The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

sop. is lot. as a sho of should upon is is he if As is in not by band midst I him will STERN CHASE; Run to Ground at Last. A DETECTIVE STORY OF MEW ZORK. PREPARED FOR THE BOSTON GLOBS By GEORGE REYNOLDS.

ASTRO2 OF "INS RED BAND," "THE SEALETOM JAVOL NEVER MARRIED," 81G. (Copyright, 1885, by Globe Newspaper Company.) SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING CHAPTERS. A terrible tragedy startied New York. A poor woman, the wife of one Parsons, had been brutally murdered in midday. The clamored for justice: and the chief public of police calls to the work of detecting the criminal the ablest men on the force.

But the case seems shrouded in mystery. All that can be found out for some time is that there is a band of criminals abroad, and that several parties, probably, took a hand in the crime. Two officers, Pinkham and Harold, charze themselves with the work of ferreting out the guilty parties, Nerved by the assurance that unless some clew is gained within two days the case will be given into the hands of rival detectives, the pair of ofticers in disguise follow ap a slight clew, tending to show that an accomplice of the assassins figured in a bold rolbery. Two women. Belle Turner and Mary Free brother, suspected.

They are known to man, with Foster. a liberated convict, her are have pawned clothes very like those worn by the band who killed Parsons, and they gave faise addresses. Tha officers decide to for the various low haunts of sack in the city. a matter of fact the criminals at fifth-rate grog shop, known as the are Pewter Pot. Their promising pupil brings thither a young.

guileless Gerinan, whom he designs as a prey for his worthy instructors in evil doing. This guileless German is none other than Pinkham, and ofticers waiting pear are in by for the signal to descend the band with which the detective mingles. He finds himself in a sort of crypt, from which no sound can reach the outer world. and in presence of most desperate men. Pinkham prolongs matters as much as possible.

But in an unguarded moment of anxiety he recognized by Harrison, one of the worst of crim-nals at large. The gang draw their knives, and would kill Pinkham. but Harrison claims as his special vietin. In the of a terrific hand-to-hand fight, the impatient police make a descent on the place. Lights are extinguished, and when the officers enter the whole sang has mysteriously disappeared.

Finally a secret discovered, leading to the attic. Here. it supposed. the band is in hiding. The rascals having taken French leave, by means a ladder, made through Danny's ingenuity, to serve as a bridge, seek a perilous escape.

CHAPTER "Well, yes. she stammered. And approached the window with the woman Hardy. "And you. Belle Turner?" asked Harr replied the girl resolutely, "I will go "Ah! you have a brave "Help me to mount upon the windowsill." Harrison turned a box over which he found there.

and placed the girl upon it. She was already upon one of the rounds of the ladder. but she did not hesitate. "It is possible the ladder may bend in the middle and 1 bo thrown upon pavement," she said; "in any event, farewell." She bent towards Harrison and kissed him: then. rising at once, she commenced her perilous journey.

She advanced from round to round with as firm a step as if the ladder were not two feet from the ground. It was the critical moment. Harrison, master of himself as he was, grew pale. At lat the uttered an exclamation of joy. She had reached the window and crossed the Bill, Well.

are you still afraid?" he said to the two women. "That proves nothing." replied Mary Freeman, "Belle Turner is lighter than we are." you feel more reassured after Ihave passed over?" asked Foster. "Yes." replied the woman. hesitatingly. Foster stepped upon the ladder, walking coolly, but with extreme care, and in minte he reached the attic where Belle Inner awaited him.

"it your turn." said Harrison. And the woman still hesitated: Oh!" he said. "none of that; the knife or the ladder. choose." said Danny; "you go first and don't look Pale and trembling the woman placed her foot upon the ladder. She was so agitated that Harrison could not refrain from murmuring: "Come!" said Harrison, seizing the Freeman woman the shoulder.

will never reach the other end." CHAPTER XI. DANNY IS ILL AT EASE. Reaching the middle Mary Freeman felt the ladder vacillate beneath her feet. Then trembling in every limb she stopped short. on, mamma." cried Danny.

"Is is impossible! I cannot, my head swims. I am stammered the unhappy woman in a feeble voice. "Her head is turned: she is right, she is lost. murmured Harrison. there is no weans to save her," cried Danny, greatly moved.

Wait, do not move," called Foster 1 to his sister. What is he going to do?" asked Harrisoft. Foster disappeared and returned at ouce, with a long stick in his band. hold of that." he said, "and come on without fear." The woman seized the end of the stick. and reassured by this support reached the wit Harrison drew a long breath.

"if the ladder had slipped beneath her feet we should have been lost at the same time," he said. The woman Hardy crossed more resolately than Mary Freeman. She was not so heavy, and felt reassured by her conipanIon's success. torn?" asked Danny. Mine." said Mitchell.

"Where are they asked Harrison. has made a hole in the door arge enough to admit a man's head. Go, and join the others: 1 take your place, and a head presents itself before my turn contes to cross will fix And Harrison posted himself before the door. It was at this moment that Benson proto pass had through the opening which Pinkham made. "You will go far," murmured Harrison, clutching his knife and shaking it nervously, and with his beaming eyes stixed upon the opening he awaited with a ferocious impatience the moment when the head appear.

He was watching intently when he felt some one pull his coat. lie turned quickly. It was Danny. "Is is your turn to go," said the boy, in a low tone. Mitchell?" He has trached the other aide." Wast!" "I wish to finish that fellow." said Marrison.

bat time presses: go." cross first. "No: your head is in danger, mine is not." well, take my knife; and if you but see a head pass before I reach the window strike." CAll right: now co." When was alone, Danny looked at the knife, repeating his favorite argument: Tam not 14; I am not responsible." off Daring coat this time Benson had been taking his order to pass more easily and to be free its his movements. This precaution saved him. Danny saw that Harrison had rejoined his companions. he marmured.

the most urgent thing is to save myself." and he ran to the Take care." cried Foster: "the ladder cracked just now when Harrison crossed." Danny smiled "Fortunately am not an elephant: I am light as a souirrel." And he stepped upon the ladder as coolly and tranquiily as if is were a substantial structure. Bat when he had gone halt way he stopped swidenly, he and grew pale. ared with terror the depth of murmured, as he meas neath Refore him. It cracked and yielded. "I the abyss behe quish his sentence ama loud crack was board.

and the ladder broke in the separating into two parts. band. A hoarse ery escaped the breasts of the At the same der fell into the cotirt moment with one a end loud of noise. the ladBut the other end. retained shock window only sill made by the sink iron hooks which the upon the more deeply into the wool.

and hung ou against the wall -of the Danas was suspended last by his round hands. of this end Conraze: don't lose your head, Danny," Danny did not as a chost. whole band leaned nth does not move." said Harrison. pale window. be consciousnesa he is dead." da for she could not utter a a a a a a a a word, With open mouth.

her gaze fixed a poti her her eyes horribly dilated, vid and motioniess, she was frightful to look upon. Ten seconds passed he thus Then his Danny moved his limte, then raised head as it to take in his fearful position. Then with one of his hands he seized the round above and slowly, little by little, by the exercise of coolness and energy, be reached the window. He was saved. Then turning towards the frightened window faces in which were clustered the of his comrades: at once, and don't worry about me," he said.

"I defy them to find me." An instant later he was under the box, upon which the police presently stood. CHAPTER XIL AT "THE LIZARD." It was noon. Not a breath of air. not cload in the sky. The heat was so intense that the streets were deserted.

At this moment two men turned from Sixth avenue, and braving the rays of the sun. crossed Broadway and walked along until they reached a street bordered on both sides by wine shops and restaurants. One of these men had a tali figure, broad shoulders, energetic features and a determined expression. The other, smaller than his companion. had a gloomy, suspicious look.

