Balboa Capital Corporation VS Daniel T. Fowler d/b/a Fowler Audio & Theatric, 23CV001450-520, 10006216 (North Carolina St., Lee Co., Super. Ct. May. 2, 2023) (2024)

`DATEIMay 2, 2023
`TIME: 10:32:49 AM
`Abs'mc' N0-
`Z 00 43) '37 3
`JudgmenIEgDogjBook A115 Page No.
`Date Judgment Filed
`oun y
`Name O! Judgment Creditor (Plaintiff)
`Daniel T. Fowler D/B/A_ Fowler Audio and Theatric
`Name Of Judgment Debtor (Defendant)
`Balboa Capitol Corp. case no. 30-2008-00101579-CU-CL-CJC
`In The General Court Of Justice
`D DistriCt
`Superior Court Division
`(Use If Judgment Filed 0n 0r After Jan- 1 2006)
`NOTE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR: The Clerk of Superior Court cannot fill out this form for you.
`If you need assistance, you should talk with an
`THE EXEMPTIONS LISTED BELOW. These exemptions may include social security, unemployment, and workers' compensation benefits and earnings
`for your personal services rendered within the last 60 days. There'Is available to you a prompt procedure for challenging an attachment or levy on your
`l, the undersigned, move to set aside the property claimed below as exempt.
`| am a citizen and resident of Lee COUDty
`I am married to Joan Patterson Fowler
`D b.
`l am not married.
`My current address is 1008 Stoneybrook Drive, sanford, NC 27330
`4. The-following persons are dependent on me for support:
`Name(s) Of Person(s) Dependent On Me
`lwish to claim as exempt (keep from being taken) my interest In the following real or personal property, or in a cooperative that owns
`property, that | use as a residence l also wish to claim my interest In the following burial plots for myself or my dependents. l
`understand that my total interest claimed In the residence and burial plots may not exceed $35. 000.00, except that if l am
`unmarried and am 65 years of age or older, l am entitled to claim a total exemption in the residence and burial plots not to exceed
`$60,000.00 so long as the property was previously owned by me as a tenant by the entireties or as a joint tenant with rights of
`survivorship, and the former cca-owner of the property Is deceased.
`Street Address Of Residence
`County Where Property Located
`No. 8y Which Tax Assessor Identifies Property
`Legal Descripfion (Attach a copy ofyour deed or other instalment o! conveyance or describe property in as much detail as possible. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
`E] l am unmarried and 65 years of age or older and this property was previously owned by me as a tenant by entireties or as a joint tenant with rights of
`survivorship and the former co-owner of the property is deceased.
`Name(s) Of Owner(s) Of Record Of Residence
`Estimated Value Q! Residence (What You
`Think You Could Sell It For)
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`© 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts


`Amount Of Llen(s) And Name(s) And Address(es) Of Llenholder(s):
`(How much money Is owed on the property and ta whom)
`current Amount OWEd
`$ $
`Location OI Bun'al Plots Claimed
`Value Of Burial Plots Claimed
`| wish to claim the following personal property consisting of household furnishings. household goods. wearing apparel, appliances,
`books. animals. crops or musical instruments as exempt from the claims of my creditors (in other words, keep (hem from being taken
`from me). These items of personal property are held primarily for my personal, family or household use.
`| understand that l am entitled to personal property worth the sum of $5,000.00. l understand l am also entitled to an additional
`$1,000.00 for each person dependent upon me for support, but not to exceed $4,000.00 for dependents. l further understand that l
`am entitled to this amount after deducting from the value of the property the amount of any valid lien or security interest. Property
`purchased within ninety (90) days of this proceeding may not be exempt.
`(Some examples ofhousehold goods wou/d be Tv, appliances,
`furniture, clothing, radios, record players.)
`Item Of Property
`Schedule A (attached)
`Amount 0f Lien
`Or Security
`(Amount Owed On
`Fair Market
`(What You Could
`Sell I! For)
`5,000 S
`Namets) Of LIenholder(s)
`(To Whom Money ls Owed)
`Value Of Debtor's
`(Defendant's) Interest
`(Fair Market Value Less
`Amount Owed}
`| wish to claim my interest in the following motor vehicle as exempt from the claims of my creditors. l understand that l am entitled .
`to my interest in one motor vehicle worth the sum of $3,500.00 after deduction of any valid liens or security interests. | understand
`that a motor vehicle purchased within ninety (90) days of this proceeding may not be exempt.
`Name 0f Title Owner Of Record
`Make And Model
`Dodge Ram
`Dan Fowler
`Name Of LIenholder(s) 0i Record (Person(s) To Whom Money Is Owed)
`Fair Market Value (What You Could Sell It For)
`alue OfDebtors (Defendant's) Interest (Fair Market Value Less Amount Owed)
`Amount Of Liens (Amount Owed)
`(This item is to claim any other property you own that you wish to exempt.) | wish to claim the following property as exempt
`because l claimed residential real or personal property as exempt that is worth less than $35,000.00, or | made no claim fora
`residential exemption under section (5) above. | understand that l am entitled to an exemption of up to $5,000.00 on any property
`only if l made no claim under section (5) or a claim that was less than $35,000.00 under Section (5). l understand that | am entitled
`to claim any unused amount that | was permitted to take under section (5) up to a maximum of $5,000.00 In any property.
`(Examples. Ifyou claim $34,000 under section (5), $1, 000 allowed here; Ifyou claim $30,000 under section (5), $5,000 allowed here; If you claim
`| further understand that the amount of my claim under this section is after the
`$35, 000 under section (5), no claim allowed here)
`deduction from the value of this property ofthe amount of any valid lien or security interests and that tangible personal property
`purchased within ninety (90) days of this proceeding may not be exempt.
`Fair Market
`Item Of Personal Property
`Amount Of
`' firearms
`Namets) Of LIenholder(s)
`Value Of Debtor's
`(Defendant's) Interest
`Real Property Claimed (l understand that if / wish to claim more than one parcel, I must attach additional pages setting forth the fol/owing
`information for each parcel claimed as exempt.)
`Estimated Value O! Property (What You Could Sell It For)
`Street Address
`No. By Which Tax Assessor Identifies Property
`County Where Property Located
`Descripfion (Attach a copy ofyour deed or other instrument of conveyance or describe the property in as much detail as possible.)
`AOC-CV~415, Page 2 of 4, Rev. 1/14
`© 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts


`Name Of Judgment Creditor (Plaintiff)
`Name And Address Of Lienholder
`Name And Address Of Lienholder
`File No.
`25CVOOI<§SO — 520
`Judgment Docket Book And Page No.
`Abstract 'No.
`Date Judgment Filed
`Current Amount Owed
`Current Amount Owed
`(Attach additional sheets for more lienho/ders.)
`lwish to claim the following items of health care aid (whee/chairs, hean'ng aids, etc.) necessary for D myself D my dependents.
`I wish to claim the following implements, professional books, or tools (not to exceed $2,000.00), of my trade or the trade of my
`| understand such property purchased within ninety (90) days ofthis proceeding may not be exempt.
`Estlmated Value
`(What You Could Sell it For)
`What Business Or Trade Used In
`2,000 gunsmithing
`$ $
`lwish to claim the following life insurance policies whose sole beneficiaries are my spouse and/or my children as exempt.
`Name Of Insurer
`Policy Number
`Farm Bureau Insurance ofNC
`Payton Fowler
`I wish to claim as exempt the following compensation that I received or to which I am entitled for the personal injury of myself or a
`person upon whom I was dependent for support, including compensation from a private disability policy or an annuity, or
`compensation that I received for the death of a person upon whom I was dependent for support. I understand that this
`compensation is not exempt from claims for funeral, legal, medical, dental, hospital or health care charges related to theaccident
`or injury that resulted in the payment of the compensation to me. (Add additional sheets if more than one amount of compensation.)
`Method or Payment (Lump Sum Or Installments - I! installments, State Amounts, Frequency)
`Amount Of Compensation
`$ L
`ocation/Source Of Compensation
`lwish to claim my individual retirement accounts, including Roth accounts, and individual retirement annuities tlRA's) that are listed
`Name O! Custodian Of IRA Account
`Type OfAccount
`Type OIAccount
`Account Number
`Account Number
`Name O! Custodian OI IRA Account
`l wish to claim the following funds I hold in a college savings plan that is qualified under section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code,
`not to exceed $25,000.00. | understand that the plan must be for my child and must actually be used for the child's college
`expenses. I understand that I may not exempt any funds I placed in this account within the preceding 12 months, except to the
`extent that any contributions were made in the ordinary course of my financial affairs and were consistent with!my past pattern of
`College Savings Plan
`Account Number
`Name(s) Of Child(ren) Beneficiaries
`AOC-CV~415, Page 3 of4, Rev. 1/14
`© 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts


`'I Wish to claim the following retiremenf behe-fit's'to which | am entitled under the retirement plans of etherflstateswahdvgeheihhiehtel
`units of other states. l understand that these benefits are exempt only to the extent these benefits are exempt under the law of the
`state or governmental unit under which the benefit plan was established.
`State/Governmental Unlt
`Name of Retirement Plan
`ldentifylng Number
`l wish to claim as exempt any alimony, support separate maintenance. or child support payments or funds that l: have received or
`that | am entitled to receive. l understand that these payments are exempt only to the extent that they are reasonably necessary
`for my support or for the support of a person dependent on me for support.
`Type 0f Support
`Person Paying Support
`Amount 0f Support
`Location Of Funds
`$ $
`17. The following is a complete listing of my property which | do NOT claim as exempt.
`Estimated Value
`$ $ $
`l certify that the above statements are true.
`or De
`19. A copy of thIs Motion was served on the judgment creditor (plaintiff) by. D delivering a copy to thejudgment creditor (plaintiff)
`personally D delivering a copy to
`attorney." I depositing a copy of this Motion in a post-paid properly addressed envelope in a post office, addressed to the
`,the judgment creditor's
`judgment creditor (plaintiff) at the address shown on the notice of rights served on me. D depositing a copy of this motion in
`a post-paid properly addressed envelope In a post offce addressed to the judgment creditors (plaintiff's) attorney at the following
`Address And Phone Number OfAttomey For Debtor (Defendant)
`1008 Stoneybrook Drive, Sanford, NC 27330
`S [2/Z3 '
`Debtor/Aftomey For
`Zebtor (Cndan!)
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`© 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts


`Schedule A Attachment to Exemption Sheet/ Case No. 30-2008-00101579-CU-CL-CJC
`0W Collector's Series . Rod Spider Pine. 3 sided DW 55 Rack
`8x8 Pacific Maple (stained red to match)
`10 x 8 8b
`12 x 9 Eb
`14 x 11 C"
`16 x 13 G"
`22 x 18 A kick
`DW Keller shells (1997) Burgundy Satin
`DW Performance Series (Candy Apple)
`8x 7
`10x 8
`12x 9
`1411 12
`16x 14
`18x 16
`24x 18
`no S/N
`11 5896
`14 x 6.5 matching snaro
`Yamaha Recording Custom ln Stage Whlte
`e x 10
`10x 10
`12x 12
`14x 12
`16x 14
`22x 16
`24x 14 kick
`24x16 kick
`Yamaha Maple Absolute Nouveau in Blue Sparkle
`8 x 8
`10x 9
`12x 10
`13x 9
`14x 14
`OK01 793


`16x 16
`16x 16
`22x 18 kick
`24 x 18 kick
`ABD 1 5241'
`Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute In Blue Sparkle (matches above)
`12 x 8
`14 x13
`18 x 16 In Birch (added 7.20.15)
`MAT 1208
`MAT 1413
`Pearl Masters In Purple Mist and 24 K gold hardware (ell Meple shells)
`8x 8
`10x 10
`12x 10
`14x 12
`18 x 16 (Mapex maple)
`22 x 18 Rick
`6 x 14 matching snare
`20 x 14 Gong Bass Drum 6 ply Decade Maple burst
`Pearl Master Works Limbo wood, Gold Hdwe. New 10/20I22
`1 55266
`161 378
`no sIn
`21 0626
`21 0628
`21 0629
`21 0633
`21 0631
`Pearl Session Studio Select Barnwood Brown Gloss
`1 0x7
`1 2118
`Senor Delite, Birdseye Amber Maple
`born on date
`12 x 9


`Tama Stnrclesslc Maple Shell Chameleon Green (gold lugs & hoops)
`8 x 7
`10x 9
`12x 10
`14x 14
`16x 15
`22 x 18 kick
`14 x 5.509071491
`Gretsch New Classic Vintage Glass Nitron (Gold)
`10 x 8
`12 x 9
`14 x 14
`16 x 16 built Gretsch USA shell
`22 x 20 kick
`20 x 14 kick Round Badge vintage USA model 4248
`14 x 5.5 matching snare
`09031 542
`no s/n
`no sln
`no sln
`no s/n
`no sIn
`no sln
`Mapex Saturn V Exotic Nat. Ash Burl black chrome hdwe. (11.26.15)
`8 x 8 (refinished Saturn hedged tom)
`10 x 8
`1 2 x 9
`1 4 x 14
`1 6 x 1 6
`22 x 18
`14 x 6.5 Saturn IV matching snare
`01 7783
`01 7757
`01 7901
`01 7833
`Mapex Saturn V Exotic Nat. Ash Burl black chrome hdwe. (7/25/18)
`10x 8
`12): 9
`14x 14
`22 n 18
`Toma Starclasslc O
`' '
`' L
`Inlay) brushed
`8 x 7
`10x 8
`14x 11
`15x 12
`15x 12
`16x 16
`17061 116


