Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (2024)


  • Glover Mallory in Raven Rock is a top blacksmith and merchant, with a high gold stash of 2,000, perfect for selling weapons and blacksmith items.
  • Zaria in Falkreath may not have the best selection, but with 500 gold, she's a great option for selling merchandise.
  • Wuunferth the Unliving in Windhelm is a court wizard with an all-day availability and a small stockpile of 500 gold, making him a convenient option for buying magical items and learning Destruction magic.

With enough gold, anything is possible in Skyrim. After a long adventure, there's no better feeling than hauling all that junk to the closest merchant and selling it all to afford the best house in all of Skyrim. That is, if the merchant happens to be open at that time and if they even have enough money to buy off everything.


Part of what makes The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim such an immersive game is the massive amount of funny NPCs that populate the world.

Every player has been there at least once, annoyed by the fact that a merchant runs out of money too fast. In Skyrim, merchants simply aren't made equally. Some are significantly better than others, whether they've elected to set up shop in better locations, have better working hours, or have a tendency to carry more useful stock. The kind of goods that can be sold to these merchants is also something that should be considered if players want to unload the stuff they have for a ton of gold.

Updated on March 30, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Skyrim is a game that most people can't get enough of to this day. The amazing mod support and wondrous sense of adventure in this title make it clear why so many people consider it to be Bethesda's magnum opus, with titles like Starfield feeling like a step back when compared to the many things this title got right. Exploration and looting is the name of the game in Skyrim, which is why getting over-encumbered is one of the most annoying things players can deal with. This makes it important to find a loaded merchant in the game world who can give players a decent offer for the many things they wish to offload.

27 Glover Mallory

Raven Rock

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (2)

Type of Goods Sold

Weapons & armor

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Glover Mallory is among the best blacksmiths in the game, and also among the best merchants. However, since he's exclusive to the Dragonborn DLC, he won't be the first recommendation for obvious reasons.

As a blacksmith, he only buys and sells limited items, but for players who are fine with that, he's a great choice due to his unusually high gold stash of 2,000 gold. Because of that alone, he's perfect for people wanting to sell weapons and other blacksmith items. He can be found in Raven Rock.

26 Zaria

Grave Concoctions, Falkreath

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (3)

Type of Goods Sold

Herbs & restoratives

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Zaria is one of the alchemists that players can find in Falkreath. This hold has several merchants, which makes her services pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of things.

However, any merchant with around 500 gold is a great outlet for players to sell their merchandise, and Zaria is certainly quite helpful in that regard. Once this gold is depleted, there's not really a lot of use for her for the Dragonborn, but that's fine.

25 Bolar


Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (4)

Type of Goods Sold

Herbs & restoratives

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Most people won't expect an apothecary to be loaded with gold, which is what makes Bolar so valuable in an orc stronghold where players may find it hard to dispose of their loot. 500 gold may not be a lot, but beggars can't be choosers.

She is the oldest member of the settlement and is considered to be the wisest by many. As a result, she believes in spiritual healing and carries around many herbs and concoctions that players can purchase.

24 Nurelion

White Phial, Windhelm

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (5)

Type of Goods Sold

Herbs & restoratives

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Nurelion and his assistant, Quintus Navale, run The White Phial in Windhelm. It's a pretty reputed alchemical shop in the area that the Dragonborn should definitely go to if they want to stock up on potions or just have some unwanted decoctions that they want to offload.


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Regardless, Nurelion and his assistant will be great in this regard. Both characters have 500 gold, letting players sell and buy whatever they please without worrying too much about making their funds run out in the process.

23 Wuunferth The Unliving

The Palace Of The King, Windhelm

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (7)

Type of Goods Sold

Magical items

Active Hours

All day

Gold On Hand


An elderly mage who serves as the court wizard, Wuunferth has several interesting items that are bound to entice anyone who is interested in the magic system of Skyrim. The best part about this merchant is that he's available throughout the day, meaning that players don't have to worry about the time of day when interacting with him.

He can also teach Destruction magic up to the level of an Adept, which is bound to be useful for mages who don't want to be stuck on the learning curve for too long. His stockpile of gold may not be massive, but his magical items and teachings more than make up for this minor drawback.

