Why can't i remove a show from my continue watching? (2024)

Why can't i remove a show from my continue watching?

You haven't finished watching so it continues to show up in the queue. There is no way to remove it. If it's a feature you'd like to see, leave feedback from within the app and make that request.

Is there a way to get a show off your continue watching?

Go to the details page of a TV show or movie in the Continue Watching row. From the menu, select Remove from Continue Watching.

How do you get rid of a movie on continue watching?

In the Continue Watching queue, select and hold the movie you wish to remove. Select Remove from List in the pop-up menu.

How do I get rid of continue watching Max?

Continue Watching
  1. Phone, tablet, or computer: Choose the Menu icon on the item you want to remove and then choose Remove.
  2. Roku: Press the * button on your remote.
  3. Other TV device: Press and hold the title you want to remove for 1 second.

How long does it take for continue watching stay on Netflix?

It might take up to 24 hours for the titles you hide from your Netflix account to actually disappear from the "continue watching" section.

Can I remove a show from HBO Max continue watching?

Computer: Choose your profile (upper right), then My Stuff > Continue Watching > Edit. Click the X on items you want to remove or choose Clear All to remove everything. When you're done editing, choose Done.

How do you remove shows from continue watching on Hulu?

How to remove a show or movie from your watch history
  1. Navigate to Continue Watching*
  2. Hover over a show or movie's thumbnail for more info and options.
  3. Click the X icon to remove the title from your watch history.
  4. Click Done to complete the action, or Undo to go back.
Jan 4, 2023

How do you delete recently watched on Netflix?

Once you do this, Netflix's algorithm resets so you'll no longer see recommendations for shows and movies that feel irrelevant to your current interests.
  1. Step 1: View Homepage.
  2. Step 2: Select "Account"
  3. Step 3: Open Viewing Activity.
  4. Step 4: Find the Show to Delete.
  5. Step 5: Clear an Entire Show.
Oct 12, 2023

How do I clear my continue watching list on family cinema?


Browse till the end on “Continue watching” and click on “See more”. There, you will have the possibility to delete a specific item on the list or empty it altogether. Bear in mind that deleting the list will also remove it from your recommendations until you start watching something new.

How do I clear my cache on HBO Max?

On your Android TV, go to Settings > Apps. Select HBO Max from the list of apps. Select Clear cache. Select Clear data.

How do you restart a series on Max?

  1. Go back to the movie or episode description screen.
  2. Choose the Restart icon. . The show or movie will start playing from the beginning.

Why do I have continue watching on Netflix?

Continue Watching is a row on Netflix which displays everything you have started watching but haven't yet finished. This includes movies you have partially watched or the next episode of a TV show. It's designed to make it quick and easy to jump back into your entertainment, exactly where you left off.

Can you reset Netflix on your TV?

After opening Netflix, tap left on your remote to access the Netflix menu interface. Go all the way down until you reach “Get Help” in the settings. Within that menu, scroll down until you see “Sign Out”. Sign back into your account using your credentials.

Why isn t remove from row working on Netflix?

Note: Removing titles from the Continue Watching row is only available on the latest version of the Netflix app. For older app versions without this feature, you can remove titles from your Viewing activity, which also removes them from Continue Watching.

What's the longest film on Netflix?

The Longest Movie on Netflix

The longest movie on Netflix was "The Irishman," directed by Martin Scorsese. The film has a runtime of 3 hours and 29 minutes and features an all-star cast, including Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci.

How many episodes does it take for Netflix to say continue watching?

The prompt appears: After watching 3 episodes of a TV show in a row without using any video player controls, or. After 90 minutes of uninterrupted watching.

How do you remove a show from your continue watching on HBO?

Computer: Choose your profile (upper right), then My Stuff > Continue Watching > Edit. Click the X on items you want to remove or choose Clear All to remove everything. When you're done editing, choose Done.

Why is Hulu not deleting shows?

Removing episodes

Having trouble removing a show from My Stuff? It's possible that you've added individual episodes in the past — check for a My Episodes tab on the Details page to confirm. If that's the case, remove them following the steps below, then try removing the show once more.

How do I clear my Hulu cache?

How to clear the cache on Hulu using Android
  1. Start the Settings app.
  2. Tap "Apps." Then scroll down until you see Hulu and tap it.
  3. Tap "Storage" and then tap "Clear cache" at the bottom of the screen.
Aug 5, 2020

How do I clear my family cinema cache?

We highly recommend that you clear your temporary files from time to time in order to improve your device performance. This process does not erase your history, favorites or cloud. Close the APP and go to the device settings. Click on Apps > My Family Cinema > Clear data.

What does the N mean on my family cinema?

On the bottom right corner of each movie and series a “Y” is shown if there's a media file attached to it and an “N” if the file is not available in your cloud yet.

How do I remove from Google Watchlist?

Delete Watchlist history
  1. In a web browser, go to google.com/save.
  2. On the left, select Watchlist.
  3. Click Select and choose any items you want to delete.
  4. Click Remove. Remove.

Why is my HBO Max not clear?

If your network bandwidth is too low or the connection speed fluctuates, you might get a lower resolution stream. If this happens, see Video buffers or pauses.

How do I clear HBO Max cache on my smart TV?

  1. On your Android TV, go to Settings > Apps.
  2. Select HBO Max from the list of apps.
  3. Select Clear cache.
  4. Select Clear data.
  5. Open HBO Max, sign in, and try streaming again.

What does clearing cache do on streaming?

Clearing your cache can help with re-buffering and choppy video and will release any errors held in your browser's cache memory.


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Last Updated: 09/05/2024

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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