`22x 18 kick
`22x 18 kick
`24x 18 kick
`14 x 6.5 StarClassic Omnl-luno Bublnga snare
`16 x 14 StarClasslc Elite (non-matching) natural Cordia
`1 5021667
`1 5032227
`1 8031307
`1 61 21 539
`1 3030541
`Ludwig Maple Classic Power4 Gloss Whlto exotic (7 ply. 6 mm shells)
`8 x 7 white marine pearl (new 1.5.20)
`10x 6.5
`10 x 9
`13 x 9
`13 x 9 3 ply
`13 x 11
`14x 14
`15x 12 3 ply
`16x 16
`18 x 16
`24 x 18 kick
`22 x 16 klck
`20 x 14 kick
`18 x 14 klck 9/98 wl Danmar riser
`14 x 8 matching snare
`Yamaha Absolute Hybrid Maplo gloss Black
`8 x 7
`10 x 7
`12x 8
`14 x13
`18 x 15
`22 x 13 kick
`20 x 16 kick
`18 x 14 kick
`AMT 0807
`AMT1007 HOK4325
`AMT1208 HO K4326
`AMF1413 HOK4327
`AMB1 615 HOJ3 553
`AM82218 HON0143
`AM3201 6 HPK 0111
`FAT-AM B1 814-503
`Ludwig Concert Bass Drum
`36 x 18 black Cortex Fiborskyn heads, LE787 stand
`Pork Pie co*cktail Kit (Natural Mahogany Satin) birch/mahogan'y shells
`1 5 x 24
`10 x 5 tom
`8 x 5 snare
`Cymbal boom. Glbraltar pedal
`Roland TD-50V Klt 2/20/18
`PBX-1 00


`z1 H1282
`(21) 23H3760
`KT-10 kick pedal all in case 2.5.19
`Pearl Purple Mist 14 x 6 gold hardware (matches kit)
`Pearl Omar Hakim 13 x 5 mahogany, natural
`OH 1750
`Pearl 10 x 3 popcorn maple, natural
`Peari14x 6.5 Dennis Chambers, wood hoops, Opal White DC 3319
`Pearl 10 x 6 natural maple
`Yamaha Anton Fig 14 x 6 maple, wood hoops. black
`Legend 14x 6.5 Brass snare, 30 strand snare set. natural
`no s/n
`Gretsch 14x 5 COB, 42 strand snare set (rough)
`Gratsch 14x 6.6 model 4167 008, 42 strand snare
`Ludwig 67' 14 x 5 Supersensitive Ludalloy shell
`Ludwig14x 5 Millennium Limited Edition BirdsEye Maple
`Ludwig Legacy 14x 65 Carmel Burst Lacewood
`Ludwig maple 13 x 3.5 Piccolo Maple
`Ludwig Brass en Brass Black Beauty 14 x 5
`Ludwig Brass on Brass Black Beauty 14x 6.5
`model SD096
`no sin
`signed Robert RK
`Ludwig 12 x 6 Rod Sparkle maple
`Ludwig LM40214 x 65 Chrome Supraphonic
`Yamaha Recording Custom 14): 6.5 birch
`dual strainer. power hoops, firecracker red
`Dixon 13 x 6 Rosewood
`Tame Matalworks 13 x 6.5 black eatin steel
`Tema Starclasslc14x 5.5 (matches kit)
`Salt City 12 x 7 maple. Mystic Purple
`Tama Omni-tune Bubinga 14 x 6 (matches kit)
`Tama Omni-tune Bubinga 14 x 6 (black)
`DW 10 x 8 custom
`DW14x 6.5 Candy Apple
`DW14x 8 Peflormance Chroma Steel
`Canopus 14 x 5.5 Ash (natural)
`Vinnie Pa'dl 14 x 8 Dragon Inlay
`Sllngerland 14 x 6.5 African Mahogany (1970's)
`Gretsch New Classic Maple 14 x 5.5 ivory Marine Pearl
`no sIn
`no sin
`no sin
`no sln


