The Gamestop Event Horizon (2024)

The Gamestop Event Horizon (1)

When an Event reaches a Certain Critical Mass, it Begins to Draw Everything Into Itself

Good afternoon everyone, it’s been a bit. Following things in the build up to the craziness of the election has been taking up a chunk of my spare time. I do it for you all though, my meager fanbase. No one can accuse me of not doing my research. Or should I say DD (Due Diligence), as anyone from the Gamestop or Reddit investing community will tell you. In this post, I want to outline why I think the resurgence of Gamestop now, at this time, is not an accident, and that the financial war over Gamestop is a key piece of the cold civil war in which America currently finds itself. It will also lay out a (to my knowledge) novel thesis as to what lies ahead.

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First however, I want to give a brief background for those who know little about the stock market generally, or the GME stock specifically. Those already with such knowledge can skip ahead, as I am retreading the ground of common knowledge within the GME community. For those without such a background, just know that I am not an expert, I definitely don’t understand all the nuances of the system, but I think my understanding is good enough to explain the Gamestop phenomenon much better than virtually all “mainstream” analysis, which is more or less irrational “dumb money” deciding to pump a “meme stock” for kicks. Let’s turn to the peak of the Q1 ‘21 short squeeze, representing the culmination of a GME bull run that went from $4 to north of $400 (there are some who say they sold north of $500, but it’s hard to confirm) within a year. I was a relative latecomer to Gamestop back in the Jan 2021 short squeeze, and thus missed most of the historic gains, but I did see some green with my meager savings at the time before they shut the whole thing down.

Ultimately, retail meme demand looked like it was going to be the final nail that would drive short sellers into a brutal short squeeze, termed by insiders as “the Mother of All Short Squeezes” (MOASS), all the way “To the Moon”. Short sellers caught in their positions were starting to fold, it was reported that Melvin Capital, who seemed to be the most exposed on a GME short position, was down 53% for the month of January.1 Many speculate that the liquidation of the firm Archegos several months later was also partly due to excessive GME short exposure.2 Before this could happen, Wall Street struck back; the brokers turned off the ability for retail buyers to buy the stock on most platforms, such as Robinhood and WeBull. This cut out the rocket ship-like demand and the cultural cache that Gamestop had claimed, stalling out the explosive upwards price movement, allowing it to slowly drift down for the next 3 years, albeit with occasional hiccups.

Turning off the ability of retail to buy a stock was no small thing. By turning off the ability to buy a stock on the up, Wall Street broke the soft contract between all players in our financial markets that we have a free market, that the anyone can become a winner if they play their cards right, that winners can take their gains and losers to take their losses, no matter who they are. Though it was not reported as such by most places in the controlled financial media, turning off of the ability of retail to buy constituted a soft default on the root of trust of our financial markets. It was thus not done lightly.

So why was it done? Well, if you paid close attention to the before, during, and after of the 2021 GME saga, you probably realized that things were getting dicey for certain actors. Melvin Capital famously went bankrupt due to the squeeze, but there were a host of short sellers who were on the hook, and facing massive losses on their portfolios. And it was actually much worse than that. The whole system was close to breaking; a few insiders stated as much.

But why would one, seemingly insignificant stock, with some nostalgia and some funny memes behind it, be at risk to crash the entire financial system, if the entire market wasn’t shut down? Surely the center of the global economy is resilient enough to handle some redditor degenerates YOLOing their life savings into a relatively minor stock? Why did the power brokers of WS feel like they had to rip away the illusion of free markets to quash the squeeze before it fully squoze? Well that’s a good question. There are no definitive answers, but there are significant clues that lead me to my basic thesis of WTH happened with GME. There are thousands of hours of other, smarter analyses of research that I am drawing on here, and if you want to check some of it out, check out the crowd sourced online library of GME here: But for those who don’t have the time, especially since things seem like they will pop off soon, allow me to summarize some of my takeaways.

Basically, getting whales + retail power in on squeezing Gamestop’s shorts was Luke Skywalker’s X-Wings approaching the Death Star trench, threatening to send torpedos down the ventilation shaft of the entire system. To elaborate, the system is rigged. But all the big players look out for each other, and often collaborate, through a combination of informal conversations, public hints and messaging, and general decentralized action, to push stocks up or down with massive power, according to the whims of the powers that be. One of the nefarious tools that certain actors in WS used for this purpose was targeted, weaponized shorting.

Short selling is a mechanism by which you can make money when a stock goes down. You do this, at least in theory, by borrowing Bob’s share of Tesla, for an IOU and a small borrowing fee. You then sell the Tesla stock to Phil, and keep the money. If the Tesla stock price goes down, you can then buy the stock at the cheaper price, return the stock to Bob, and pocket the difference. It sounds perfectly fine in theory, but many insiders have criticized the abuse of certain aspects of short selling throughout years. Now, it is apparently received wisdom from the (controlled) financial media that the dangers of short selling are overblown. But if you watch the following video (made in 2006), and listen closely, you can see what I believe is the only plausible theory that explains what happened with GME.

In short (heh), greedy players on Wall Street realized a couple decades ago (at least) that they could exploit the short selling settlement mechanism of Wall Street to counterfeit shares of companies that looked like they were heading in the wrong direction, driving them into bankruptcy with the excess counterfeit shares. If the shorts drive a company all the way into bankruptcy, they never have to pay back their naked (counterfeit) IOU, meaning that it is a pure profit play. After the collapse Blockbuster, and the decline of several other brick and mortar retain stores in the age of e-commerce, Gamestop was fingered by many of these players as an obvious candidate for bankruptcy, so they went in on massive short positions with Melvin Capital leading the way, driving the stock to $4, significantly below its book value (the total value of the assets vice liabilities on its books). Many of these positions probably involved significant amounts of naked shorts by greedy actors who thought wanted to print what they thought was free money. And then their dirty game was called.