The first of these two men was Harrison. The other was Foster. They walked slowly. They did not exchange a word, but from time to time they glanced furtively at each other. and it was easy to see that the same "It is there." said Foster finally in a low sentiment absorbed them both.

tone. pointing to a wine shop on the other side of the street. "Is the house painted red?" asked Harri- right." "Let us enter." It was an old house, the front of which was painted red. Behind the windows little red cotton curtains harmonized with the tone of the front. A double sign adorned the building.

One, roughly painted, sented a sort of yellow and green reptile. which the passerby would have had great difficulty in making out were it not for the inscription beneath: "The lizard." On the other was painted these words: "Drinks. five cents." The house was deserted. 15 no one here," said Harrison on entering. replied Foster.

And he pointed to the end of the room, where a large man sat with his head resting upon a table, sound asleep. Foster approached the table, and giving it a blow with his fist, said: don't you wish to serve your customers today?" "The deuce!" cried the shopkeeper, startink to his feet. "Is there no one here," asked Harrison in peculiar tone. "No one." replied the man. "There is a room behind this?" said Foster.

"Yes." "What does it open on?" beyond the garden?" one side there is an open space." "And on the other?" "A narrow passageway. give us some wine and six glasses in that room." said Harrison. you expect some one?" said the shop. keeper. friends and two ladies." "Wi at wine do you want?" "Your best." The man introduced his customers into the private room.

Then went out two, to get the wine and glasses. During his absence Harrison opened the window and looked out. The window was about four feet from the ground and opened upon a garden. He had just finished h.s insrection when the shopkeeper returned. He was followed by two women, Mary Freeman and Belle Turner.

"The others?" asked Harrison. "They come another way." replied Belle Turner; "they will be here Harrison atopped the man as he was going out. "In a few moments," he said, "my friends will "Who will they ask for?" "All right." When he was alone with Harrison and the two women Foster said: "Well what does ail this mean?" "Don't you understand?" asked Harrison quietly. "I ask what this reunion, of which you told me nothing, means?" "You shall know presently." "But why are my sister and Belle Turner here?" "To drink a glass of wine with us." what else? It was not that that they braved the heat and the police." "Wait! You will see." "And your two friends who are coming?" "Don't be impatient: you are in too much of a hurry." Foster looked intently at Harrison, whose air and tone disturbed him as much as the mystery surrounding the whole affair. "Ah!" he cried tinally.

"can it be that you are plotting something against me?" There was a knock on the door. "You shall soon see." said Harrison. in an accent still more disturbing. "for there are the two friends." Mary Freeman opened the door and two men entered. The first was Mitchell.

The second was a man of about 30. He was short thick set. and had a wicked expression. It was McManus, one of the 30 members of the band of which Harrison was the chief. Foster gazed at the new comers attentively, seeking to fathom their thoughts.

He could learn nothing. They both appeared perfectly calm and indifferent. In fact these two men were as ignorant as he of the reason for their rendezvous at the Lizard. "Shut the or." said Harrison. McManus closed it.

"Turn the McManus obeyed. This precaution, which he would haze found only natural under other circ*mstances, only served to increase the uneasiness of Foster. "Sit down; now wo can talk," continued Harrison. "Now," he said, "I am going to tell you why we are assembled here. Notwithstanding the affair at the Pewter Pot.

nothing proves that the police know the murderers of Mrs. Parsons." yet." his observed the Mitchell. "Pinkham's disguise; visit to Pewter unquestionably went to the place hoping to find there those who commitied the deed: he went disguised because he is known to all of us; nothing more natural: but what does that prove? But one of us has committed an imprudence, which may, indeed, awaken the suspicions of the police and ruin us all with himself." is it?" asked Foster. "You, yourself." "Yes." "How?" "Have you not delayed reporting, as the law now requires released convicts to do, at police headquarters for three days?" is "Imbecile! suspicions are already directed against Foster, greatly disconcerted, did not reply. you think," cried Harrison, "that the police do not know that Foster.

Harrison and Mitchell were friends at Sing Sing? You suspected. Mitchell and I are menaced, and with us the whole band. You see this simple negligence, this three days' delay, may be our ruin." A profound sil succeeded these words. All comprehend the gravity the situation caused by the imprudence of Foster. "What can I do?" he finally asked.

thing alone." "Go to police headquarters and report." Foster grew pale at this proposition. police he murmured, shuddering: "never!" Harrison arose and let fall upon Foster a look in which could be read an implacable resolution. "You must!" he said. stammered Foster. concerns two heads, mine and Mitchell's: it concerns the gallows or imprisonment for life for three individuals who must not be the victims of your folly.

You see you must do "But to go, will be to deliver myself up," said Foster. "No, you can pretend a three days' sickness, that will be an excuse for the delay. Besides, it is the only means of saving us and And addressing the other witnesses of this scene: do you say, you others? I have had you assemble here in order to get your is right," said Mitchell. said Foster, hesitatingly: "tomorrow." "No, not tomorrow, today." evening. then, after dark." "No.

not this evening, this very said Harrison, resolutely. After a moment's hesitation Foster replied: I will go at once." He was absolutely livid: he felt that this consent was his death warrant. right! You are acting like a a a a a a a a a a a man." "Rather, like a fool!" said a voice which window. Harrison turned quickly. He saw no one.

voice certainly came from there!" he exclaimed, greatly agitated. We all heard said Belle Turner. added Foster, "I thought recog. nized the voice broke in Harrison. "I also." Harrison rushed to the window, which had remained open during the interview, but at the moment he reached it, pale with fury, another head arose on the outside." cried Harrison in amazement.

Then he added: that discovery I have made! I found that for yourself. could imitate Pinkham's voice. Judge And with a marvellous power of ventrilo- THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE- FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1888. Grace Gilbreth of Salt Lake, Carrie Hunt of Lobi. Fannie Smith of Hooper, Fannie Hunt Hall, Susie Merrill, Carrie Mason and Anna of Sa't Lake, Miss C.

F. Buck of Huntsville, U. and Miss Virginia of Santa Mateo, N. M. Rev.

A. E. Winship will give the address of welcome. and an address will also be made by Rev. Charles R.

Bliss. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Various Assignments and Settlements With Creditors Made. The committee appointed to investigate the failure of Patrick H. Desmond, grocer and liquor dealer, at 21 Leverett street, this city, and grocer and provision dealer at Malden, has made its report and states that the liabilities and assets are substantially as stated by the debtor, and would recommend that all creditors accept 25 per cent.

of their claims, notes running three, SIX, nine and 12 months unsecured and bearing interest to be taken for the percentage. A composition paper is now in circulation among the creditors, and it is thought their committee's recommendation will be carried out. The Riverside Land and Lumber Company, Riverside, has assigned. Patrick O'Donnell, grocer, Central Falls, R. is settling under an assignment.

J. M. Nolan, general trader, Coravillis. is compromising with his creditors at 50 cents the dollar. He owes nominal assets, $37,000.

L. Lyons dry goods dealers, St. Paul, have assigned. Levy Son, wholesale notions, New Orleans, are asking an extension of their creditors. Their nominal assets are $29.500.

and liabilities $25,400. Shortwell, Clerihew Lothmann, clothing dealers, Minneapolis, have assigned. S. Kimball, auction and commission business, New Bedford. has failed; liabilities.

$3102; assets. $2430; and the creditors are offered 33 cents on the dollar in settlement. National Prison Association. The reception committee of the National Prison Association held a meeting yesterday afternoon to make further arrangements for the reception of ex-President Hayes which will be during the con- vention. MARRIACE INTENTIONS.

John Grey, 30, and Elizabeth Bayliss, 27; Sidney N. Moon, 32, Sarah F. Bowker, 41; George Thompson, 21, and Eva Price, 23; Walter N. Woodruff, 35, and Mary F. Gargan, 28; D.