`Sakao 13 x 7 Bubinga blue to Silver fade 2009
`GMS Freddie Holliday Sig. Snare 14 x 5.5
`Mapex 14 x 7 Black Panther black satin gloss
`Mapex Exotic Ash Burl 14 x 6.5
`Tama14 x 8 WalnutlBirch Vintage Marine starClaseic
`no a/n
`no sin
`DW 5000 dual. DW 9000 dual in case. DW 3000 Single. DW 9000XL single
`DW 5000 dual. 5000 Turbo, PDP Dual
`DW 9000XL singio
`Iron Cobra Chroma single in case
`Yamaha FPSC direct drive
`Yamaha FP-SSOOC double-chain or belt. single
`Ludwig LM815FPR single kick
`AXIS AL-2 Long Board double pedal. Vater heaters
`Butt Kicker Concert on Pork Pie Big Boy red Leopard
`A5070221 2
`A31 7851
`Butt-Kicker Amp
`Roland KT-10 kick podal
`Pearl P150000 Eliminator
`DW 5500TL. DW 9500TB, Yamaha HS-12000. Yamaha HS-11 00. Yamaha HS 850. Ludwig,TAMA iron Cobra HH9050. LC316. Mapex Armory Chrome. Pearl H-2050.
`Yamaha 1200
`DW 9000 XLK 3 leg
`LP 8" Ridge Rider. LP Black Beauty. Meinl chrome 8"
`Timbaie 14" Yamaha Alex Acuna. white maple
`Timbaie 15" Yamaha Aiox Acuna. white mapio
`Mainl13 & 14" HeadLiner chrome timbalos
`Meinl14 & 15 Louis Conte Brass Timbalos
`LP Matador bongos. white
`LP Gen ii Bongos Sunburst in Gator case
`LP Classic Quinto 11". white fiberglass
`LP Classic Conga 11 '/4". white fiberglass
`LP Classic Tumbador 12". black fiberglass
`LP Djembe Giovanni wl Giibraitar GPDS stand
`Gibraltar GPRWS Percussion workstation
`Udu C1. LP Pro Shakere
`DoLak 19" SheoSham wood
`no s/n
`no s/n
`no s/n
`no sin
`no sin
`no sin
`no eln
`no s/n
`no s/n
`LP Classic 11" Quinto topiuner Vintage Sunburst in Gator case no sin


`LP Classic 11-3/4" Conga toptuner Vintago Sunburstin Gator case no sIn
`LP Classic 12-1/2" Tumba toptuner Vintage Sunburst In Gator case no sIn
`Pearl Bata FHA-50
`Pearl Bata PHA-Go
`Pearl Bata FHA-70 (now 2.10.19)
`Single rowl dual row LP wind chimes ~
`Meinl Darbuke
`Ludwlg Universal 25" Copper Timpani
`Ludwig Universal 28" copper Timpani
`Marimba Warehouse MW402
`Glockenspiel In case, PBS-20 stand w/ tilt mount
`Roland SPD-20
`Roland SPD-20
`Roland sbo-s
`Roland SPD-S
`Roland SPD-SX
`Roland SPD-SX (7.22.16)
`Roland SPD-SX Special Edition (5.25.18)
`Roland sPD-SX Pro (1.5.23)
`Roland Handsonic HOP-15
`Roland FD-8 Hat pedal
`Roland PD-11 klck pad
`Roland PD-21 single output
`Roland PD-31 quad output
`Roland KD-9 klck pad
`Roland Octapad (Pad 8)
`Roland Octapad (Pad 8)
`Yamaha DTX Multi 12
`Ddrum DTS Pro Trigger (snaro)
`A1 c4714
`NW1 7423
`Roland PD-120 mesh pads (2) V drum
`6015503. 0015493
`Roland PD-1OO mesh pads (2) V drum
`Roland PD-8 pads (6)
`Roland SPD-SX Pro (1.9.23)
`Zllcfilan Vintage K vault:
`22" 1970's Vintage Ride 27026
`20" 1950's Vintage Ride 22906
`18" Session crash
`17" Med Thin crash
`16" Dark crash
`14" Dark crash