Cohen’s Crunch, aka Burry’s Eleven, aka the Big Squeeze

The Gamestop Event Horizon (2)

Courtesy of Roaring Kitty,

The shorts got caught by the Big Shorter himself, Michael Burry. Burry was perhaps the first big player to see the problems in the housing market and bet against it.3 Since being first mover in calling the bubble that led to the 2007 housing crisis, later memorialized in the movie "The Big Short”, Burry became a finance legend, and many paid much closer attention when he spoke. When he went long GME, seeing the artificially high shorts as a significant part of the play, others began to take notice. Perhaps upon seeing his public moves, several actors saw his move into Gamestop and realized the short interest was ridiculously high, so they went in to save the company from the vultures pushing it into oblivion. I will call this group the uncoordinated team (“UT”), as there is no evidence that they were actually working together.

The shorts were trying to kill GameStop by using manipulative market mechanisms, like explained above, to overshort GME down “into the cellar” of a penny stock, forcing it into bankruptcy and riding away like bandits. But this also allowed outsiders to buy in at an artificially low point, significantly below even book value, and then use its legacy business, brand, and cash-flow to transform it into an e-commerce rival to Amazon, with a specialization in the video game market. Ryan Cohen would then step in to become the new face of the company; he had already built into an Amazon competitor in the domain of pet products, providing a better service for pet lovers everywhere. Now he claimed he was going to do the same thing for the world’s most persecuted minority: gamers.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (3)

The UT perhaps counted on the shorts to double down on their greed, unable to accept that they’d been beaten, that bankruptcy was off the table. Or perhaps they were just lucky. Regardless, as positive news started to flow from GameStop, and its potential turn around became more plausible, the shorts risked losing a ton of money. So they doubled down, and shorted even more. Then, the team amped up the pressure again by taking custody of their shares, refusing to allow them to be borrowed on the market any longer. The bear trap was set.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (4)

-Deleted Burry tweet (he deletes all old tweets) courtesy of

And yet again, rather than closing their short positions and eating a small short squeeze, the shorts doubled down again. Without enough shares on the market available for loan, they began to short naked (to a much greater extent than before). From July-November of 2020, the price of GME had almost tripled, going from $4-$11, and the shorts doubled down again, and again, and again. During this time period, the short interest (the amount of short positions in a stock), already high when the uncoordinated team bought in to GME, went astronomical, creeping up to 137% of the total stock available on the market. Meaning shorts had sold more IOUs than the number of existing stock by at least over 30%.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (5)

-Roaring Kitty,

To close out a short position, you have to return an actual stock to the holder of the IOU. Which means that if any particular short seller wanted to admit defeat, stop paying the weekly borrowing costs, take their losses on the position, and go home, they would have to push significant demand onto the market. This would cause the price to rise, pushing other shorts to close, and starting a race to exit the position. This is what is called a “short squeeze”, where a significant amount shorts realize all at once that their bear thesis is a loser, and so attempt to sell out of the positions. This causes demand for shares, and thus price, to shoot up, causing other shorts to try to exit as well. It’s even worse though because most of the big players operate on margin (loans), meaning that if the value of their portfolio gets too low, the bank (or other player) who owns their loan forces them to either add more money to their account, or else sell their position at whatever the current market price is. If there are no sellers at the current price, the price will go up until the demand can be met. Up and up the demand goes as an ever greater number of shorts try to exit out, until virtually every short seller attempts to exit at once. A famous example of this is the Volkswagen ‘08 short squeeze caused by Porsche’s mandatory tender offer to all shareholders (which drove up price significantly, causing the shorts to fly to the exits).

The Gamestop Event Horizon (6)

So with GME, the shorts could either kill themselves in making a race for the exit, or hold their positions, praying to their god Mammon that the price would eventually come back down and allow them to exit with only a small loss. It became a waiting game. But the opportunity for an easy profit was too tempting. Cohen put extra pressure on the shorts by buying up a further 3% of the company in late December, taking his total up to 12.9%. (remember it took weeks for the market makers to find Burry his shares 6 months prior). The trap was set, and any significant rise in demand would send this tightly coiled spring soaring. And that’s exactly what happened in January of 2021. Triggered by big money behind the scenes, but backed up with an increasingly large fanaticism from retail investors on their stock apps like Robinhood, the great squeeze began, forcing the price parabolic.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (7)

The world was ablaze with Gamestop, it took center stage on every news channel, it became the highest volume traded stock for the entire month of January by a huge margin. Retail was riding the wave of what was shaping up to be the largest short squeeze in history. All you had to do was buy and “Hodl”, and you’d be talking Lambos, sucking out the money from the very same greedy sons of b*tches who’d skated scot-free from the collapse of ‘08, who were reaping what they’d sown with the rampant fraud of a system set up to profit the insiders at the expense of the rest of us. It was setting up to be the great battle of our time, between the haves and the have-nots. The Infinity Squeeze.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (8)

-Roaring Kitty,

But then as I’ve said, the powers that be shut down the market. Those greedy hedge funds on the wrong side of a now hopeless short squeeze were banking with “market makers” like Citadel, who controlled retail buying through their front-running of investing apps like Robinhood and others. Citadel wasn’t going to let themselves be on the hook for the MOASS as dozens of wealthy short sellers went bankrupt, passing along their positions. If Citadel had to deliver these shares and could not due to the huge volume of IOUs in the system, even after selling everything else, the DTCC itself, the central corporation by which virtually all trades clear, would have to step in and take the trades. The fraud was so significant that it was entirely possible enough retail players would Hodl their shares until the actual moon forced half of Wall Street into bankruptcy (the other half was on the long side of the trade of course, sharks always get their pound of flesh). So rather than forcing Wall Street into a reckoning, they shut it down

