Brightspace Essentials - Purdue University - [PDF Document] (2024)

Brightspace Essentials - Purdue University - [PDF Document] (1)

Brightspace Essentials

Creating Your Syllabus


✓ Add your syllabus to your course ✓ Learn how to create modules ✓ Learn how to create assignments ✓ Create and link grades ✓ Learn how to create a quiz

One of the first steps in developing any new course in Brightspace is to build your syllabus.

◻ Finding Your Content

✔ From your main dashboard, click on the course you want to edit.

✔ From the toolbar at the top of the screen, select Content. It should appear as the

second option.

◻ Clearing the Syllabus Page

✔ From the toolbar on the left side of the screen, select Syllabus.

You may already have sample content on this page. If so, we will want to replace the existing syllabus. (You can skip this step if you have no sample content available.)

✔ From the dropdown arrow next to Syllabus, select Remove Attachment

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◻ Adding your Syllabus Attachment

✔ Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the triangle next to Add Attachment

✔ This will open up the upload area. Drag your Syllabus to the box.

*If you do not have a syllabus available, please let us know and we can provide sample documents

✔ This will add your syllabus to the page.

✔ Print and Download boxes will also now appear at the bottom of the page.

✔ If you want to replace the current file, you can simply drag the new file into the

upload dialog box.

◻ Adding Text Content

Sometimes you may want to add text content to a page in Brightspace. To do so, you will need to enter that text in a dialog box available on each page.

✔ For this example, you will add text content to this page.

✔ Click in the text dialog box. If your course already has text, you should click the

existing text to open the dialog box. The edit window will look like the image below (or may be on the next page).

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✔ Since your sample course already has content, delete everything in the text dialog


✔ Enter your new text for a description of the syllabus.

✔ Click the blue Update box to save your new content.

◻ Entering Video or Image Content

You can also add content like an introductory video to the top of any page.

✔ Click the text dialog box. If your course already has text, you should click the existing

text to open the dialog box.

✔ Click the insert stuff icon in the top left corner.

✔ Select your video from either your video host or uploaded course materials. If you

need a sample course video, please let one of the facilitators know.

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✔ Choose a video and select Save.

You can also add images or website links the same way.

*If you want to learn more about how to make your course syllabus, videos, or other materials accessible, please contact [emailprotected] to set up a personal consultation.

Creating a Course Module

◻ Creating a Named Module

✔ From anywhere in your course, select Content from the toolbar at the top of your


✔ Click on Table of Contents from the left menu.

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✔ Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add a Module box.

*You can also do this directly from the left sidebar menu as well.

✔ Type in the name of your module and press Enter to save. This will create the

module box.

✔ To reorder modules, simply click and hold on the eight boxes on the upper left

corner of the new module to drag it to where you want it to go.

Adding Content to your Module

◻ Uploading Content

You can upload content in one of two ways:

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✔ Drag and drop your content from your computer into the upload dialog box.

✔ Click the Upload/Create button

✔ Select Upload Files

✔ Select My Computer

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✔ Either drag and drop your file or click the Upload button and choose the file.

✔ Click the Add button to add the content.

The file will now appear in your module box and will add a content item number next to your module in the left menu.

◻ Adding Existing Content

✔ Click the Upload/Create button

✔ Select Add from Manage Files

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✔ This will open up a list of all saved course offering files.

✔ Scroll down and click the checkbox beside any available file.

✔ Click the blue Add button to save.

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The existing content will now appear inside your module and two more content items will have been added to the left menu.

Create an assignment

◻ Assignment Name and Instructions

✔ Click on Course Tools in the course navigation bar, then select Assignments.

✔ Select the New Assignment button

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✔ Enter a name and instructions for this assignment

◻ Assignment Type

✔ Select Individual assignment

To learn about assignment types, visit Brightspace Tutorials: Create an Assignment (

◻ Submission Details

✔ Under the submission type drop down menu

✔ Choose File submission

✔ Choose Unlimited for Files Allowed Per Submission

✔ Choose All submissions are kept

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◻ Category

✔ Select an existing Category or create a New Category.

Note: Categories allow one to organize related assignments together.

✔ Select New Category

✔ In the New Assignment Submission Category window, type a Name and select Save.

◻ Evaluation

✔ Enter a value in the Score Out Of field to indicate the maximum assignment score

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✔ Select an existing Grade Item or New Grade Item if you want assignment

submissions tied to an item in your grade book

✔ Select New Grade Item

✔ The [New Grade Item] will give the options for Numeric or Selectbox grade item type.

For this example, select Numeric.

✔ In the New Grade Item window, enter a name and grading maximum points (should

be the same value entered in the Score Out Of field), then select Save.

◻ Availability

Go to Restrictions tab (at the top of the page next to the Properties tab), you may set a Start Date and/or an End Date during which assignments will be accepted.