22 Aval Atheron's Stall

Windhelm's Marketplace

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (8)

Type of Goods Sold


Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Windhelm is one of the most populated settlements in the entire game and one that the Dragonborn will be frequenting quite often. The marketplace is crowded all the time, and players will find several merchants worth interacting with here, one of whom is called Aval Atheron.

For a stall that only deals in food, it's genuinely impressive to see that Aval Atheron has a decent stockpile of 750 gold to spare. Some shrewd deals will ensure that players will be able to gather a small fortune by dealing with this seemingly humble merchant.

21 Falas Selvayn

Ramshackle Trading Post

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (9)

Type of Goods Sold

General goods

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Fals Selvayn is included in the Dragonborn DLC, found at the Ramshackle Trading Post. He's a bit of a unique merchant, active from midnight to 6 a.m. As a general merchant, he'll buy and sell a bit of everything but is best known for selling the unique Glass Bow of the Stag Prince.


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He starts with 750 gold, which is a classic amount and ideal for some small, quick trading here and there. This solidifies his status as one of Skyrim's best merchants and someone who is well worth seeking out.

20 Endarie And Taarie

The Radiant Raiment, Solitude

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (11)

Type of Goods Sold

Clothing & jewelry

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Selling jewelry can be difficult since a single gemstone can fetch a decent price. In Solitude, luckily, there's a dedicated place where Endarie and Taarie will buy any of the player's many precious stones. The Radiant Raiment is located on the right, right after the execution block in the city.

The shop is open at regular hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Considering this is a specialized store, it's impressive that Endarie and Taarie have a total of 750 gold to buy. With the general goods store around as well, this is a great place to first get rid of any gemstones before selling the rest at Sayma's place.

19 Sayma

Bits And Pieces, Solitude

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (12)

Type of Goods Sold

General goods

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Sayma is the shopkeeper of Bits and Pieces, Solitude's go-to general goods store. General goods merchants will buy and sell practically anything, making them an important part of the game. That being said, they have a limited buying power of 750 gold.

Sayma is one of the best general goods merchants due to Radiant Raiment being around, as well as being in a major city in Skyrim. It's an easy stop to make, open at the regular hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

18 Revyn Sadri

Sadri's Used Wares, Windhelm

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (13)

Type of Goods Sold

General goods

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Windhelm is a fantastic city when it comes to merchants. On top of Niranye being a general goods merchant found at the Windhelm marketplace, and her having 750 gold to buy with, there's also Revyn's Sadri over at Sadri's Used Wares.

He also has about 750 gold to buy with and he's considered a general merchant. That means the city effectively has two general merchants, on top of a blacksmith. Revyn and Niranye are the best to go to if the player has a ton of junk to get rid of.

17 Lucan Valerius

Riverwood Trader, Riverwood

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (14)

Type of Goods Sold

General goods

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


A great merchant isn't just determined by his amount of gold. Sometimes, a great location is key when getting customers. Riverwood has one of the more central locations in the province and is the earliest town the player visits after Helgen if they choose to follow the main story.


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Most towns lack a general good merchant, but Riverwood is very well established. Riverwood Trader, owned by Lucan Valerius, is a perfect spot to stop to sell any junk or loot for some profit. Like any general goods merchant, he has 750 gold to buy with.

16 Belethor

Belethor's General Goods, Whiterun

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (16)

Type of Goods Sold

General goods

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


The best of all general goods merchants is without a doubt Belethor. Whiterun is a city most players will come to visit time and time again, thanks to the main quest and the variety of side quests that will lead back to the city.

This is why Belethor is so important. His central location makes him easy to visit, even if he only has the typical 750 gold to trade with. However, his shop faces the Whiterun marketplace, where players can continue to make trades after his out of money, though with less flexibility.

15 Elrindir

The Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (17)

Type of Goods Sold

Hunting gear

Active Hours

All day

Gold On Hand


The central location of Whiterun makes it one of the best places to go and trade things. However, many often overlook The Drunken Huntsman tavern and prioritize The Bannered Mare. Next time, make sure to drop by this location and speak with Elrindir, the shop owner.

Since the place is a tavern, it's open at all times, which makes trading with Elrindir very convenient. He's available all day and has 750 gold on him. It's not ideal, but his location and flexible times make up for not having 1,000 gold on him. He's specialized in hunting gear in particular.