But here’s the thing. Retail didn’t go away. Though many people disappointedly closed their positions and went back to their daily lives, a significant number saw that they were on the right side of a squeeze, and the dynamics had never changed. They saw that the shorts didn’t close, that the excess short interest never got fixed, that the MOASS was still in the cards. They kept Hodling. The Gamestop retail traders (now calling themselves the Ape Army) knew the system was rigged beforehand, but now they felt it viscerally. And they saw that any attempt by the shorts to close would drive the price right back up to the moon. And in the meantime, those shorts were on the hook for the loan prices of the shares, day after day, week after week, draining their money on a losing position. The play was always buy and Hodl, and it hadn’t fundamentally changed. The shorts bet that they could outlast the attention of retail, but they underestimated their opponents. Apes are retards, and I say that in love. The price action for the next three years would show bizarre movement, massive volatility spikes that is scarcely explicable, save with the obvious: the shorts never closed.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (9)


The Gamestop Event Horizon (10)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is not price movement driven by retail FOMO. Look at the volume. The only place where you get significant volume is the initial squeeze in ‘21 and the months that followed. The rest of the spikes are massive spikes, sometimes even 2x spikes, with very little fluctuations in demand. Look at how little demand for instance caused the spike circa summer of ‘21. After the initial squeeze, the shorts learned to use a number of clever instruments to conceal their short positions from retail, but the fundamental supply/demand imbalance caused by the short interest in excess of the whole of the float (available shares), was never fixed, even as the price slowly trended down. Eventually, the shorts thought, as long as no catalyst came back which pushed them back into the center of world finance, they might be able to exit with their skin (mostly) intact.

The Cohen Show

In the meantime, GameStop bear thesis was being torn to shreds. Because while everyone was focusing on the crazy stock dynamics of “meme-stocks”, GameStop was on the verge of becoming the Cohen Show.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (11)


While everyone was looking one way, Ryan Cohen was at work behind the scenes. He was able to use the time, attention, and money brought in part by the short squeeze to radically transform the company. In the last three years, Gamestop has reorganized itself, paid off virtually all its debt, increased net cash flow, and set the stages for a radical transition into Cohen’s vision for “the Amazon of video games.” Oh, he also raised over $4 billion in cash. In an economy teetering towards a massive recession where debt-laden companies will be looking to firesell assets for pennies on the dollar. Some are even saying that if Cohen plays his cards right, Gamestop could become the next Berkshire Hathaway.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (12)

Purely on with the cash on hand, the floor for the stock is more than $10 (GME did a stock split a couple years ago, meaning this an equivalent to $40, a huge increase from where most of the shorts got in at). That doesn’t include assets, the thousands of stores throughout the country, the cash flow, the real estate, the brand, and the loyal customer base. If you stripped GameStop to the ground now, sold it for its parts, I’d say you’re likely looking at $20 a stock at least (note, I’m not a trader, this is an estimate I’ve pulled out of my posterior based on some triangulation I’ve gleaned from various sources; this is also not financial advice; I’m a retard; I have lost about as much money in the stock market as I’ve gained, and most of the gains were simple gold and silver plays). Now introduce a visionary board, with a proven track record, and sitting at the brink of massive opportunity, and there is simply no long term bear thesis.

I have no insider knowledge of course, but my hunch is that Cohen will bring his plans to the public soon, showing how he will make good on his plan to turn Gamestop into the Amazon of video games. With $4 billion and the Ape Army at his back (Short seller Citron cited Gamestops “cultlike shareholders” as one of the reasons why they are supposedly getting out of their short position4), the sky is the limit. Or rather, the moon, as the shorts will eventually have to close. There is no way for shorts to convince institutions to cover them for eternity for a stock that has a fair shot of becoming a rival to Amazon. One by one, these shorts will start looking for the exit, either voluntarily, or by the pressure of their masters. Shorts are now caught in the trap with the walls closing in, the first ones to exit being able to take the least losses; those who remain will feel the crunch grow greater, and greater, and greater with every short that breaks ranks and calls it a day. Heaven forbid if GME flies to the center of world news again…

Roaring Kitty Returns

Which is why the entrance of Roaring Kitty, aka DeepF***ingValue, aka Keith Gill, the daytrader who called the GME thesis from the beginning, is such a big deal, and has seen GME return to the consciousness of the financial world. When he first laid out Burry’s GME thesis to the world back in July of 2020, RK explained the decent fundamentals of the stock, saying that these decent fundamentals made it very risky for those who were pushing GME’s price to $4, significantly below book value; these bears were counting on GameStop’s quick bankruptcy. Once this bankruptcy was denied them, RK described how he saw GME as a stock that would rebound back and could easily 3x or more, within an 18 month time frame, especially if they got some fresh management and fresh ideas in. He also, almost as a sidenote, mentioned the huge short interest in the stock, and the possibility of a short squeeze, but was sure to say that his play did not rely on a short squeeze, but was based on the fundamentals. He wasn’t even just following Burry into this trade, RK actually entered the position, seeing its massive potential upside, in June of 2019, well before Burry got involved.5

All of that would prove to be eerily prophetic in the next 6-7 months, earning him a large following as the prophet of Gamestop as those who got in with him at $4 saw their gains skyrocket, in some cases more than 50x in less than a year, in what is quite possibly the best stock pick of all time. He just liked the stock. Every time the price dropped as the shorts jumped in with more ammunition, he held; they couldn’t shake him off. He knew its true value.