✔ Select the checkbox for Has Start Date

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✔ Select the Now button

✔ Select the checkbox for Has End Date

✔ Select a date two weeks from today

✔ Select Save to exit the New Grade Item window

✔ When you are finished, select Save and Close

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Grade an assignment

✔ Click on Grades in the course navigation bar

✔ Grades may be entered into your grade book in a variety of ways

Note: To learn about entering grades, visit Brightspace Tutorials: Enter Grades (

✔ Enter grades for the desired learners and grade items, then click Save

✔ Saved grades are shared with learners automatically

Creating a Quiz with Grade Column

◻ Go to the Quizzes tool in your course

✔ Click on Course Tools in the course navigation bar, then select Quizzes from the

drop down menu.

✔ Click on the New Quiz button at the top of the screen.

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Creating the Quiz

◻ Enter Quiz Details

✔ Enter the Quiz Name.

Once you have entered the required name, there are several optional details that can be added:

● Category ● Description / Instruction ● Page Header / Footer ● Optional Advanced Properties

*For more information on how to use these options to better organize your quizzes, please contact [emailprotected] to schedule an individual consultation.

◻ Optional Advanced Properties

✔ Click on Expand optional advanced properties.

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✔ Click the associated box to Allow hints.

Note: This will provide learners with hints during the quiz/test.

✔ Click the associated box to Disable right click.

Note: This will prevent students from printing quiz questions

✔ Click the associated box to Disable student access to the Email tool, Instant

Message tool, or their alerts while taking the quiz.

✔ Enter an email address in the Notification Email text box to receive emails each time

a user completes a quiz attempt.

Creating Quiz Questions

◻ Create initial Quiz Questions

✔ Click on Add/Edit Questions button. This will open the Brightspace Question Editor.

✔ You will receive a pop-up notification if this is the first time building a quiz on Brightspace.

✔ Click the Leave it on button to proceed.

✔ Click on the Add button to create a new quiz question.

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✔ Select the New Question option from the dropdown menu.

✔ Select the appropriate question type from the dropdown menu.

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✔ Available question types include the following:

(a) True or False

(b) Multiple Choice

(c) Multi-Select

(d) Written Response

(e) Short Answer

(f) Multi-Short Answer

(g) Fill in the Blanks

(h) Matching

(i) Ordering

(j) Arithmetic

(k) Significant Figures

(l) Short Answer

*For the purpose of this training, we will be creating a multiple choice question for the quiz.

✔ Select Multiple Choice.

✔ Enter in the question text in the available text box.

✔ Enter the Answers options in the available text boxes.

✔ Select the circle next to an answer, to indicate which answer is correct.

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✔ Click on the square next to Randomize answers for each student to randomize

answers for each student.

✔ Enter the appropriate number of points for this question.

*This will be at a default of 1 point, if you do not change it.

✔ Click on the Save Button to finish creating this question.

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*If you click on the dropdown arrow next to Save, you will also be able to save this question and either copy the question or create a new one.

✔ Click on Back to Settings for Reading Quiz 1 once you are ready to continue

completion of the quiz.

Setting any Quiz Restrictions

◻ Once you have provided the basic properties, you can also choose to set

Restrictions on this quiz.

✔ Click on the Restrictions tab to begin.

◻ Making your Quiz available to students.

*This quiz has defaulted as being hidden from students, and they will be unable to take a quiz that is hidden.

✔ Click on the box next to Hide from Users to allow students to see this quiz.

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◻ Setting the Quiz due date

✔ Click on the box next to Has Due Date to set a due date for the quiz.

✔ Click on the Date box to select a date.

✔ Click on the Time box to select a specific time.

*Setting a quiz as being due by 11:59 pm is a convenient way to ensure that students know they have until the end of a given day.

✔ Click on the Recommended Time Limit option to allow students to complete the quiz

without a required time frame.

*If choosing Enforced Time Limit, students must complete the quiz within the time limit you designate. Students will automatically see a time clock displayed.

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*For this example, the default of Recommended Time Limit can remain in place.

✔ Click on the Time Limit box to select a specific time limit for the quiz.

✔ Click on the box next to Show clock to allow students to see remaining time.

*If you have students eligible for extended time, you can set individual release conditions and time limits. For assistance in quiz and exam time limits to meet student accommodations, please contact [emailprotected].

◻ Additional Available Restrictions

In addition to the basic restrictions we have covered, there are also several options for restrictions:

● Due Date ● Availability ● Release Conditions ● Optional Advanced Restrictions ● Special Access

*To learn more about these options, please contact [emailprotected] to set up an individual consultation.

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Adding the Quiz to a Module

*Once you created your quiz, it will need to be published to a module so that students can access it.

◻ Access Content

✔ Click on the Content item of the Navigation Bar.

✔ Select the Module this quiz needs to be in from the left-hand menu.

✔ Click on the Existing Activities button within the module.