Edward Breeze, 37, and Sarah Chapman, 25; John Slattery, 39, and Mary A. Finn, 32; Russell M. 24, and Jessie Ranloff, 21; Timothy Lynch, 29, and Ellen Ahearn, 25. MARRIAGES. this city, June 20, by Rev.

J. J. Fallon, Stephen J. Connolly and Ellen H. Devlin.

Bath, June 18, by Rev. T. F. White, William E. Gardner and Martha Hitohco*ck.

DEATHS. DEATHS. this city, June 20, William Wallace Bates, 52 yrs. 10 mos. 25 ds.

Funeral from his late residence, East Weymouth, Saturday, June 23, at 2.30 p. m. Relatives and friends are invited without further notice. CLARKE. this city, June 21, Mary wife of Clarke, 49 yrs.

11 mos. Funeral at 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, at the M. E. church on Temple st. South Braintree, June 20, James Edward, beloved son of John and Catherine Coughlin, 11 yrs.

8 mos. East Boston, June 20, John Devine, 58 yrs 4 mos. Funeral from his late residence, 150 Paris Friday afternoon, June 22, at 2 o'clock. Friends and relatives requested to attend. HARRINGTON.

this city, June 20, Mortimer Harrington, 87 yrs. this city, June 20, Thomas Kennedy, 35 yrs. Funeral from 1 J. D. Fallon's warerooms, 736 Centre Jamaica Plain, Friday.

June 22, at 8.30 a.m. Friends and relatives are invited. this city, June 20, Dora, wife of Angust Kelle, 49 yrs. South Boston, June 21, Francis beloved son of Edward and Julia McDonnell, 7 weeks. Funeral from his late residence, 77 West Seventh Friday, June 22, at 2.30 p.

m. Charlestown, June 20., Mrs. Catherine E. McCarthy, 29 yrs. 1 mo.

Funeral from the residence of her parent, Michael Kelly, 40 Cook Friday morning, at 9 o'clock. this city, Grace, daughter of Patrick and Sarah A. Murray. Funeral from her late residence, 66 Minot June 22. this city, June 20, Mary, wife of Matthew Murphy, 25 yrs.

POTTS -At Cambridgeport, 103 River June 21, James H. Potts, formerly of Charlestown. Funeral notice later. Chelsea, June 21, Isaac Stebbins, 70 yrs. 8 mos.

18 ds. Funeral Tuesday, June 26, 2 p. at late residence, 44 Franklin av. a occasion. FRESH FLOWERS for every J.

NEWMAN SONS, 51 TREMONT SUFFOLK BANK BUILDING. jal4 Telephone No. 2278. FSuWtf Errors of Youth. SUFFERERS FROM Ho Nervous Indiscretions, Debility, Lost Youthful Manhood, PE BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN Many men, from the effects of youthful imprudence, hare brought about a state of weakness that has reduced the general system so much as to induce alinost every other disease, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever being suspected, they Are doctored for everything but the right on8.

Notwithstanding the many valuable remedies that medical science has produced for the relief of this class of patients, none of the ordinary modes of treatment effect cure. During our extensive college and hospital practice, we have experimented with and discovered new and concentrated dies. The accompanying prescription is fered as a certain and speedy cure, as hundreds of cases lu our practice have been restored to perfect health by its use after all other remedies failed. Perfectly pare ingredients must be used in the preparation of this prescription. E- Erythroxylon coca Jerubebin, drachm.

Helonias I drachm. Gelsemin, 8 grains. Ext. anars (alcoholle), 2 gratis Ext. leptaudra, 2 scruples.

Glycerine, q. g. Mix. Make 60 pills. Take 1 pill at 3 p.m., and and other on going to bed.

In some cases it will be necessary for the patient to take two pills at bedtine, making the number three a day, This remedy is adapted to every condition of nervous debility and weakness in either sex, and especially in those cases restating from imprudence. The recuperative powers of this restorative are truly astonishing, and its use continued for a short time changes the languid, debilitated, nerveless condition to one of renewed life and vigor. As we are constantly in receipt of letters of Inquiry relative to this remedy, we would say to those who would prefer to obtain it of us, by remitting St a securely, sealed package containing 60 pills, carefully compounded, will be sent by return mail from our private laboratory, or we will furnish 6 packager, which will care most cases, for $5. Address or call on NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, TREMONTON! ROW, MASS dSutf OLD DR. LAVOLA'S Dispensary, 633 Tremont Boston, established 1872, and for 15 vears past under the able management of the present doctor, who will give special attention to the treatment of venereal and private diseases of both sexes.

Recent eases cured in a short time; long-standing ailineuts are treated with unparalleled success. Spenhatorrhoa, seminal weakness or nervous debility or impotency us the result of evil habits of youth, which produces some of the following effects: Emissions, blotches, debility, de spondency, dizziness, nervousness, dimness of sight, coughs, constipation, confusion of ideas, and unfitting the victim for business or marriage, are speedIly cured. Consultation free; cures guaranteed. Office hours, to 7 to 9 evenings; Saturdays, all day; Sundays, 10 2. jel4 Big has given univerCures in sal satisfaction in the TO 5 DAYS.

cure of and not 10 cause Stricture. Gleet. I prescribe it and feel safe in recommendard enly by the Grans Chamioal Co. ing it to all sufferers. Cineinnati, 3 A.

J. STONER, M.D., Ohio. Decatur, Ill. PRICE, $1.00. Trade Sold by Druggists.

Sudeod182t an28 To Sufferers from Nervous Diseases and Exhausted Vitality. Avoid Quacks, bogus medicines and medical companies, electric belts and all such nonsense. You can be fully cured. I will tell you how. Will not deceive you.

Communications strictly confidential. Address, enclosing stamp for reply, lock box 1764. Boston. st my24 TO WEAK MEN errors, effects of early from youthful the de cay, lost manhood, etc. 1 will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, tree of charge.

Address, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn Sadly mh25 PEERLESS DYES Are SOLD BY the DRUGGISTS. BEST.

SITUATIONS WANTED. DOSTON 751 Washington are prepared to furuish EMPLOYMENT ROOMS seashore or mountain places; help for all kinds of work, A head cook. temperate, will be ready for an engagement June 25: Al ALEXAN. reference. Address at present employer's, DER PIERRE, chef, Oxford Hotel, Huntington Boston.

je22 meat or order, in saloon: situation wanted by a steady woman. 1 Parkman off Hanover st. 1t Wanted, situation by young man, strictly pera in aurant or hotel. 178 Main Charlestown. FIREMAN, make experienced, would like a useful; sitnacan tion; furnish willing best of references.

Address 150," to himself generally Globe office. je21 DRANK SAGESO- works Italian and men railroads. furnished 210 for contractors of water North Boston. je22 A widow desires a posiH ton in a widower's family preferred. 25 Pine city, H.

je21 situation as working housekeeper by a young more American woman in Ad- a widower's family of not than 2 persons. dress 181," Globe office. je22 American lady wonld like situation as working housekeeper for widower with small family; references exchanged. 176. Globe office.

married man of good business exM as salesman, would like permaneut position; first-class references; no canvassing. H. Globe office. Surf 114 wanted as assistant or bookkeeper by a young lady; has had 3 years' experience as assistant. Address 131," Globe office.

je20 DAINTER AND PAPER HANGER wants a situation. Address "H.149, "Globe office. je21 DEPORTER wants a position on a live Address daily or weekly paper in or out of Boston. 300 Shawmut Boston. AMERICAN EMPLOY.