He was so confident on this stock and the fundamental analysis that he went in with a bit more than $50k in long dated calls, a massive bet against market sentiment.6 But as he said, there’s value investing, of which he was an expert, and then there’s deep f***ing value, of which he saw in GameStop. Though some of his calls lost money and were rolled into longer dated calls, within a couple years, he had turned that initial investment into more than $50 million. Eat your heart out Warren Buffet. Thousands of redditors from the forum Wall Street Bets followed this legendary prophet of GME and they piled in because they too like the stock. Without RK, GME almost certainly would have played out very similarly, but RK helped retail investors realize this great opportunity. After the Big Sneeze (as the January squeeze came to be called), he helped keep up morale about the stock, publicly adding to his positions in February, and then again in April. After the Big Sneeze he was hounded by, and eventually hauled before Congress for potential market manipulation (further evidence that the system had come close to breaking.) According to Wikipedia, his former employer was even fined $4 million by Massachusetts for “failure to supervise Gill’s trading and online activity”.7 However, there is nothing illegal in anything that he did. He liked the stock and invested, and informed people what his positions were, nothing different to any analyst on CNBC who pumps their book. He liked the stock! His testimony before Congress specifically will live on in Internet meme history for a long time.

During this time, RK went from posting dank GME memes on his Twitter to posting other, seemingly random things: various memes, often GME related. Cat videos. Clips from various video games, movie clips and gifs, etc. And then he posted a sleeping cats video and disappeared for 3 years. Finally, on May 12th, one of the most successful retail investors of all time returned.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (13)


A price ramp up, already underway, accelerated. When he started posting video memes the next day, referencing himself as Thanos and Wolverine, the price spiked to as much as $80. Then slowly went back down over the next couple weeks as RK began posting cryptic memes, mostly Gamestop related, but clearly preplanned, as they involved substantial video edits, cutting clips of various films, music videos, and television shows and juxtaposing them together in ways that seemed indecipherable and random. Finally, he posted a picture of a single uno reverse card and then revealed his new Gamestop positions, which showed a $180 million position in Gamestop, split between stocks and call options at $20, dated for June 21.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (14)

From there, the price went crazy, rocketing up, crushing down, doing some of the most insane stuff I’ve ever seen a stock do, market trading in GME halted I believe 17 times in a single day. After 4 days, RK posted an update showing he hadn’t sold, and his positions were now worth $555 million. He had yet to exercise his options contracts, now deeply in the money. The next day he hosted a highly anticipated livestream, where he joked around for about an hour, repeatedly asking a lawyer off screen what he was allowed to say, and said virtually nothing of substance except that he believed in Ryan Cohen as the man who would take GameStop into the future, maybe rivaling Amazon. The juxtaposition of the return of perhaps the most successful trader of all time, with certainly the best stock pick of all time, returning and setting markets ablaze, proceeding to act like a retard for an hour confounded traditional financial commentary, leading to perhaps one of the funniest bits of television of all time.

He also said his fundamental thesis on GME hadn’t changed. Which is significant since his fundamental thesis involved the heavily overshort position that led to the first squeeze. Then, the next day, he posted this image, of Joker, with a kitty mask, about to perform an epic heist against a mob bank, in a move that will mark him out to the mob as a man to be feared, and that will allow him to take on the power structure of the Gotham City mob.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (15)

As the GME market continued to fluctuate like crazy, pushing his market value all over the place, RK continued to hold, posting a screenshot the next day showing that he hadn’t sold despite losing $50 million on his position. Joking about it on twitter with this image.

The Gamestop Event Horizon (16)

Three days later, he posted his updated position, showing that he sold enough of his calls to exercise the rest of them, and was now the owner of 9,001,000 shares (cost basis $23), the exact amount of shares that Ryan Cohen had initially bought in GME, pre-stock split. He then posted this video from Dune II of Paul Atreidis, the Lisan Al-Gaib, summoning the great sandworm to ride it into battle (due to the Twitter-Substack feud, I am forced to source from 3rd party Youtubers):

The price would then bounce between 25-31 the next couple days. And, well, that’s where we’re at. Seems like we’re in the middle act of an epic story, one where we’re all still trying to figure out what’s happening. What will happen next is anyone’s guess, we’re all speculating tbh. Having known most of the above information in this article, I started to relook at RK’s tweets see if I could glean some meaning from them, some intention on what the next step is. It’s one of those things where I’ve watched everything multiple times, and come up with different theories each time. Probably none of these theories are accurate, as the memes are simply pieces of art up for subjective interpretation. I am not basing my GME play on any of these theories, and neither should you. I am buying GME, like RK, because I like the stock, and believe it could become the next Amazon under the leadership of Ryan Cohen, the goal he set four years ago.8 Also, I’m kind of retarded.

But if the GameStop story has piqued your attention so far, and if you’re like me, a little retarded, maybe a little schizo, a little crazy, maybe you’ll enjoy my rambling meme theory as an entertaining bit of theater. I hope you’ll join me as we chase the little white rabbit together. Ape Together Stronk!

Again, don’t listen to me, I’m certainly wrong, and am not basing any of my trading on this theory, but if on the off chance I’m right, you’re gonna want to buckle up for what happens next. So let’s get started with my meme theory.

On a logistics note, Twitter vids no longer embed in Substack, so you’ll have to open up a new tab in Twitter and follow along with me as I go through this from the top. With that said, let’s start with some of the vids that got me thinking there was something more.

First was this video from Signs.

“See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs? Sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Is it possible that there are no coincidences?”

Then there were two videos posted in a row, each mentioning a plan.

Then I thought he might be trying to tell a story through memes, making a work of art.

Finally, he ends this big meme dump with a reverse card from Uno. So maybe the story is supposed to go backwards, last posted is the first part of the story. So with all that out of the way, let’s get started, I’ll throw a theory out there and we’ll see if it fits. Any feedback is appreciated.

Let’s start at the green reverse tweet in RK’s timeline, dated June 2nd, 2024, so pull it up on your twitter in a different window and just scroll down as I go from one video to the next.. Alternatively, here’s a Youtube video with all the vids arranged in reverse order. I recommend opening it in a new tab and following along here. Let’s get started.

  1. ET video, RK is our extraterrestrial stranger and real frend who is leaving us on his rocket ship, but he is leaving us with some knowledge.