`AH88768 077
`AH88622 053
`AH89563 001
`AH55964 001
`AH8871 3 056
`TOP AHBSB 55 034
`BOTTOM AH89855 058
`14" NowBoat hats
`Zildjian K vault:
`20" 60's ride
`18' last crash
`162' last crash
`16" 60's crush
`15" NawBaat hats
`Zildjian K Sweat Series
`23" Sweet Ride
`20" Sweet Crash
`19" Sweet Crash
`18" Sweet Crash
`17" Sweet Crash
`16" Sweet Crash
`15" Sweet Hats
`Zildjian Custom A vault:
`23" "A" Custom Sweet Ride
`21" Projection rido
`20" Mad ride
`29" Projection Crash
`19" Projection crash
`18" Projection crush
`17" A Custom Med.
`16' Projection crush
`16" 2 custom
`15" Fast Crash
`14" Nchoat hats
`12" Special Recording hats
`Zildjian Dark K vault:
`24" thln rldo
`22" Custom dark ride
`20" Custom dark crash
`19" Custom dark crash
`18" Custom dark crash
`17" Custom dark crush
`16" Custom dark crush
`14" Hi Def hats
`zlldjlan Constantinople Vault
`22" ride
`19'I crash
`18" crash


`1 7'| crash
`16' crash
`14" quick beat hats
`EFX cymbals:
`21" Zildjian Custom Special Dry Trash Crash
`18" Sablan Ozone crash
`18" Sablan Ozone crash (cracked)
`1 6" XSR O-zone
`15" Ozone fabricated
`10" Sabian HHX Splash
`12" Sabian HHX Splash
`8" Sabian Splash
`12" Sabian Chopper
`Misc fab'd splashes
`8" Istanbul Agop Xist splash
`16" Sabien HH
`16" Zildjian Hlgh China
`18" Zildjian Hlgh China
`20" Zildjian High China
`19" Chlna Boy
`19" Paragon, Chine
`20" Low China
`Palsto cymbal vault:
`Slgnature13" Sound Edge hats
`Signature Precision Heavy 14" hate
`15' Fast Crash
`17" Extra Thin crash
`16" Power Crash
`14" Swiss HiHats
`8" Splash
`2x 10" splashes
`12" Splash
`12" cut down chlna
`20"1ull cresh
`19"1ull crash
`1 8"1ull crash
`17" full crash
`20" Dry Dark rlde 24" 2002 ride
`22" dark energy ride
`24" 2002 ride




`Zildjlan13" KIZ hate
`ZiICUian 14" Mastorsound hats
`Zilcfiian 14" crash
`Sabian 10" HHX splash
`Paiste 22" Symphonic Gong and M2 Mallet
`Zlldjian Crotalos High Octave
`Zildjlan Cmtalos Low Octave
`Marshal tlTM-45 Mk ll Metro Amp Plaxi clone (black)
`Marshal JTM-45 Cieratone Plexi clone (white)
`Marshall JCM 800 100w 2 ch.
`Marshall JCM 800 50w 1986 2205
`Marshall JCM 800 100w Super Lead Mkll 2 ch
`Marshall JCM 800 100w White Master Load 1988
`Marshall JCM 800 100w 1987
`Marshall JCM 900 100w 2 ch. model 2100 ,1991
`Marshall JCM 900 100w 2 ch . 2100 SL-X
`Marshall JVM 410H 100w 4 channel
`M2007-16-0587-2 RoHs Marshall JCM 2000 DSL w/ F-S
`Marshall JCM 2000 TSL wlloot switch
`4 CH footswitch for TSL
`M2007-6—1 117-0 RoHs
`Marshall Anniversary 412 Re-tolexod whlto
`Marshall JCM 1960 Vintage white 4 X 12
`watt G1 2M Rolos
`1960A Cab wlth 4 x 12 75w Celestions 4I80hm mono, 8I8 stereo FAT 1960
`1960AX Cab with 4 x 12 30 watt G1 2M Rolo's
`19605 cab with 30watt G12H Celestions
`19603 cab le1 2T-75
`1960A cab wIG12T-75
`1960A cab wIG12T-75
`19608 cab wIG12T-75
`19608 cab w/G1 2T-75
`1960A cab w/G1 2T-75
`M1998-28-011 8-Z
`Mesa Boogie Mark V 1x12 Black Shadow .born on 8.12.2010 KKV-0M235
`Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 3 channel with foot pedal (6L6's)
`Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 3 channel with foot pedal
`Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 3 Channel with 1notpedel(EL-34)
`Mesa Boogie Trom-o-vorb 100w head (EL-84's)
`Mesa Boogie Widebody12" cab (straight)
`Mesa Boogie 4x12 Slant cab In case
`Mesa Boogie 4x12 oversize cab (straight) in cover
`Mesa Boogie 4x12 straight cab
`0 36270
`1960A Cab with 4 x 12 30
`11 of 20