MENT Agency, 72 Hanover Boston, reliable help furnished at short notice. GEORGE HEDELIUS CO. STRONG, capable, experienced girl would like situation, citv or suburbs: nice cook; good laundress; first-class Warrenton st. STEEN position as stenographer A young and lady typewriter; would speed, 140 words; familiar with Remington and Caligraph; references. Address box 593, Worcester, Mass.

je21 STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, thoroughly experienced, wants good position; firstclass references. 156," Globe office. je21 wanted: a reliable man wants sitS nation in meat business; thoroughly understands the business right through; good cutter, used to city or country trade; best references. Address P. 0.

box 48, Barre Plains, Mass. je19 by trustworthy lady, a position in a linen room of hotel, or seamstress in private family: best of references. Call or address "Mrs. 6 George E. Somerville.

je22 young men would like position on gentleman's place; understand the care of horses and carriages thoroughly: or would work at any other steady work; can furnish best of references. Call at 211 Columbia Cambridgeport, between 9 and 12 a.m. je22 wanted by a Swedish girl for housework, or second work in a small family; is willing to go out in the country a short distance. Call at 244 South Boston. wanted; young man wants to let for 2 years to learn the carpenter's trade; has had some experience and has a good kit of tools.

Address H. F. BALLOU, 82 Chandler city. je22 wanted as steward or wine S' clerk; best of references; can start on 3 days' notice or sooner. Address 142," Globe office.

je21 SITUATION wanted reference. by a lady Address as bookkeeper 165," assistant; good Globe office. je21 keeper, housework, sewing, nursery, American home house- more than wages. 767 Washington st. je21 SITUATION wanted in cook.

a Call private family address by 166 a experienced or Cedar Roxbury. je22 SITUATION wanted by A first-class meat cook, city or country; 15 years' experience. 188," Globe office. wanted by first-class bread and cake baker. Address 196," Globe office.

je21 SITUATION is wanted as collector and or messenger good competent can give reference as honesty and sobriety. Address 163," Globe office. SITUATION wanted, 2 to go together, meat and pastry; hotel or restaurant. 179," Globe office. preferred; a8 call housekeeper between in 10 small a.

m. family; and 3 p.m. 751 Washington st. SITUATION wanted Globe to office. run a stationary je20 enSITUATION, chamber.

wanted by 263 '2 Tremont Swedish st. girls for wanted by an experienced cook; country preferred. Call at 17 Pine st. YOUNG situation MANA as helper strong on express young team: man wages would low to begin. Address 62 Beach st.

je22 ACENTS, PARTNERS, ETC. GENTS wanted for life of Cleveland and A Thurman now and Republican campaign book later; there are many on the market, but ours is the standard; furthermore, we give better terms than any other publisher; call for their terms, then ask for ours, and for our special plans for the canvass; we can give you some help worth dollars to you in selling these books; call or write immediately for circulars and terns for campaign books and life of Geo. Bidwell, by himself, the famous bank forger, best selling book on the market today. W. E.

SMYTHE 3 Tremont pl. FT je22 two A No. 1 industrial inA surance workers for the leading industrial company of America; territory exellent; no other industrial company works it; an excellent opening for the right man; terms good. Apply to CHARLES STANSFIELD, 57 Exchange Portland, Me. dSu7t je20 A to GENTS travel, hire -Wanted.

and train five agents; successful must be canvassers willing to work hard and show the agents how to make sales; salary and commission; state experience in full, age and salary wanted; send this. CASSELL B. B. S. 104 and 106 Fourth New York.

WESu je20 A wanted at once in every town in New England to sell a new patented article; call or send for circular. S. K. LUCE. 179 Washington room 3.

je22 A wanted in every town in New England; new patent article, never before sold: secure your territory, G. L. POND 330 Washington st. je22 A potato GENTS peelers; reaping other big goods; profits samples selling and "0. terms of each postpaid 15c.

F. GATES, 39 Dey New York. FSnT je22 A it is a good a one; wanted send sell a brand circular new and see. novelty; H. A.

HOLDEN 277 Washington st. je21 A GENTS to sell the Taylor patent, adjustable ladies' shoes: $1000 a week sold from this office. 120 Tremont room 11. je21 A GENTS wanted; just out; can't be beat; sells quick; retails for 12 and 16 cents. G.B.

BLAKE, 767 Washington st. je20 A article: GENTS we -Some wages good and agents for commission. a fast Inter- selling national, 17 Kneeland st. CAINY (new patterns Wanted, good prices) canvassers and other on goods, in Boston and vicinity; references required. Lovell M'T'g l't'd, 28 Kneeland second floor.

je21 ITHOGRAPHIC solicitor and travelling agent wanted. Address, naming last place and causes for leaving, "Lithographer," Globe office, Boston, Mass. St je20 IVE AGENTS wanted for our great campaign chart, Cleveland and Thurman: size 28x 36 inches: colored, varnished and mounted on rollers. J. R.

SPAULDING 106 Court st. Je21 subscribers weekly newsnapers and AND wanted to collect zines; good pay. International, 17 Kneeland st. DARTNER wanted; prime butter, cheese, eggs business; fine store; business all cash trade; oldestablished business; grand chance for good man. RANDALL 183 Washington st.

doing good business. wanted, 188 in the Sumner bottling East business; Boston. je22 business where there is a living. 177," Globe wanted in a light wood working office. -Agents to sell the quickest selling 25c.

novelty on earth; sells at sight; pays 200 per cent. profit: illustrated circulars sent free. T. F. HOVEY 277 Washington st.

$100 TO for A us; agents MONTH can preferred be made who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business; spare moments may be profitably employed also; a few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON 1009 Main Richmond. Va.

26t MALE HELP WANTED. A and rapidly; ARTICLE wholesale for or salesmen, the sells easily trade, and all penmen. TALLMADGE, 777 Washington st. sudtf je17 A care of MERICAN horses and BOY deliver wanted orders; in provision acquainted store; in the district preferred. 158 Blue Hill av.

18 years wanted, of of age, living American at the parentage, South End. from 16 Call to at 165 Tremont room 22. -Wanted, a good strong boy in confectionery store. Call at 781 Washington cor. of Hollis st.

BLOCKS do jobbing. wanted, Apply one in that person can to L. borse- M. BARRY, Marblehead, no letters je21 BLACKSMITH wagons. wanted to CHASE, work on PARKER light and CO.

dSu4t je22 YOUNG MAN wanted to learn to goods. S. T. WATERMAN, 149 Tremont st. je21 wanted: steady young men; short hours; good first class work.

Address 115," Globe office. first class pay. CROWE, cor. of TreW a good barber for Satur. mont and Chapman sta.

must be a good shaver. 364 Medford, cor. of School Somerville. BARRE Avery city. good barber for Satur.

BUSES wanted 15 Water for Saturday; city. short hours. day at SULLIVAN'S, Wanted, 2 good barbers for Satur1476 Washington st. 1:0 BARREN 35 Roxbury good st. workman; steady job, wanted at once.

A. 7. Blackstone city, 8OWZA, 139 D. L. wanted for Saturday, 92 Union MALE HELP WANTED.

Journerman barBAI Apply Artel Henley Charles- 100 town. BARBER wanted at 34 Main Charlestown. a third hand at once. Apnly at Bakery, Hingham. je21 on bread, cake and pastry.

182, Globe office. Je22 wanted. Apply at cor. of Wareham st. and CABINET -Smart cabinet maker Harrison av.

a competent grocery clerk for 5 or 6 weeks, perhaps longer; bring references. Apply at 466 Tremont st. PAINTER to -Wanted wagon at work once at CARRIAGE E. H. Union Somerville, Mass.

COLLECTOR must wanted give for security weekly or bond. payments; 154." Globe office. men for the season. GEO. W.

Winchendon, Mass. Je20 Wanted, experienced confectioner. 22 Beach up 2 flights. CLERK, registered: sinkle man preferred: must bring good references; salary, 812. 188," Globe office.

je22 DROP accustomed PRESS stamping STAMPER tinware wanted; triminings. one SEAVEY 95 North st. dSa3t je22 TRIMMER and cutters wanted. Apply to G. W.