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✔ Select Quizzes from the dropdown menu.

✔ Select the quiz you just created from the list.

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*Any information entered when creating the quiz will automatically import over into the module.

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Making Your Course Available

ㅁ Courses in Brightspace are not automatically available to students. In order to

make your course visible, you have to complete a few quick steps.

✔ Click the Course Tools dropdown from your course navigation bar.

✔ Select Course Admin, which should be the first option.

✔ From the Site Setup section, Select Course Offering Information.

✔ Scroll down the page about halfway and Click the box next to Course is Active if it is

not already checked.

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**WARNING: Do not complete this last step unless your course is ready for your students.

✔ Scroll to the bottom of the page and Click the blue Save button.

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How to download a PDF from Brightspace? ›

To download a content file

In Brightspace Pulse, view a topic file containing a PDF or MP4. From the ellipsis (...) menu at the top of the page, tap Make available offline. Downloaded File icon.

How many classes can you fail at Purdue? ›

If you fail the same course or its equivalent three times, you will be academically dismissed from Purdue Global Law School.

How do you make quiz answers visible in Brightspace? ›

From the course navigation bar, click Course Tools and select Quizzes from the drop-down. Click the name of the quiz you would like to show answers for. Click to expand the Evaluation & Feedback section on the right.

What grade do you need to pass a class Purdue? ›

Pass/Not-Pass Option

Courses listed on a plan of study that are required by number (i.e. CHM 111, BTNY 120, STAT 301) cannot be taken as pass/not-pass. Students must earn a C- or higher to earn a “Pass” grade.

Does Brightspace accept PDF? ›

Note: For best performance, D2L recommends uploading all non-HTML documents as PDF files, since PDF files do not go through the conversion process. Students can download or print files if they have the correct permissions. When students download documents, they are saved in their native file formats.

What is a B+ at Purdue? ›

B+ = 3.3. B= 3.0 B- = 2.7. C+ = 2.3. C=2.0 C- = 1.7. D+ = 1.3.

What is a 4.0 GPA at Purdue Global? ›

The academic honors statuses are as follows: Cumulative GPA of 3.70–3.79: Cum Laude. Cumulative GPA of 3.80–3.99: Magna Cum Laude. Cumulative GPA of 4.0: Summa Cum Laude.

Does a WF affect your GPA in Purdue? ›

This grade does not affect GPA computations. A grade of WF may be directed by the Committee on Scholastic Delinquencies and Readmissions.

How do I see wrong answers on Brightspace? ›

By clicking Unread in the Evaluation Status column, you can view your right and wrong answers for quizzes. From your course homepage, navigate to Quizzes.

Are Quizzes on Brightspace proctored? ›

The instructor or proctoring software then shares the password at the start of the exam. IP Restrictions enable you to restrict access to a Brightspace quiz to a specific IP range. This could theoretically be used to restrict access to the quiz to a specific computer lab.

What can profs see on Brightspace Quizzes? ›

Once students have completed a quiz in Brightspace, instructors can view and export the following statistics:
  • User Stats – Statistics for individual users.
  • Question Stats – Statistics for each quiz question.
  • Question Details – Detailed analysis of each question.
Nov 27, 2023

Is a 3.7 GPA good for Purdue? ›

Average GPA: 3.74

This makes Purdue Strongly Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.74, Purdue requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, with a leaning toward A's.

Can I get into Purdue with a 2.7 GPA? ›

The recommended GPA requirements for Purdue are between 3.0 and 4.0.

Can I get into Purdue with a 3.5 GPA? ›

At Purdue, accepted students' average GPA ranges from 3.5 to 3.9, suggesting that applicants take hard courses and receive mainly As. In addition, the accepted students' average SAT span is 1120-1400, while their average ACT range is 26-33.

How do I export from Brightspace? ›

Steps to export your Brightspace course
  1. Go to the course you want to backup.
  2. Click Course Admin from the course navbar, then click on Import/Export/Copy Components.
  3. Select Export as Brightspace Package and click Start.
  4. In the Select Components to Export section, choose which components you want to export:

How do I download a PDF from my classroom? ›

Click on the three dots on the right top view and choose “Open in new window.” Step 5: Click on the download icon (usually represented by a downward-pointing arrow) to initiate the download of the PDF file. Once downloaded, locate the PDF file and open it using your preferred PDF reader.

How do I download a PDF from? ›

You can try right-clicking on the link to the PDF and selecting "Save link as" or "Download linked file." This will usually start the download process.

How do I download my student list from Brightspace? ›

To Export a Course Classlist
  1. Log into Brightspace using your MyCarletonOne credentials.
  2. On the Brightspace homepage, locate your course in one of the following ways: ...
  3. In the navbar, select Progress.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select Grades.
  5. Select the Enter grades tab.
  6. Select Export.
  7. Configure the export options:
Nov 3, 2023

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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 5332

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.