  2. Is it better or worse that he’s leaving? We can’t think about the ups and downs in life, or in our GameStop gains. We just have to accept them, allow them to roll the stock up, and then back down.

  3. Cuz in this position (GameStop with a crazy short interest that they can’t close) we’re gonna go backwards, to go forwards, to go backwards, to go forwards.

  4. With that thesis, as a retard, RK just ran with it for quite some time.

  5. He was able to see the core of the GME thesis, (possibly in relation to the 35 day FTD cycle that some apes have speculated on which would ramp up price around 35 days after a huge buy) and a lot of hanging in there, that has allowed him to run his miraculous race.

  6. But what’s in the GME thesis, what’s in the box?

  7. Kitty is here to show us, he’s bringing forth his GME thesis, which actually brings us to the center of a whole financial galaxy, the heart of Wall Street. It’s a whole world in here. Check out the Superstonk DD for more.

  8. Cuz while the bears (shorts) are trying to rob us of our gains, the GME bull thesis puts their weapons to shame.

  9. The bear (short) thesis is now so bad, that it’s basically nonexistent.

  10. The heist team all gets it, gets what’s going on. But we’re still on the outside looking in.

  11. We’re outlaws, storming the enemy’s stronghold.

  12. Cuz the short of it simple enough for dummies. Shorts are f***ed. (Apologies for the French, this is an online term that came to epitomize a lot of the GameStop community with very long DD posts that concluded w/ the TLDR conclusion, “shorts are f***ed”; thus it’s only fair to keep using the phrase here).

  13. RK ordered the Code Red, the GameStop job, bringing retail into it with memes and a livestream. We can’t handle the truth of why he did it the way he did, we wouldn’t understand. Just shut up and meme.

  14. It may seem bizarre, this dance that RK is doing (the memes, the acting retarded on his livestream), seems like he’s making a fool of myself with his dance here. He’s certainly got everyone’s attention with these bizarre memes.

  15. But for now he can’t explain because he’s busy getting chased by the police who want to rip him open as a vandal, a scoundrel, even though he’s totally innocent. They hate him because he’s too quick, he understands the system too well. He’ll tell us more about it later when he gets the time. But for now he’s only “one jump, ahead of the slow pokes, one skip ahead of his doom, next time, he’ll use a [better] nom de plume. One jump ahead of disaster. They’re quick, but he’s much faster. Time to throw his hand in, wish him happy landing, he’s just gonna YOLO everything into GME.”

  16. Cuz even though he’s now the center of attention and people would expect him to speak, “[He] prefer[s] not to speak, if he speaks [he is] in big trouble, and [he doesn’t] want to be in big trouble.”

  17. Cuz even though his skull is like Fort Knox, he’s on edge cuz he planned this awesome kickass party for everyone, and he’s trying to keep us all safe here by speaking in memes. In order to do so, he disguises himself as retarded cat, just focusing on how sexy GameStop is in ways that the courts won’t be able to take him seriously. It’s a pretty good act amirite?

  18. He’s made this journey his job, memeing and trading Gamestop for a living, and it’s a constant cycle of trading that never ends, with certain predictable patterns (such as Gamestop earnings week which puts everything in the red).

  19. In this job, his memes have become an artform, he’s the Picasso of memes even, but as he’s creating this art, one man’s art is another’s meme. Thus, only the elect, the true Superstonkers, the true apes, can understand and interpret his memes the right way; everyone else will see them in the wrong light.

  20. This whole Gamestop price action cycle is a nonstop chain of friends (the criminal shorts) shooting each other as they are forced to regularly fight and shaft price action rises onto their buddies in the FTD cycles. The bodies of these losses are piling up.

  21. The big baddies in control hate that he’s using their inability to game the system to get predictable price action movements an get gains, but they can’t say anything without admitting the system is completely rigged.

  22. So he’ll keep using the price action cycles; he’s a degenerate gambling on the GME cycle is “his play”, and he’ll stick beside it. That’s why we love RK right folks. If he can YOLO his life savings, so can we lol.

  23. For willingness to YOLO, they’ll try to paint him as the villain for riding the cycle and memeing his way into 100s of millions of dollars.

  24. It’s all so tiring tbh. You just gotta ride the cycle created by the shorts being trapped because we like the stock too much and refuse to sell and allow them to close.

  25. In this eternal cycle of crazy price action, who will blink first?

  26. RK can’t run with us (retail), but he can show us the way (YOLO). He’s not trying to burn us, he’s just trying to do the right thing by showing us his unorthodox YOLO play. He knows he has powerful people after him, people who know who he is. If we choose to join him in his play, we might be with him for the chase too. We have to be ready for that. So buckle up.

  27. Because people are gonna try to come after us for ruining their rigged markets, even though buying the stock and YOLOing into calls so we can get more of the juicy GME stock is entirely legal, they’ll come for us.

  28. The reason why they’re coming for us is simple. Shorts are f***ed, and everyone who knows the inside of the system, knows it.

  29. The message that we run with is simple, and it’s a song that will change our lives. Shorts are f***ed, they shorted more of the stock than exists, and now they can’t close without the MOASS. On repeat. Nothing else really matters. More cowbell.

  30. RK is an expert of wallstreetbets, and he’s seen a lot of BS. There’s been a lot of DD done on the reddit forums, and a lot of it is crap, but if you can sift through it, and know what’s what, sifting through all the forms and papers there is a core story.

  31. That story, at its core, is one of chicken. We’re playing chicken with a car that is significantly bigger than us. We’re retards who are placing bets that the other guy, the bears, will swerve first.

  32. The core reason why we play this music, this rock music of the more cowbell, shorts are f***ed, is not the girls, or the gains, but sticking it to the man, the corrupt system.