SIMMONS 32 North those accustomed to agents' work, as well as ready-made, preferred. 2t je21 wanted, Maine Swede, Irish; cooks, lasters. PARNELL'S, 282 Washington best help waiting. haymakers, cooks, hotel and wife, waiters, teamsters. FRENCH'S, 298 Washington st.

LETTERER wanted at W. APPLETON'8, 292 Washington st. je22 first-class hairdresser. ERNEST, barber, 22 A very at. TEAMSTER wanted: 100 live farmers, 20 haymakers, mowers, milkers, farm laborers, married farmers, men on gents' places, washers, hostlers, harness cleaners, beach and mountain help; men and women seeking work of any kind in city or country should call at once.

T. C. POWER, 9 School st. 1t TRISHMAN -Wanted, a temperate, trustworthy Irishman; will pay weekly and give steady position. Address 180." (lobe office.

OR PRESSMAN wanted at MORSE I KEEDEN'S, 31 Hawley st. ASTERS are requested, to keep away from the factory of Hawley at Hudson, also from 282 Washington Boston. Per order Hudson L. P. U.

je9 victory is ours; no men have yet filled our places in Milford, keep away as lasters are on strike. Per order L. P. U. Sudtf je17 ASTERS wanted on men and woman's work; steady job, good pay.

PARNELL'8, 282 Washington st. ATHERS wanted at corner Norman and 8. Margin come ready to work. LARGE wanted; BOYS good AND wagea. MEN 116 out of Court employ- room 3.

CUTTER-Wanted, an experienced meat cutter at once: no other need apply. BRIGHAM SAWYER, 37 Decatur E. Boston. TOULDERS Wanted, first-class floor moulders; good wages and steady employment. New Bedford Iron Foundry, 90 and 92 South Water New Bedford, Mass.

dS4t je21 in small livery stable; single good man home wanted for to the work right man; G. A. R. man preferred; no beats or drunkards need apply. C.

E. BAILEY, Kingston, Mass. fair edneation; neat, permanent position Catholic and man, good salary right party. Call, after 9 a. L.

H. CUMMINGS, 152 Federal 3 flights. references, to fill 2 steady positions of men, trust; with good permanent city employment and good pay to the right men. P. F.

COLLIER, 106 Sudbury Boston. branch of light young business; men 820 wanted capital to required; manage liberal pay. Apply at 5 Temple room 7. je21 AN ON to run paper 138 cutter at once. st.

WALMAX CAMPBELL, COOK 247 wanted Washington beach st. mostly Ash. to assist best advertising canvasser in all energy, big DOLISHED TALKER wantea, with cities on a remarkable specialty receiving big support; commission, or 8200 a week to man or woman successful as advertiser; only 3 ounces to carry. Box 2256, Boston, DARTIES wishing to advertise for mercantile help can have their ads inserted in the Boston papers at half the regular rates by sending or bringing them to room 77, 178 Devonshire st. PACKER porcelains Wanted, and fancy an goods.

experienced A. packer STOWELL of 24 Winter st. 2t je22 DRINTER-Wanted, a practical printer; permanent job for the right man. Address "Advertiser," Norway, Me. je21 DLUMBERS wanted.

J. F. DALTON, 106 Sudbury st. EPAIRER-Wanted, a repairer on ladies' and gents' shoes. Apply to Mr.

Hunt, JORDAN, MARSH CO. 2t je22 SALESMEN wanted, men to travel and take orders pants; who have had experience as canvassers preferred; best of territory now open; steady work and good percentage to the right men; 10 good men wanted immediately for Fall River and other large places. Address at once, box 417, Plymouth, Mass. je21 wanted in gents' furnishing goods store, retail; one acquainted with first-class city trade; also young man to learn the business. Address, stating references and experience, 156," Globe office.

je21 SALESMAN wanted to push a well-known patent medicine in New England; liberal inducements to right party. Call 34 Lagrange lat floor. j020 SALESMEN Boston 2 or and 3 good salesmen to sell to the vicinity. Call or address 333 Washington room 2. wanted; experienced.

Apply to Columbia Rubber 85 Beach Boston, Mass. 1t A. HELLAC FINISHER, Arst-class. wanted. 41 Beverly st.

STEADY MAN wanted, for general work in restaurant. Apply at furniture store, 27 Eliot st. -Wanted, an experienced trimmer on children's clothing. Apply at once to MYERS ANDREWS, 13 Otis st. It PLATE AND SHEET IRON WORKER wanted; one used to furnace work and general jobbing.

D. J. WILD 00., 27 Brattie Cambridge, Mass. shellackers, water rubbers and tine oak grainers wanted; references Ag to character and ability required. Address West Paris M'f'g West Paris, Me.

2t Je21 Address at once, So, wanted Globe for oflice. June 2t je21 23. capable of taking of this department in Wanted, a first-class workman, our manufactory--flat, varnish, sash and artist brushes. Address 174," Globe office. je22 WANTED goods Competent jobbing accounts; bookkeper, also familiar man capable and desirous of growing up in counting-room of importing and jobbing house.

113," Globe office. dSutf my30 WANTED--At once, 20 lasters, at the factory SHIPPEE. lilford, on men's fine Goodyear welt and machine-sewed shoes; good pay and steady work; factory runs 12 months a year. je20 -2 college students for out-door position; light duties and fair remuneration. Address "0.

187," Globe office. je21 Warners need apply. Call wall on Mr. paperbangers; POWERS at no 5 West st. 2t je21 WANT JORDAN, MARSH dry goods entry wholesale elerk.

department, my9 another lot of railroad laborers ton farmers. Call at BIGELOW'8, 640 Washingst. travel 2 bright young men salary or with our goods through New England; Inquire for C. commission: A. references GATELY or bonds required.

Sterns, 592 Washington st. Sud7t je17 VOUNG GEO. MAN wanted to learn the drug bust. ville, ness. Mass.

COWDIN, 25 Union je21 TOUNG MAN wanted to build Ares and do chores. 179 Eliot st. 25 wanted. New Apply Bedford, to Mass. 3t Je21 FEMALE HELP WANTED.

experienced on vesta, Marion wanted, East STITCHER Boston, Mass. je20 COAT pocketmakers FINISHERS, buttonhole makers and 83 wanted. Apply at our worshops, Hawley room 9. MACULLAR, PARKER co. 2t je22 wanted; 2 table-girls, 84, and kitchen girl, together; chamber, housework, scrub and green girls.

CAMPBELL, 247 Washington st. and chambermaid wanted; 87. Mrs. SMITH, 857 Washington st. PANTALOON MAKERS wanted.

Apply at 230 Washington room 10. HE wanted immediately cooks, at housework 208 Tremont and sec st. je18 DINISHERS wanted on pants; also girls to learn: pay while learning; call all next week. 9. A.

ISAACSON 119 Summer st. Rubber Shoe So. Framingham, Para wages and steady work. Address or apply to J. good THOMAS.

Supt. dSu14t Je20 D. DOO table girls, starchers, 25 Bar 10 first Harbor, class Centre hoHarbor, 50 Narragansett Pier, York Beach, White Hanover mountains; st. restaurant help. Hotel Exchange, 22 wantedell living references near by, to tend cigar store required as to refor spectability and bonesty; wages 82 weekly.

Call Miss JOHNSON, 410 Tremont after 11 a.m. 3t je20 also 200 more housework girls: seashore and table, chamber, kitchen and panty girls; 646 country, Miss SWEENEY, Bigelow'8, Washington st. general -Wanted at girls once, for the chamber, beach and table South and End. Apply at 10 Union Park st. of in single office; entry one who bookkeeping has some and town.

quick writer. Waverley Laundry, City Charles10 5 call housework, early. GEORGE cooks, table, HALL, pantry, Washington st. good, strong girl, for plain general housework. 23 Border East Boston.

