm'm wEf KBlID of man baa brought upon Aim God I AMIiHIaI Al K1I I faithful He behold the oppressed Tta iff tattle ewMsfos tunot aa smmA at Me trial rise aeU st lit for taMls.

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The Observer from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.