14 Milore Ienth

Raven Rock

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (18)

Type of Goods Sold

Herbs & restoratives

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Apothecaries are tricky to deal with in Skyrim. Despite boasting a decent amount of gold, it can still be challenging to sell a decent amount of goods to these merchants, given how they only accept potions and herbs in the majority of instances. However, this doesn't mean that these merchants are completely useless — in fact, they become pretty valuable once players realize the benefits brought about by these kinds of merchants.

During a player's adventures in Skyrim, they'll realize that a substantial amount of loot they find in the game are various alchemical decoctions that end up weighing quite a bit if players hoard them incessantly. Selling some of the more useless potions off to merchants is the best way to earn a lot of gold while reducing the burden the Dragonborn has to carry. If players are in Raven Rock, then a great apothecary that players can interact with is Milore Ienth. She always has a decent stash of gold that players can acquire if they sell enough potions.

13 Elynea Mothren

Tel Mithryn

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (19)

Type of Goods Sold

Herbs & restoratives

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


It's amazing to see just how loaded some of the apothecaries are in the game. Perhaps this is accurate, given how the lack of any modern medicine means that most people rely on potions and cures from these specialists to overcome diseases and quell pain. In Tel Mithryn, players can find an apothecary who has a ton of gold for players to take as long as they have the goods to spare.


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There's no point in holding useless magical potions anyway, so selling as many of them as possible is a great way for players to make the Dragonborn as rich as possible in no time. Even 1000 gold seems less once players explore the world and are taken off-guard by the sheer amount of valuable loot they can find in the game with just a few seconds of exploration.

12 Neloth, A Mage Merchant

Tel Mithryn

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (21)

Type of Goods Sold

Magical items

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


If players are the proud owners of the Dragonborn DLC, one of the coolest and most flexible merchants is Neloth, the arrogant mage found in Tel Mithryn. He specializes mostly in magic-related things when it comes to his inventory, but what's particularly cool is that he has a ton of gold.

Neloth has 1,000 gold, which is well above the average amount that most merchants have. Moreover, for anyone traveling in Solstheim, it's a nice location to return to despite being on the extreme southwestern corner of the map. It's well worth the trek, though.

11 Beirand, The Blacksmith


Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (22)

Type of Goods Sold

Weapons & armor

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Solitude is one of the major cities in Skyrim, and as such, it's likely players will spend quite a bit of time here or around the city doing various quests or just adventuring. Plus, it has the best house in the game, so knowing the city is a big advantage.

Beirand is easily the best merchant in the city. As a blacksmith, he's subject to opening hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., but his purse makes up for it. He has 1,000 gold with him, so returning here from a long quest nearby is the best possible choice to make.

10 Oengul War-Anvil, The Blacksmith


Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (23)

Type of Goods Sold

Weapons & armor

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Those traveling on the opposite end of Skyrim in the east might want to head over to Windhelm for a bunch of great merchants. Among them, there's one man who's slightly superior, and that's Oengul, who's usually working at his forge.

He's only available from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., which is a bit annoying. However, like most blacksmiths, he has that big purse of 1,000 gold which means he can buy more. Whether the player is headed for Riften or up north to Winterhold, this is a nice place to do a pit stop and clear that inventory.

9 Eorlund Gray-Mane, The Blacksmith

Sky Forge, Whiterun

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (24)

Type of Goods Sold

Weapons & armor

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Another gem in Winterhold, Eorlund Gray-Mane is first introduced during the Companions questline. That being said, he's a free agent who claims to be neutral and ready to help anyone. As the best blacksmith in Skyrim, it would be silly not to stop by his forge.


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The cool thing about Eorlund is that he opens early compared to some other shops. He's up at 6 a.m. and available all the way until 8 p.m., so there's a few hours of extra time in the morning to trade with him. He has 1,000 gold, which again helps when selling stuff.

8 Balimund

The Scorched Hammer, Riften

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (26)

Type of Goods Sold

Weapons & armor

Active Hours


Gold On Hand


Balimund isn't anything special when it comes to merchants, but he's more of an old faithful at an easy location most players can visit as soon as possible. Head to the market square of Riften, where his blacksmith shop is located.

Balimund has classic opening hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and buys and sells blacksmith-related items only. That somewhat limits his utility. He has 1,000 gold to spare, which is the most any merchant has in Riften, save for the Thieves Guild fences.

Skyrim: The 24 Best Merchants, Ranked (2024)
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