`Mesa Boogie 4x12 half back
`Mesa Boogie Lonester Special, class "A" 5l15l30W 2010
`Mesa Boogie Lonestar Special. Class "A" 5/15/30W 2010
`Mesa Boogie Lenestar Walnut 100/50/10 1996
`Mesa Boogie Reedking combo
`Fender Blues Jr le/Celestien Vintage 30 Rattlesnake Telex
`Fender Bessman 50 (1969) w/ 4-10 sealed cab
`Fender Bessman 50 (1966) w/ 2-12 eealed can
`NFL "
`Fender "
`50 (1964) "'
`' '
`Fender Beesmen 50 (1967) Silverfece
`Fender "'
`50 (1962) or
`Fender "'
`50(1962) a:
`Fender Bandmaster (1968) Silverface
`C4=O71 1 7
`Blonde Telex 666-8
`Blonde Telex 6G6-A
`A1 6703
`no s/n
`no sln
`R0281 0
`no s/n
`A1 2954
`A 2021 2
`Fender Dual Showman 100w (1969) Silverlace
`Fender 2-12 cab (JBL 2206)
`Fender 2-1 5 ceb (Eminence SO magnet)
`Fender 2-15 ceb (EV) L15 - B
`Fender 2-12 cab Bandmaster Rev. (J BL 0-120)
`Fender 2-12 cab (JBL E120)
`Fender 2-1 5 oeb (JBL D-130)
`Fender Twln 135W '75 Ultralinear (NMV), 2x Altec 417's
`Fender Twln 135W '75 Ultrallnear (chassis only)
`Fender Twln Silverlace '73 master volume (push-pull) JBL D120F A605754
`Fender Twin '66 Bleekfaee . 2" EV SRO12's
`Fender Twin '67 Bleekfeee. 2x JBLK120's
`Fender Twin '74 Bleekfeeed , 2 x All-Tone1250's
`Fender Vibrolux 64', 2 x 10 Alnico Blue Pups, 20w
`' highly
`Fender Deluxe Reverb 66' Blackface
`Fender Super Reverb
`J)1x15" Weber
`Fender Deluxe Reverb 67' w/ All-Tone 1250
`Fender Deluxe Reverb reissue modded to 65'epee
`Fender Deluxe Reverb 79' Silverface wl All-Tone 1250's
`Fender Deluxe Reverb 80' Silverfece wl stock driver
`Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 1994 Fronel Mod JS1250
`Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 2005 Fremel Mod JS1250
`Fender Hot Red Deluxe Meple 2004 All-Tone 1250
`Fender Super Reverb 67' w/ 4-10" vintage alnleo blues
`Fender Princeton blaekface 64' 1x10" All-Tone
`Fender Princeton tweed wl JBL 208
`Fender Pr'
`Fender Blues Jr Ver IV RaIUesnake (9/30I22)
`A81 2039
`s 135227
`s 120075
`1 88932
`on 401355
`12 of 20


`Fender Blues Jr Vor Ill 2004 Limited Edition
`EVH Fender Stealth 5150 III
`EVH Fender Stealth 4x12 cablnet
`VOX ACSOIG TBX wI Vox Celestian Blues 2x12
`VOX ACSOIG TB 30'" Cream w/ Vex Celestion Blues 2x12(1991)
`JCM120 Roland 2x12
`JCM120 Roland 2x12
`Fender Acousticsonic 30
`Fender Hot Rod DeVille 4x10
`Fender Hot Rod DeVille 4x10
`Fender Blues DeVillewl Blue Alnlces 4x10
`Fender Blues DoVille wlBlue Alnicoa 4x10
`Fender Vibro King 60w CSR4 1999
`Orange ADSOHTC head
`Orange PP6412 HPB
`Matchless DC-30 (Vintage 30ICelestion Geld load) 3.16.1 6
`Matchless DC-30 (Vintage 30/Celestion Geld load) 12.5.17
`Blackstar HT-GO 2x12 wlpedal
`845644000333 0001 12071215
`Blackstar HT-GO Soloist wlpedal
`Peavey Classic 30 head
`51478025 2006 270
`Peavey Classic 4105 Tweed 4x10 cab mfg 03
`Peevey Classic 50 combo 410 Stephens 10b's 12/2016
`SWR California Blonde |l
`Analog.Man KoT v.4 Hi Gain red side
`DareDevil 312 Vintage Fun Tone
`Boss RE-20 DDL
`Boss RE-20 DDL
`Boss ME-ao multi-efiecls pedal board wlFSAZ PSU
`Dunlop Crybaby Bass Wah Pedal (white)
`Radial BigShot True bypass amp swltcher
`Boss TU-2 Tuner
`Boss TU-3 Tuner
`Boss TU-3 Tuner
`TC Polytune Tuner
`Boss FV-500H
`Electro-Harmonix Superego
`ProCo Rat2 wl LM308N chip
`Bess GT-10 ln bag
`Carls Custom Speaker Soak
`WayHuge Ringworm
`MXR M101 Phase 90
`no sln
`13 of 20