Je21 for general a housework. light 249 Columbus colored av. girl 940 Columbus wanted for pantry work in restaurant. a a a quism, the boy. in a voice which seemed to come from the garden, imitated the detective.

Now." continued Danny, seating himself and taking a glass of wine, repeat, it would be an act of folly, and I will prove it." said Harrison. "You wish my uncle to go and report at police headquarters. But you forget that he was in your company by Pinkham, Pinkham saw his face, but did not know his "Perhaps! but the aforesaid Foster. criminal under surveillance, being three days late in reporting, is already suspected of having been concerned in the affair of Sixth avenue. You, yourself, said "That is true." "They are awaiting the said Foster at headquarters, and Pinkham, fail who has charge of the affair, will not to be present when he renorts and his ticket is delivered to him.

He will recognize him 28 Harrison's companion, he will be arrested. and an hour later the police will be at your heels." Harrison reflected for a moment. "The boy is he said, finally, "it would be dangerous. But it is not less dangerous for us all, and for Foster himself. to let 24 hours elapse without going to report and obtain his ticket." "That is so." "Well, it is absolutely necessary that the ticket should be reclaimed "Some other person must undertake to get it." who?" "Why, there is McManus, who had nothing to do with the affair, and who is on good terms with the I tear nothing," said McManus proudly.

"I am not to present myself at police headquarters." "They will refuse to give my ticket to another." observed Foster. "That may be, but it will be infallible means of ascertaining the views of the police in reference to you." "I do not understand." "It is very simple if you are not suspected, they will believe that you are really sick. and will deliver your ticket to McManus; if they beiieve that you are concerned in the Parsons affair they will refuse. Then we shall be: certain, and the band will know what to do, which 1S a great advan age. Well, McManus, are you ready to depart?" said Harrison.

"At once," replied the man, rising. "Let us understand each other." said Harrison to Foster. "If they ask him where you live, what is he to reply?" "He will give my last residence, the one included upon their register." "And whor* is that?" "No. 671 Houston street." "I will not forget it." said McManus. said Harrison, giving him $2.

"take a carriage in order to go quicker. We will wait for you bere. You ought to return in two hours." McManus took the money and went out. "In two hours," observed Danny, "we shall know definitely whether the police suspect us or not." TOMORROW. COMMON COUNCIL.

Vacations for City Employes-An Advanced Grade of School Instruction -New and Routine Business Transacted. President Barry presided at the regular session of the Common Council last evening. No business of importance was acted on. Heads of departments were directed to grant, by an order offered by Mr. Keenan of ward 8, a two weeks' vacation, without loss pay, to city employes who are members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and who desire to attend the national encampment of the Grand Army.

Keenan introduced an order that five members of the Council be appointed a committee to consider the expediency of the establishment of in an connection advanced with grade the or course public school report system of Boston, the comto at the first meeting of the Council in September. Mr. Keenan said that since last January he had made strenuous efforts to have an order of a similar character acted on by the school board. the Board of Aldermen and the Legislature, but without avail. This was a matter that the Republican party had pledged its support to, and one deserving of careful consideration.

The order was passed, and the chair appointed on the committee Messrs. Keenan of ward 8, Morison ward 9, J. B. Hayes of ward 12, Fanning of ward 2 and Vialle of ward 17. Courtesies of the City.

By a vote of 37 yeas and 13 nays. an order was passed that the Mayor extend the courtesies of the city to the delegates of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union, who visit Boston in August. amendment to limit the expenditure to $1800 was defeated. Children's Entertainments. The special committee on children's entertainments on July 4 were requested to distribute tickets to the officers of the different charitable institutions for children and these supported by private subscription within the city limits, such distribution to be proportionate with the number in each institution and according to the wishes of the officers.

New Court House. The order authorizing a loan of $800,000 for the new court house was defeated by a vote of 42 yeas and 6 nays, 48 yea votes being required. The matter was assigned to the next meeting. New Hospital. The order authorizing the directors for public institutions to proceed with the construction of a hospital on either Long or Rainsford island, the expense to exceed $75,000.

of which sum not exceeding $30,000 shall be expended the present year, was assigned to the next meeting. East Boston Ferries. In regular business came up the report of the directors of East Boston ferries that, as the appropriation for the ferry department has been reduced $20.000 from submitted last February, it will not warrant them in granting the request for a two weeks' vacation without loss of pay to the ferry employes, unless an additional sum of $4000 is appropriated for the purpose. The order was referred to the committee on finance. the session the order to refer was reconsidered and Mr.

Fanning of ward 2 offered an order, which was passed, that the directors of East Boston ferries be requested to give their employes two weeks' leave of absence without loss of pay. Water Meters. An order was passed requesting the corporation counsel to furnish the City Council his opinion whether the Boston water board was authorized to settle the claim of the Tremont Water Meter Company without the concurrence of the City Council: also, whether the payment of the claim of said company was made in accordance with the terms of the vote of the water board, and whether the settlement and payment were legal under the circ*mstances. Paving Department. The order requesting the Mayor to reserve from the appropriation for paving department $50,000.

to be expended under direction of the Mayor and superintendent of streets for labor. between Dec. 16. 1888, and April 1, 1889, in preparing material for making and repair ng streets, and for other work that will at the same time benetit the city and the laborers in the paving department, was indetinitely postponed. Playground in South Boston.

Mr. Norris of ward 13 offered an order, which was passed, that the joint special committee on South Boston flats make the necessary arrangements with the State board of harbor and land commissioners. for securing the use of a portion of the South Boston flatsas a playground for young men and boys of South Boston. Accompanying the order was a report that the committee had conferred with the harhor and land commissioners. and that the latter have stated that the use of the land will be granted.

Miscellaneous Matters. Carriages will be provided members of the Council on July 4. The fire alarm bells will be rung as usual on Independence day. The park commissioners were requested te supply water for drinking purposes at Wood Island Park, East Boston. The order authorizing the city auditor to pay to the superintendent of the City Hosvital such sums as the trustees may draw to pay cash bills, the same to be accounted for by vouchers to the city auditor, was assigned to the next meet ng.

An opinion was asked of the corporation counsel if the City Council bas the power to appropriate money for any proposed public build ng for which no specific site or locatien is named. A communication from the school board in reference to a deficiency in the school appropriation of $57.678 was referred to the committee on finance. An order to pay the Quincy House $36 for lunch served members of the Council on April 26 was passed. The committee on ordinances reported inexpedient to take action on the order abolishing the office of corporation counsel. Adjourned.

Teachers from the Far West. A reception will be given at Park Street Church at 12 o'clock on Monday to several teachers of the New West Education Com the mission who are engaged in work among Mormons. These teachers are Misses EXHAUSTED VITALITY. Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

READ! THE SCIENCE OF LIFE KNOW THYSELF. A More Than One Million Copies Sold. Young and middle-aged men who are suffering from the indiscretions of youth, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, and the thousand untold miseries consequent thereon, and all who are sick and suffering and do not know what ails them, can be cured without fail by following the instructions in the Science of Life, or Self-Preservation. Price only 81 by mail, postpaid, sealed. It is a book for every gilt, 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases.

Fully Indorsed by the National Medical Association, who awarded the gold and jewelled medal to the author. Illustrative sample, with indorsem*nts of the press, sent free if you apply now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, P. 0. Box 1895, Boston, or Dr.

W. H. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston as consulting physician to the Peabody Medical Institute, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man. Do not be deceived by worthless imitators.

Be sure you address or call at the Peabody Medical Institute, 4 Bulfinch st. No. 4. MW Ft jell STOUT PEOPLE. The disease is not only cured, but permanently so, which can be said of the treatment of no other practitioner in New England, 80 far as relates to obesity (fatty degeneration).