  33. So we listen to this music with no fear, driving straight ahead with no hands on the wheel, as the cops come chasing us. You can hear the music we’re listening to (shorts are f***ed) too if you’re sincere. We can play like this cause it’s pretty simple for us to win. Buy and Hodl!

  34. Nothing can stop the train of what’s coming. The bears are in for a bruising.

  35. Do you degenerates want to be a Sicario like RK?

  36. If so, he’s calling his shot, he’s going for nine million (trading a bunch of OTM calls for 4 million more shares). Do we want to party with him?

  37. It’s only a matter of time before he makes his play for the 9 mill (which he would do several weeks later, what a legend); in the meantime he’s just memeing. The master work of his play is actually the memes themselves, the memes of a deranged serial killer (of the bears).

  38. He’s writing memes rather than just pushing the boring investment thesis because he wants to go into history, with something that will last forever. It sounds like a joke, memeing yourself into history, but stranger things have happened…

  39. Okay, this all sounds a little far fetched Leo, you might be saying. “RK what does it mean” the all things “you just said”. “Come on,” he says in response, “let me show you some more stuff (so we can figure it out later).”

  40. His theory on how the GME price action cycle works makes him terrfying to the bears.

  41. Don’t you see the signs here, we’re turning this Qompany arround, and then to the moon. Just look at the signs.

  42. There’s communication going on here, we just have to be humble, allowing ourselves to listen to the signs, to the kids and the “crazies” who can hear them. So who is talking here? Is RK close to RC? How many shares did RK buy in total? Why is this important? Who else bought that many shares? What happened in January 2021? Why did this happen? Why did this really happen?

  43. Because fundamentally, we have “to ask ourselves what kind of [people] are we? Are [we] the kind that see[] signs? See[] miracles? Or do [we] believe that people just get lucky? Is it possible that there are no coincidences?” Maybe there are no coincidences to these memes? To what has happened with GameStep in the last 5 years? Or maybe I’m crazy, idk lol.

  44. The sign of the kitty for instance, stalking his prey. The bears are scared as they see the signs of RK talking to someone.

  45. We (retail) are not gonna survive the coming crazy times (of recession? things are looking bad in commercial real estate) unless we allow ourselves to get a little crazy, unleashing the animal within us to “take on the big city (the Wall Street establishment).”

  46. We’re gonna be friends and for this job, us apes need each other, we need to do this GameStop dance with a bunch of trufrends, and it’s gonna get crazy as we’re dancing on the portfolios of these crooked bears.

  47. Maybe RK is leaking his GME price action thesis to retail so we can join in with the big investors and put a real scare in these shorts; instill in them the fear of God.

  48. Cuz RK is back, and he still believes in his core thesis of GameStop, that it can become the next Amazon. What’s a sign of what’s gonna happen you may ask? Maybe a repeat of what happened in Jan 2021?

  49. “Pay strict attention to what I am about to say, because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.” The RK is watching, about to strike his prey.

  50. We’re getting ready to slaughter the shorts. All we have to do is say no to their buying pressure. Hodl!

  51. That price pressure will bring the shorts into the bloody game of chicken. Watch closely, RK is about to pull off a magic trick. Cuz RK isn’t really the play. He’s just the catalyst. The real play is not “that” but “this”. “Ha made you look.” Kansas City Shuffle, the shorts know they’re gonna get wrecked, but as they’re paying attention to RK, they’re gonna get wrecked by something else. Maybe the apes? Maybe another whale?

  52. To play this game, RK had to go into deep cover. His whole plan has to be in plain sight so the authorities can’t pin anything on him. All they found as they investigated him in 2021 were some reddit posts, some old livestreams, and a bunch of twitter memes. Hardly enough to tie him to anything criminal. Why did he do this whole thing? Maybe he was sick of the insider trading, the BS of the system. All the plan took was an activist investor, some pressure (recalling borrowed shares), and some time, and RK was able to help almost bring down the system in 2021. Hiding in plain sight.

  53. Now as he’s running, the police about to catch the fugitive, he’s turning around on the crooked authorities. Time to fight back with his secret weapon.

  54. The secret weapon is offering his apprentices, us degenerate YOLO gamblers, the redpill, the hidden secret to understand the Matrix that is the financial system. Maybe now we’re ready to ride the YOLO, take the red pill, jump madly into wonderland as we dance to the beat of the mad drum, the music of “shorts are f***ed.”

  55. But how does RK know everything that’s gonna happen? How is the timeline so knowable, and yet free will still exists. How do we know in our crazy world, if anything causes anything else? Instinct. Ask yourself some questions. Do short squeezes exist? Do gamma squeezes exist? Can gamma squeezes set off short squeezes? Is it illegal to coordinate to set off a short squeeze? How can something in the future cause something in the past? Read the comms. This is how we win.

  56. They’ll hit us with everything they got, drop the price, crazy things that we can’t even imagine, they’ll try to make us doubt the righteousness of our cause; in the meantime, northing they do can hurt us. All we need to do is keep our focus on the music (shorts are f***ed) which inspires us to go out and whip some ass, make our YOLO bets; we like the stock.

  57. They’ll throw everything they have at us, hitting us with lightning, storms; the shorts think they’re God (Christ), and they can control everything in this fake world they’ve built for us. We have to “Hodl on” during the storm.

  58. And we can do so easily. They fail to understand. We are retards. We YOLO and get off on loss. You can’t stop us.

  59. As retards we sit comfy, accepting our losses, ignoring the small gains, knowing our YOLOs are gonna print.

  60. As we YOLO our savings into degenerate call bets, the bears will try to go about their business as usual. We sit back and wait, watching them, haunting them, destroying their sleep with our long dated calls. They know us. They fear us. They know that we know the MOASS is coming.

  61. In the meantime, we’re gonna amplify this sh*t on Twitter, get the freaks out to the floor, showing the world what’s up, jamming out to the music (shorts are f***ed), even as gamma depreciates the value out of our YOLOs.