`TC Electronlc RS410
`Mark Base Multiamp S 04/2014
`Mark Bass STD 104 HR
`Mark Bess STD 104 HR
`Korg DT-1 Tuner
`Korg DTR-2 Tuner
`Peterson Strobotuner in case w/mic
`KEYBOARDS (mechanical lvintage)
`550-1 02245
`Hammond 0-3
`142 Leslie (2 speed) wlthru connect
`122 Leslie (2 speed)
`122 Leslie (2 speed)
`145 Leslie (2 speed)
`JR-20 Tone cabinet
`Wurlitzer 200A piano
`Rhodes stage piano
`Fender Rhodes stage piano
`Rhodes MK II
`Hohner 06 clevinet
`Yamaha CP-7OB
`KEYBOARDS (vintage electronic synths)
`Roland 0-50
`Roland XP-SO
`Roland XP-80 (76 key)
`Roland XP-80 (76 key) 7/1 0/1 8
`Roland JV-BO
`Roland JP-BOOO
`Yamaha DX-7
`Yamaha DX-7II
`Korg Trinity V3 (73 key)
`Roland JD-800 (61 key)
`Roland Juno-106
`Korg Prophecy
`Microkorg wl mic
`Korg M-1 (ORGANIZER. 3-101 cards)
`Roland W30
`Roland Juno 2
`Roland Jupiter 80
`Roland Juplter 80 (2.5.19)
`1'l week. 1979
`44" week, 1971
`50m week 1980
`63671 80
`21 53839
`AK 24646


`KEYBOARDS (electronic)
`Yamaha Mom 8
`Yamaha Mom 7
`P01 295
`Yamaha MotifXS-B (new o key, 3.1.17)
`Yamaha Mom 554;
`Yamaha Mom 53-7
`UALH01 047
`Yamaha Motif ES-8 (new 9.10.18) mastor&LCD bd 2.25.23 UAMLO1113
`Yamaha Mom Es-8 (now 6.28.22)
`Yamaha Motif ES-8
`Yamaha Motif XF-7 while 10.31 .17
`Yamaha MolifXF-7
`Yamaha Motif XF-8 (now F key, 4 .28.1 6)
`UAUL0101 7
`Yamaha Montage 7-76 key w/MOSS exp KLM 2076
`Yamaha Montage 8-88 koy (8.22.17)
`Kork Microkorg
`Korg Triton Pro X (88 keys)
`Korg Triton Pro (76 keys)
`Korg Triton studlo 08
`Korg Triton Studio 61
`Korg Triton Extreme 08
`Korg MS 2000 6
`Korg KronosX
`Korg Kronos2-88
`Korg Krome EX73 (4.1.23)
`Korg Kronos 2-61 key
`Korg M-3/ 73 key 256 expansion I Rndiaa card
`Korg Prologue 51 key (10.1.21)
`Roland Juno-X (9.27.22)
`Roland RlJ-2880
`Roland RD 7OOGX
`Roland FantDmB now 2022
`Roland Fantom 07 new 2022
`Roland FANTOM X7
`Roland FANTOM G7
`Roland FANTOM X0
`Roland V-Synth GT Vor. 2.0, 61 key
`Roland System 8
`Roland GAlA SH—01 (8.4.16)
`Roland JD-XA (2.20.18)
`1 27061
`0031 86
`(21) 20l6442
`ZX1471 3
`(21 )29M4812
`2X98658 H
`2W80451 H
`Z4F031 5
`16 of 20


`Roland Juno G wl128 expansion (5.9.18)
`Roland FA-OS
`Roland VR-730
`Moog ONE mfg 4.1 6.22
`Moog Voyager (5.1

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Balboa Capital Corporation VS Daniel T. Fowler d/b/a Fowler Audio & Theatric, 23CV001450-520,  10006216 (North Carolina St., Lee Co., Super. Ct. May. 2, 2023) (2024)
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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.