"I wouldn't have it put back for all the money in Boston," said one society lady; and in endless phrase this sentiment is expressed by all who have had a course of my treatment. The wretched aches, pains and ailments incidental to this disease, the short breath and clumsy condition, disappear, as careful study of the case enables me to prescribe intelligently for every symptom of disorder. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOURS Begin at 11 a. and end at 4 p.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Distant Patients Successfully Treated. DE. 0. E.

PAGE, 47 RUTLAND Formerly contributor to the Golden Rule (Boston), New York Tribune, Popular Science Monthly, and author of the following medical works: "Natural Cure for Consumption," pp. 294, 81; "Dr. Page's Baby Book," pp. 168, paper cloth 75c. FSu je22 DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr.

Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has fol lowed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist.

For sale by all drug. gists. GEO. C. GOODWIN general agents, 36 and 38 Hanover Boston, Mass.

pl LADIES' RELIEF -INLITTLE WHITE PILLS. For particulars, sealed by mail, send stamp to Dr. E. S. FRANCES, Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass.

FISTULA of treated the knife without or the deten- use tion busiuess; also all other diseases of the Rectum. Cure guaranteed. WM. Harvard, 1842) and ROBERT M. READ (M.

HarvArd, 1876), Evans House, No. 175 Tremont Street, Boston. Reference Office given. Consultation free. Send for pamphlet.

hours, 11a. holidays to 4 p. excepted.) (Sundays and PILES TFly DR. ROY'S MILKWEED. Surest and quickest remedy.

Both sexes. Price 81. All druggists. Send 2c. stamp for sealed parficulars.

Roy Drug box 2876, Boston. 101 CITY OF BOSTON. CHESS. Sealed proposals BOSTON-Lamp will be received department, at June, the office of the lamp department, City Hall, until 12 o'clock Saturday, June 23, 1888, at which time they shall be publicly opened and read, for furnishing, not to exceed in number 1000, naphtha burners and their appliances, and affixing them to street lanterns, of such pattern as are now in nse in the streets of Boston; each burner must be of such capacity as to be equal to 25 candles when burning, and the proposal shall include the cost of the burner and its appliances, the aflixing of the same to street lanterns and the cos tof keeping them in repair for a term of 3 years from the date of contract; the right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, the acceptance of which would not be for the best interests of the city of Boston; proposals to be be addressed to Hugh J. Toland, superintendent of lamps, and to be marked proposals for furnishing naphtha burners for public street lighting.

HUGH J. TOLAND, superintendent of lamps. TE je19 FFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, Boston, June 20, 1888. In the matter of the petition of Lawrence H. Daloz et setting forth that a nuisance exists on land situated in that part of Boston called South Boston, on the westerly side of Dorchester between Washburn st.

and Jackson caused by stagnant water cov. ering the same so as to be offensive to persons residing in the vicinity thereof, the said petitioners are injuriously affected by said nuisance, and asking for an abatement thereof, the board of health having viewed the premises and examined into the nature And cause of such nuisance and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petitioners should be granted, hereby appoint Monday, the 2d day of July, next, at 11 o'clock a. 10., and the Health Office, at No. 12 Beacon as the time and place for a hearing apon said petition. C.

E. DAVIS, Clerk. FMW je22 DRESSMAKING. T. Taylor's perfect system of dress and garment cutting is taught at our branch house, 6 Hamilton by Miss H.

L. BURBECK, niost thorough and successful teacher in New England; systems wholesale and retail. je17 D' at home; engagements made by the day. "Dressmaker," 5 Irwin off Blue Ilill Roxbury. Sudtf-ap22 first-class, will make enDE by the day.

Mrs. E. R. ROLLINS, 55 Appleton Boston, je20 DEERS FINISHER will ANDERSON, make 86 engagements Walnut Chelsea. je20 DRESSMAKINGMiss F.

A. DUNN, Poplar Clarendon Hills; Roslindale P. 0., will go out by the day. Sudtf mh25 ADIES. call and see the Ladies' Delight dress and garment cutting system: we will explain its merits; our perfect patterns are the best testimoniala.

HARVEY, 29 Temple over Emerson's. je21 BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, ETO. AND TRICYCLE repairing neatly and promptly done: a specialty made of painting and nickeling bicycles and tricycles; secondhand machines bought and sold; satisfaction guaranteed: vour trade solicitea. JAMES S. NEWELL 302 Federal Boston.

3t je21 re sale 58-inch British Challenge for in fine must be sold at once, owner gone West. Apply A. SMITH 18 and 20 School st. je22 for sale-52-inch condition, standard with tools Columbia and bicycle in stand; price 845; a bargain; can be seen at Dock sq. je22 Tricycles and tandems, Columbia, Victor, Club, Springfield, Mail.

Rudge and all other makes for eash or instalments; second-hand wheels at cost; largest repair shop in America: wheels for rental: riding taught; illustrated catalogue sent open till 8 p.m. W. W. STALL, 509 Tremont st. Sudtf my6 CITY OF BOSTON.

OF of the board of directors for unblic institutions, 14 Beacon Boston, June 15, 1888-Sealed proposals will ba receired at this office until Friday, June 22, at 19 o'clock, noon, at which time and place they will be publicly opened, for furnishing a supply of granite dimension stock, to be delivered at Deer Island during the financial year ending April 30, 1889, in accordance with specifications now ready at 44 Bea. con st. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. O'Brien, Proposals Mayor, will be addressed to Hon. Hugh For the board of directors for public institutions.

and marked for Stone." JOHN B. MARTIN, President. 7t je15 SEWING MACHINES. $30 Ho 835 Domestic, instalments, buys Household, new White Hart(automatic, 840), and all others at the Sewing Machine Emporium, 31 Hayward repairing done cheap. je3 S10 a Wilson 320; sewing machine, perfect order, good 85; Singer, 96.

Janitor, 415 Columbus $25 HE a new band, at sewing LINCOLN'8 machine; 810 sewing to machine and repairing rooms, 157 Washington st. je20 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, ETC. A RE gold and YOU sitver, AWARE whether that plated we or bay solid, old broken von 178 its full value in cash. HOOD REYNOLDS, take Tremont elevator. Knickerbocker building, 1 flight; LECAL NOTICES TOTICE- This is to certify that my Interest in from the Ancient Jerusalem Publishing Co.

ceases this date, June 19. 8. S. VINAL. FEMALE HELP WANTED.

pinin cooking: girl small for general private housework and Brondway, South Boston. bread Wanted, a reference smart, capable required. girl to tend in Globe office. 20 Je23 cooks. 20 table girls: 282 50 Washington for house.

st, cooks. laundresses, Housework, hotel 30 belp. waitresses, 9 Washington st. FRENCH'8, 296 together State. 172 green Hanover girls wanted, GEO.

for HEDEL factory In Co. HORSE seashore. Apply GIRL at wanted, Fremont st. chamber wanted. 930 Washington chamber st.

and table girl 114 YERS 215 Federal st. wanted. Apply at BAR ADY experienced wanted: none bat help need apply thon WOODBURY. Mass. Bout and Shoe 195 to Con- Mr.

gress between 9 and 10 a.m. 1: in the -Wanted, subscription a lady department who has of had a experience house, for a light position. Address 185," publishing oftice. Globe Je21 stairs. TAUNDRESS at 143 Court wanted tie TOON cor.

WAITERS Elin st. wanted. 10 and 21 Brat machine operators Wanted. work on 50 flags, foot experienced Apply to C. S.