  62. As we throw everything on to the YOLOs into long dated OTM calls, normies will start to find out about us through the MSM (mainstream media), and the propaganda thrown out against us degenerate GameStop fanboys who called bluff of the Wall Street crooks (naked short selling) will be intense agains the normies. They don’t realize the truth because they’re still not getting their information from X (and Reddit, although it’s heavily censored), and won’t know about the coming GameStop apocalypse until it’s too late.

  63. It’s not about the MSM though. Don’t listen to them.

  64. Just like we know the MSM lied about RK after 2021 went down, we tune them out now. “Shut up bitch!” “It’s a good line.”

  65. Cause genius plan is that is that we’re kinda retarded; we are going to force the squeeze to happen again by simply being retards.

  66. Being retarded, our retarded plan is just to continue being retards. We will YOLO everything we have into GameStop by buying a mix of the stock and long dated calls and you can’t stop us. We like the Stonk!

  67. Our strategy of being retard degenerate YOLOing gamblers required RK stepping away for a bit. We had to learn how to embrace our full retardery on our own. Build up the DD library.

  68. RK is not the villain, the criminal shorts here are. But they’ll try to make him the villain. Like they already did back in 2021. No, this retardery has to come from us.

  69. RK stepping back allowed him to transform into a superhero. He figured out that the system is rigged, and figured out how YOLOs could print. So he took a step back to transform his GameStop shares into the Lisan Al-Gaib.

  70. He had to watch from the sidelines as the powers of Wall Street carved up our GameStop gains from the big squeezes of 2021. He feels the pain with us. It was such a good pie.

  71. While he lurked, the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) rumors were that he took his gains and left into the sunset. The FUD was that he just got lucky with his squeeze thesis. The FUD is that GameStop is still gonna go bankrupt, it missed it chance to turn things around. The FUD is that the squeeze already squoze. But now RK is back, and he doesn’t even have to address all the FUD to dispel it all. He’s gonna make take the internet by storm by a simple meme. He likes the stock!

  72. Why does he like the stock? Let’s rewind to our original thesis, the original reason we decided to YOLO. Is Ryan Cohen still a sexy motherf***er? Yes. The thesis of GameStop, and everything that entails, is still valid.

  73. The true boss, the true guy in charge, is Cohen, he’s the one who’s gonna fix the company.

  74. RK is really just chilling, here on the outside. All he knows is the simple play, playing on repeat the game cuz shorts are f***ed.

  75. Even though RK joining the board seemed to be the trigger that kicked off the squeeze, it was anonymous reddit users, all of us retards like Avocado-in-my-Anus jumping in and throwing YOLOs in that brought Wall Street to a halt in ‘21.

  76. RK made a heap of money daytrading on GME, and we can too, as the degenerate gamblers that we are. RK’s memes lead the way.

  77. RK’s Tyler Durden character, the one who would lead us degenerate YOLOers into our GameStop YOLO to get our tendies was the reddit YOLO posts of DFV. RK by day, trading on the GME fundamentals, he likes the stock. DFV by night, he YOLOed into long dated calls to kick off the Ape revolt against Wall Street.

  78. RK is just a nice guy, why is everyone harrassing him for his play? He just. likes. the. stock!

  79. They are harrassing him cuz Day and Night, RK is fighting the baddies with his twin play, combining fundamental buying with a YOLO on long dated calls, taking on the shorts of Wall Street, bearing the slings and arrows of loss p*rn; but RK knows that their weapons can’t hurt him, the tendies will flow.

  80. So sit down bears, he’s about to drop his Mr. Nice Guy act, Wu-Tang b****. The bears are gonna get wrecked.

  81. RK went into the retarded YOLO of OTM calls combined with heavy buying of the stock, and only other retarded degenerates would follow him. Success on this bet would appear unlikely, but never tell him the odds. The Imperial institutions of Wall Street won’t be able to sufficiently maneuver in the asteroid field, but we retail investors can, so Come Along with him on the most degenerate YOLO of all time.

  82. I think the lyrics tell us the most here

    The lunatics have taken over the asylum
    Waiting on the rapture
    Singing, "We're here
    To keep your prices down

    Feed you to the hounds
    To the Daily Mail”

    Together, together…

    Ending with the powerful words to the bears, “you’ve lost command”, as the GME thesis flips from bear to bull.

  83. They (the shorts) have lost command of GME as RK and the degenerate armies of apes have been summoned to come and take out the criminal bears via GameStop.

  84. We’ll take out the bears with a Prestige like magic trick, stunning the world with our trick, as RK disappeared into silence, and then came back to bust some heads, unlocking the MOASS.

  85. We’ll have to own the villainous reputation that the MSM will shower down upon him and the GameStop investors who are threatening their whole corrupt order.

  86. As they torture us, all we’ll say is the truth. WE LIKE THE STOOOOOCKKK! GAMESTOOOOOOOP!

  87. They’ll try to get us to take our profits. “How’s 14k in the ATM sound.” “Just take your gains you degenerate day traders. Let us go. Please?… You guys are crazy, do you want to blow up the system?”

  88. We are coming for the bears. We will make them our victim. There is no escape for them.

  89. We are gonna make this into a requel of a slasher film. Not a mid squeeze this time, the real squeeze, the big squeeze. We’re coming for some scalps for the short hedgies. We’re gonna claim some bodies.

  90. Us trufrends are in this together, we’re gonna stay with each other, we’re not gonna sell. We’re gonna light a match. Start the fire.

  91. “It’s not just a call. The call is a warning. A symbol. To them. Fear of the symbol, of the call shall be our tool.” YOLO calls FTW!

  92. What is DRS? Why it is important? What happens if YOLO degenerates turn their gains into stock? What really happens? What is DRS? Why is it important? As retarded and degenerate as us ape YOLOers may appear, we know how to file the paperwork that will kick off the real party.

  93. The job that we’re trying to do with the paperwork (see above) has never been done before. There will be a lot of FUD. There will be a lot of pushback. Your broker will probably try to stop you. The price target? Just Up. To the moon.

  94. And that real party is kicking some bear ass. They overshorted, simple as. We execute our plan, and we’re locking them into the room of pain.

  95. No talking about what we’re doing. We can’t ask. Coordinated manipulation of the stock market is illegal of course. Apes do not do anything illegal. Therefore. But we can ride. We can YOLO.

  96. And we ride because these shorts gotta know that if you F*** around, sometimes you FIND OUT. Short companies into bankruptcy for infinite gains. They f***ed around with an infinite short. Their finding out will be brutal as they face infinite gains. Even people who don’t like Wall Street will be stunned at how brutal the shorts “finding out” is.

  97. Us so-called sheep, the “dumb money”, the retail investors, the hoi polloi, the deplorables, we’ve had just about enough of this rigged Wall Street game. We’re taking over now. The apparent juggernaut of Wall Street is gonna be easily dispatched. We’re gonna take the whole float. And we’re gonna force them to bankrupt themselves covering the shorts.

  98. For every action, there’s a reaction. They’ve been fixing the stock market for too long. A pikey reaction to all of this chicanery, the wretched of the earth, the gamers and the redditors together, is quite a f***ing thing. Don’t sell. YOLO after all. Let’s go out with a bang.

  99. They’ll provoke us, they’ll drive the price crazy, they’ll pull all of the shenangins. No fighting. No f***ing fighting. Don’t give them anything they can use against us to paint us in a bad light. We like the stock! Hodl! We don’t need more complicated strategies. Just Hodl. It’s gonna be a busy few weeks.

  100. And after a few weeks of that, we’ll get some unexpected reinforcements. After all, who really owns what in the stock market. All it takes is a little button (maybe a few) and we go into hyperspeed. Put on a seatbelt, we’re about to push the forbidden button and ACCELERATE.

  101. We’re not just riding for revenge. We’re riding for a Reckoning against the crooks who have siphoned billions, if not trillions, from the common people. “You tell them I’m coming, and Hell’s coming with me!”

  102. Our YOLOing bets into real shares will force a Mexican standoff, where the shorts and us are both paralyzed, this system is proven as broken, but what happens next? No one knows who really owns the float. And then we start kicking ass with our secret electric weapon (IFYKYK, Google and it’s fight with shortie), starting to clearing out the enemy armies.

  103. Us apes aren’t the only heroes in this story, this is about the Avengers: all the big heroes, the whales, the great masses of the world, who will jump in the fight with us. This is the Last Farewell Ride. Victory or Death!

  104. We have some powerful foes. It’s gonna appear like they’re about to kill GameStop and the apes. They’ll get the executioner out. But then, wait for it… they’ll let us run. The popular support for apes and GameStop will prove too much, and they’ll back off. So get ready to run this race for our families, for our nations, for the world. The dog days are done.

  105. I actually have no idea. We’ll run to our gains maybe? But first we’ll have to swerve to accomplish a side quest?

  106. That side quest? We’re suiting up to go to war. The blood stays on the blade. We’ll get our gains. But only if we step into the fight once again. Don’t sell. Force them to buy back the shares $1 million at a time. Cohen and the GameStop team are leading us to victory, and we’ll need every ape we can get.

  107. This is the great battle. But first, the overture (back to the present day when posted). RK is gonna use the back and forth of the rigged markets to make his play, call his shot (heh) and become the Mother of Dragons. He likes the stock; us apes are the dragons who have to learn our true power.

  108. The shorts have stayed in too long trying to escape their liquidation. Too late now. Their game is over. Now, they have to play our game. They are trapped; now they are done when we say they’re done. What’s an exit strategy?

  109. We’re coming to Thanos their portfolios. We’re coming to liquidate half of Wall Street, the half that have been bankrolling the criminals who rigged the system with decades of naked shorting practices, a poorly kept secret that corruption refused to allow to be addressed, despite it being used to bankrupt Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, exasperating the financial crisis of ‘08.9 All so they could keep playing their rigged game, with their fake money.

  110. So sit up, and pay attention.

    The Gamestop Event Horizon (17)
  111. But first, we wait. Look at all the kittens? Aren’t they cute? Who would want to hurt such cute little guys?

  112. Cats rule the world, don’t you know.

  113. This has all been a magic trick. Who’s magic trick? The insiders know. But they can’t stop it. The truth is too unbelievable. And the rest of us don’t really want to know. We just want to watch the show.

  114. We are all Ryan Cohen. We are all GameStop. We are all the man in the bowler hat. We the people are coming for them. FEAR.

  115. Tbc…

So that’s it, that’s my schizophrenic crazy thesis as to what might happen next. Please don’t trade on it, I’m not an insider, I have no insider knowledge, I’m just having some fun speculating about this crazy ride. I’ll probably look back in 6 months and laugh at how off I was. Do your own Due Diligence again, check out some of the awesome GameStop posts people have crowdsourced over the last 4 years here, one of the coolest things I’ve encountered in all my time on the internet.

I don’t know what’s happening next, but I suspect we’re in for a ride. As for me, I’m buying some GameStop. I like the stock. It’s got good fundamentals. I believe in Ryan Cohen. and as a degen gambling retard, i might thro some YOLO calls in there 2.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming…

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If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and watch The Big Short. Ensemble cast (Christian Bale as Burry, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrell, Margot Robbie, etc) and very well-written, making entertaining somewhat dry concepts such a Credit Default Swaps.




A call is an option contract that for a small price, gives you the right to buy 100 stocks in the future for a particular price, so if the price goes up you get to buy a bunch more stock for the cheaper price, but if it doesn’t then your option expires worthless




The Gamestop Event Horizon (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.