DECKER, 168 State Je22 Boston, Saturday evenings. Apply at 20 YOUNG'S salesiadies for SLADIESment Store, 2341 Washington st. Dears 10 vests. 129 Brooks and a few East good Boston. basters wanted on Je25 and reliable: GIRL good pay wanted; and must steady be 95 Causeway st.

employment. 10 TABLE GIRL wanted. 450 Tremont at. apply at Wanted, once. first-class.

110 104 Court room dren at once, nursery maids for chil. years' experience over 2 must have had several Registry of Nurses, and bring 3 good Hamilton references. State room 8, pl. WANT kitchen, table, Immediately, chamber housework help; elty girla, and seashore; Warrenton st. young girl assistant; take new arrival.

39 for housework and chamber for ton st. aged couple. Apply personally 707 Je91 WANTED woman COOKIE for res. Hanover taurant; also Boston. girl for noon waiting.

at 159 WANTS City good smart Charlestown. body ironer at Waverley SWEENEY, wanted, male or female. Miss Bigelow'8, 646 Washington st. VOUNG housework. GIRL wanted to assiat in general Boston; $1.50 Apply per at week.

536 E. Seventh South wages 50 machine GIRLS run by wanted, power. at once, Apply on to ladies' Miss BILL suits; INGS. George H. Jacobs de 535 Washington st.

Je22 MEDICAL. A DON, BLESSING 228 Tremont TO has LADIES in vented an Dr. improved GOR. method of treating female complaints which all others, being safe, painless and always effectual; excels Dr. and Mrs.

GORDON are the longest established specialists Boston; ladies who are sick and in trouble should and be consult one of them before calling elsewhere, unsuccessfully honest treatment; these who have been treated by other doetors especially invited; board and skalful attention during confinement; advice free and confidential. je1 A Dr. WONDERFUL THOMPSON, 7 Tremont DISCOVERY row; new method Mrs. of painless, female diseases. excelling every other, treating being safe and always successful: those who being are sick of and relief in and trouble honorable should first consult her, and nursing in confinement; consultation tree.

sure dealing; board je12 A LL Dr. LADIES THOMPSON, should and avoid consult Ignorant the gennine impostors Mrs. who copy her name to deceive the public; board and office nursing in during confinement: consultation free; respectable neighborhood. 228 Tremont st. je18 A regularities; used exclusively CURE by for Dr.

all female GORDON, in. who warrants every case he treats. 228 Tremont st. jet ENGLISH REMEDY -A quick and sure cure for all diseases of the urcor. nary Court organs.

Sole agents. F. T. CHURCH and Howard sts. SuM 85 pills never CARTER'S fail.

269 Tremont LITTLE opp. FEMALE Hollis st. dSu300 Je1 -Never fail; if PILLS sick or FOR in trouble, LADIES' send 2 2-cent USE stamps for a free trial or call at office, 301 Columbus aV. Mrs. Dr.

BELL. Letters answered. je21 ADIES-Strangers in city, wishing services of old and skilful doctor, avoid failure and imposture, secure quiek and certain relief, visit Dr. C. H.

HALL; luxurious accommodations, delicacy, politeness; cottage nursing; secrecy warranted; parlors for patients; all hours. 50 Howard city. SufFtf mh20 DR. GORDON, 228 Tremont longest established ladies' physician in Boston; consultation free. jel DE.

THOMPSON, ladies' physician; 30 yearn' successful practice; advice free. 228 Tremont st. je1 dies give sure refunded. 7 TreDR. THOMPSON female rememont row.

je12 O' ence in DR. hospital C. H. and offioo practice, years' regular expert- phy. sician, expert treatment of all forms of private dis.

eases, solicits calls from all who have failed in former attempts to get well; no experiments, quackery or failure; medicines for infectious or poisonous diseases of the urinary organs; cure recent cases in 1 day, stopping mucous discharges, irritation, scalding and inflammation; never sicken or taint the breath; costa less, cure quicker than all others: his blood remedies cure the worst types of private dis. eases, pains in the flesh and bones, red spots, nicers, old sores on the limbs, and all other forms possible; patients who consult Dr. Hail are always satisfied; graduate 1852. Office, 50 Howard st, dSutf mh3 CLOTHING. A clothing; TTENTION come and see Slightly for worn yourself the ful bargains we are offering in the clothing line; our goods are of the best grade; our prices defy competition: we have on hand overcoats from 82 aD, suits from 83 up, coats and vests from 82 up, pants from 81 up: our goods are slightly worn or soiled custom clothing, made by the best merchant tailors: we also have a fine stock of Indies' clothing; cleaning, dyeing and repairing in the best possible manner at low prices; goods called for and returned.

South End Clothing Store, 17, 19 and 21 Shawmut av. je17 WANTED off clothing of every descripwe pay the best possible price to obtain it; call or send order and it will receive prompt attention. South Clothing Store, 17,19 and 21 Shawmut av. End je17 INFORMATION WANTED. INFORMATION- Wanted, the address of John Gill, who was in the Mexican war.

Address "Mrs. 8 Indiana Boston. CLAIRVOYANTS. A clairvoyant; WONDER tells TO business, future JOHNSON, prosperity; magnetic treatment. 14 Hanover room 7.

A MYSTERY card to reader; all--J. F. past, present JOHNSON, and the future; cards, ladies, trance, 81. 8 Tremont row. A treatments.

133 and Harrison assistant rear give 131. baths and off Beach mediums. LITTLE and ALLIE, 36 Edinboro A LLIE 857 Washington rooms 2, magnetic and massage treatments. MAY, clairvoyant, magnetic treatment. 169 Court 3d flight, room 9 to 10.

ANNIE hours, BUTLER, clairvoyant, 33 Harrison A DDIE WARREN, clairvoyant, 60 Warrenton Tremont; baths and treatments. A LABELLA floor; PAGE, formerly 197 clairvoyant. Harrison 33 av. Har. A Hanover NOELINE, room magnetic hours 8 physician, to 8.

bathe. 14 BATING LEVANT, 198 Eliot st. Miss WINDLOW. 61 Pleasant 1 fight; magnetic physician. MORRIS.

clairvoyant, bathe. 400 Tremont 2 fights. AMES, clairvoyant, 11 Crescent off Green st. BE treatments ALDEN baths. and 20 Miss Dover MAYO, st.

magnetio BATHE: 178 treatments Pleasant and 2 card flights. reading. Mme. ALARICE YOUNG, medicated baths and magnetic treatment. 73 Cornhill; 10 to 7.

WATSON, removed to 61 Eliot stop baths and treatments. DAIS treatments. SCOTT 20 and Dover FLOSSIE st. SWEET, bathe FIX mediums, Oxford off Essex And st. ESSIE icure.

Washington rooms 4 and 5:9 to 8. FROST and MILLIE DANCION and assistant, clairvoyants; massage treatinent and baths. 152 Castle 9 flights. G. ishes all; Tia names, greatest prospects, seer in the losses, world; marriages, all affairs.

3 Spear off 20 Pleasant st. sician and baths. room 5. SANFORD. magnetic phyH.

ladies, gents, 50c. medium 22 and Winter card room reader; 10. TESSIE DEAN, clairvoyant; baths and treatments. 310 Tremont 2 fights; 8 to 8. ILLIAN clairvoyant, and assistant.

152 Castle 1 flight. MAUD hours STERLING, clairvoyant, 56 Beach 10 to 10; don't ring. SYLVIE. with Miss HOLLIS, baths and massage parlors. 1 Rowe off Chauncy st.

MISS YOUNG. clairvoyant, 330 Tremont 6, 116 Court hours BROWN, 9 to 9. clairvoyant, room Court 8 to 9. WILSON, clairvoyant, room rheumatic treatment, card 7 Shawmut left hand bell. MAN front; Rio hours 10 to at, 830 Tremont til Saturday evening, June 23; 79 terms Rutland 82.

VIALO MORCE and Miss Lane, mediume; Warrenton suite 10, Hotel Hampden..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.